Abroad Quotes

Text Quotes
The world looks at China as a big place with a lot of people, a good place to make money. And because so many Chinese families send their kids abroad to study, they are familiar with foreign cultures, so Hollywood films are very successful in China (Abroad Quotes)
In college, my wife did a study abroad in Nairobi, and I did the exact same program in Cape Town. For me, the experience of being in that other culture really set up a longing. When I’m traveling, things seem really sharp. You learn things ten times faster (Abroad Quotes)
A youth, when at home, should be filial and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies (Abroad Quotes)
I’m a pacifist. I believe there are ways to solve the world’s problems. Instead of putting all this money to create arms, I think countries should invest in scholarships for kids to study abroad. Perhaps they could become good and knowledgeable professors in their own countries. You need time for that kind of change, though (Abroad Quotes)
I generally don’t follow domestic news that much aside from how it relates to the stories I’m covering abroad, like what Americans think of the War in Afghanistan. (Abroad Quotes)
Many African leaders refuse to send their troops on peace keeping missions abroad because they probably need their armies to intimidate their own populations. (Abroad Quotes)
My family went to Toronto to visit relatives when I was 13 or 14. It was the first time we had ever been abroad. This was the early Eighties, and I remember the impossible glamour of air travel - my mum spending days trying to decide what she was going to wear on the plane. (Abroad Quotes)
American citizens have been killed abroad by drones with no due process, no accountability, no judicial review. (Abroad Quotes)
While foreign competitors, French or Japanese or German, merrily bid for contracts abroad, American companies find themselves tangled in a web of legislation designed to express disapproval, block trade in certain commodities, or perhaps deny resources to disfavored or hostile regimes. (Abroad Quotes)
A better way to help American companies compete against competitors abroad is to remove all series and myriad of obstacles they face in America, whether it’s union rules in some states or massive amounts of regulation imposed upon them, one of the most expensive combined corporate tax rates on the planet. (Abroad Quotes)
What was most striking about the Obama speech in Berlin was not anything he said so much as the alternative reality it fostered: many American children have never before seen huge crowds turn out abroad to wave American flags instead of burn them. (Abroad Quotes)
Even some of us who make movies underestimate their influence abroad. American movies sell American culture. Foreigners want to see American movies. But that’s also why so many foreign governments and groups object to them. (Abroad Quotes)
Behind every American soldier, dozens of their countrymen tonight sleep soundly Â- and hundreds more in their shadow abroad will wake up alive and safe. (Abroad Quotes)
I’ve spent days in cinemas answering questions from the audience, in interviews, travelling abroad, and all they do is thank me nicely. (Abroad Quotes)
Armed forces abroad are of little value unless there is prudent counsel at home (Abroad Quotes)
As we’ve seen, deploying large armies abroad won’t always be our best offense. Countries typically don’t want foreign soldiers in their cities and towns. (Abroad Quotes)
I feel growing up in Mumbai is an advantage, as we grow up speaking so many languages that when we go abroad, it becomes easier to learn new languages. (Abroad Quotes)
My parents always asked me what I thought, listened to my opinions, articulated their diagnoses of our challenges at home and abroad, and shared their ideas for how to build a more equal and prosperous country. I always felt part of their call to serve and part of my father’s journey. (Abroad Quotes)
Part of the reason people abroad resent the United States is something Americans can do very little about: envy. The richest, most powerful country in the world attracts the jealousy of others in much the same way that the richest, most powerful man in a small town attracts the jealousy of others. (Abroad Quotes)
We have an obligation to spread amateur baseball both at home and abroad. Building up the game at all levels - Little League, Babe Ruth Leagues, the colleges - is in our own self-interest. That’s where the pool of talent is - and also of fans. (Abroad Quotes)
I didn’t start traveling abroad until I was 17, but I spent many summers on the beaches of Donegal in Ireland. (Abroad Quotes)
[Yahya Khan] thought of nothing but acquiring beautiful cars, building beautiful homes, making friends with bankers, and sending money abroad. (Abroad Quotes)
When your country is in a costly war, with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home, being asked to pay your fair share isn’t class warfare - it’s patriotism. (Abroad Quotes)
Unusually for an Indian man of his generation, my father, being aware of my mother’s intellectual abilities, encouraged her to go abroad by herself to obtain a Ph.D. (Abroad Quotes)
I report to you that our country is challenged at home and abroad: that it is our will that is being tried and not our strength; our sense of purpose and not our ability to achieve a better America. (Abroad Quotes)
I was never very interested in my own experience, I think, in fact, if my films have a common link, maybe it’s being a foreigner - it’s common for people who are born abroad - they don’t know so well where they belong. (Abroad Quotes)
There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all. (Abroad Quotes)
Georgian society can no longer be divided. I don’t want to see our country’s best minds leaving the country to try their luck abroad. (Abroad Quotes)
We’re busy exporting Democracy abroad to Afghanistan and Iraq, which is fine, but what we really need to do is a better job at making our Democracy work right here at home (Abroad Quotes)
I think that the World Cup is a big factor for this increased interest. I don’t believe all of this is a result of just myself but also because of the others who are playing abroad. (Abroad Quotes)