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Absurdities Quotes

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All the world is believers! They just believe in different absurdities!  (Absurdities Quotes) Crude absurdities, trivial nonsense, and sublime truths are equally potent in readying people for self-sacrifice if they are accepted as the sole, eternal truth  (Absurdities Quotes) Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.  (Absurdities Quotes) Part of being a comedian is that it’s your job to look at life and regurgitate it in a funny way, to point out its absurdities.  (Absurdities Quotes) Intelligent, thinking people could take things like this in their stride, just as they took the larger absurdities of deadly dull jobs in the city and deadly dull homes in the suburbs. Economic circumstances might force you to live in this environment, but the important thing was to keep from being contaminated. The important thing, always, was to remember who you were  (Absurdities Quotes) Crude absurdities, trivial nonsense, and sublime truths are equally potent in readying people for self sacrifice if they are accepted as the sole, eternal truth  (Absurdities Quotes) Is it not a species of blasphemy to call the New Testament revealed religion, when we see in it such contradictions and absurdities  (Absurdities Quotes) Life is full of infinite absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true  (Absurdities Quotes) Life is full of strange absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true  (Absurdities Quotes) Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices  (Absurdities Quotes) Idolatry is certainly the first born of folly, the great and leading paradox; nay, the very abridgment and sum total of all absurdities  (Absurdities Quotes) Humor is very interesting to me. My films are not comedies, but there’s comedy in them from time to time, absurdities, just like in real life  (Absurdities Quotes) Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety. Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your  (Absurdities Quotes) The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow  (Absurdities Quotes) The greater absurdities are, the more strongly they evince the falsity of that supposition from whence they flow  (Absurdities Quotes) You’ve just got to focus on excellence and try not to be distracted by the news and the rumors and the absurdities of the stories that were coming out  (Absurdities Quotes) History is a jangle of accidents, blunders, surprises and absurdities, and so is our knowledge of it, but if we are to report it at all we must impose some order upon it  (Absurdities Quotes) This socialism will develop in all its phases until it reaches its own extremes and absurdities. Then once again a cry of denial will break from the titanic chest of the revolutionary minority and again a mortal struggle will begin, in which socialism will play the role of contemporary conservatism and will be overwhelmed in the subsequent revolution, as yet unknown to us  (Absurdities Quotes) When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities  (Absurdities Quotes) Physics advances by accepting absurdities. Its history is one of unbelievable ideas proving to be true  (Absurdities Quotes) You can read a lot about a country by looking at its beaches: across cultures, the beach is that rare public space in which all absurdities and quirky national behaviors can be found  (Absurdities Quotes) Part of being a comedian is that it’s your job to look at life and regurgitate it in a funny way, to point out its absurdities  (Absurdities Quotes) I myself believe that there is in every painter’s life a period of making absurdities. In my case I think that period is already long past  (Absurdities Quotes) The ability to laugh at life is right at the top, with love and communication, in the hierarchy of our needs. Humour has much to do with pain; it exaggerates the anxieties and absurdities we feel, so that we gain distance and through laughter, relief  (Absurdities Quotes) False reasoners are often best confuted by giving them the full swing of their own absurdities  (Absurdities Quotes) Criticism is now become mere hangman’s work, and meddles only with the faults of authors ; nay, the critic is disgusted less with their absurdities than excellence ; and you cannot displease him more than in leaving him little room for his malice  (Absurdities Quotes) Because waking I often observe the absurdity of dreams, but never dream of the absurdities of my waking thoughts, I am well satisfied that being awake, I know I dream not; though when I dream, I think myself awake  (Absurdities Quotes) ... it is quite easy to remark the absurdities and contradictions of a country’s social system from outside its borders, but very difficult if one has been brought up in it  (Absurdities Quotes) Who has ever attempted to draw a line of separation between the duties of men and women, as moral beings, without committing the grossest inconsistencies on the one hand, or running into the most arrant absurdities on the other?  (Absurdities Quotes) If imagination would disentangle itself from absurdities, soon we should have it harnessed to reason, pulling the same plough  (Absurdities Quotes)
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