Accept Quotes

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The oceans of art are awash with people who can’t paint. When those who can’t paint notice those who can, they are sometimes not inclined to accept them as serious like themselves. It’s an unfortunate quirk of human nature and ought not to be fretted over (Accept Quotes)
I myself incline to drift, to accept a lesser situation rather than strive for a greater, and yet, I know that character in life and art is only made by an effort that is quite beyond one’s ordinary everyday acceptance of things as they are (Accept Quotes)
There are times when I have started a work with an end in mind, but then, for one reason or another, as my picture unfolded, it emphatically suggested another direction... I always accept the risk and go for it. I’m convinced that at such times my painting is wiser than I am (Accept Quotes)
The joy of living is his who has the heart to demand it. Life is a great adventure, and I want to say to you, accept it in such a spirit (Accept Quotes)
When you struggle against this moment, you’re actually struggling against the entire universe. Instead, you can make the decision that today you will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. This means that your acceptance of this moment is total and complete. You accept things as they are, not as you wish they were in this moment. This is important to understand. You can wish for things in the future to be different, but in this moment you have to accept things as they are (Accept Quotes)
Man seldom questions the fact that ugliness and evil are to be found in the world. But he’s never as ready to accept that life also offers unlimited beauty and potential for joy as well as endless opportunities for pleasure (Accept Quotes)
You need to accept the fact that you will often do exactly the opposite of what you think is right. You need to accept that you’re going to do that and still love yourself (Accept Quotes)
To run away from life and desire is impossible because you are life and you have desire. Accept that this is part of your physical condition and see that these aspects are not really indigenous to what you are (Accept Quotes)
As you learn to accept that the body is transitory, as you watch it with love, but without attachment, the body will develop purity (Accept Quotes)
You should resolve not to seek public approval of your private business, when you are not also prepared to accept public disapproval (Accept Quotes)
It’s not about being tough but to accept your weaknesses and work to get stronger day by day (Accept Quotes)
Say what you want before the fight but when it’s done, you accept the result (Accept Quotes)
Learn to accept the transitory nature of existence of the body and the mind; see eternity in everything, this world, the other worlds, and nirvana (Accept Quotes)
The only thing you can do is prepare the best you can and then just accept... stuff happens (Accept Quotes)
You’re nervous because you’re afraid of the outcome. Accept the worst outcome... You’ll be free and fight like you’re able to (Accept Quotes)
Before a fight I empty my mind. Every fighter is able to lose. It is not a big thing. You have to accept what comes and remain calm (Accept Quotes)
If I were constantly worried about death, I couldn’t function. After a while, if your life is more or less constantly in peril, you come to a point where you accept the possibility philosophically (Accept Quotes)
You aren’t always going to make stuff that everybody does. The sooner that you just realize that and accept that, the better. At best, hopefully, you will like it, every time, and that might not even happen. It’s the nature of your work. It’s just what comes with it. So, it makes it easier to deal with anybody criticizing you or anything thinking you’re wonderful when you realize that you just need to focus in this one area, which is your creative fulfillment and enjoyment (Accept Quotes)
I didn’t think it was my job to accept what everyone said I was and who I should be (Accept Quotes)
The older you get, the more comfortable you become with yourself, and you accept what you have physically (Accept Quotes)
Hardship, in forcing us to exercise greater patience and forbearance in daily life, actually makes us stronger and more robust. From the daily experience of hardship comes a greater capacity to accept difficulties without losing our sense of inner calm. Of course, I do not advocate seeking out hardship as a way of life, but merely wish to suggest that, if you relate to it constructively, it can bring greater inner strength and fortitude (Accept Quotes)
When you feel the rise of unpleasant emotions, take a moment and make an effort to identify their source. The answers are far more available than you may have previously believed. Accept such feelings as your own in the moment. Do not shove them underneath, ignore them or try to substitute what you think of as good thoughts (Accept Quotes)
We have lots of studies about what’s wrong with our education system. We need to accept responsibility, be bold, find solutions and move forward to make education a centerpiece of our economic development (Accept Quotes)
It is the opposite of ignorance-it is intellectual honesty: to be willing to accept reality and to call things what they are even when it is hard (Accept Quotes)
The mercy of forgiveness is brought from the strength to accept any situation given and faced. Spiritual independence and humbleness toward life makes life like a flowing river of release. What happens will happen anyways, and everybody can make mistakes. The important thing is to learn how to make a better future from the mistake (Accept Quotes)
If we would accept heaven’s life, we need by all means to live in the world and to participate in its duties and affairs. In this way, we accept a spiritual life by means of our moral and civic life; and there is no other way a spiritual life can be formed within us, no other way our spirits can be prepared for heaven. This is because living an inner life and not an outer life at the same time is like living in a house that has no foundation, that gradually either settles or develops gaping cracks or totters until it collapses (Accept Quotes)
It follows that I must accept myself for what I am before I can deliberately change it (Accept Quotes)
There are two types of pain, the one that breaks you and the one that changes you. In the gym, pain is felt as a result of weakness leaving the body. Physical pain is the glue of transformation and the pain of progress. The more you endure the harder it gets to accept the thought of failure (Accept Quotes)
What may intimidate a man is a woman who thinks with her mind before she feels with her heart. Nevertheless what determines the strength in the man is his ability to accept one when he sees one (Accept Quotes)
I still reject lead roles, as I don’t accept any role if I don’t find it challenging enough. I am very careful while making selections (Accept Quotes)