Accept Quotes

Text Quotes
One golden rule is to accept the interpretation honestly put on the pledge by the party administering it (Accept Quotes)
Why don’t they just accept that life is sad and cheer up it’s not forever (Accept Quotes)
I accept that in a free society you have to justify reductions in people’s liberties. I accept that, bearing in mind my starting point is that the most important human right is the right to life (Accept Quotes)
I accept that climate change is a challenge, I accept the broad theory about global warming. I am sceptical about a lot of the more gloomy predictions (Accept Quotes)
In a world that daily disconnects further from truth, more and more people accept the virtual in place of the real, and all things virtual are also malleable (Accept Quotes)
I don’t know if I’m making myself clear, but if I were to accept this business of conceptual art I would have no reason to exist (Accept Quotes)
To accept anything on trust, to preclude critical application and development, is a grievous sin; and in order to apply and develop, simple interpretation is obviously not enough (Accept Quotes)
The critical element is inclusiveness. It is only when the model we adopt and implement is one all can accept, can the prospect of genuine and lasting reconciliation be real (Accept Quotes)
Sometimes we give up our dream to accept a larger role in someone else’s dream (Accept Quotes)
Each of us has a day, more or less sad, more or less distant, when he has to accept, finally, the fact that he is a man (Accept Quotes)
The world goes on because a few men in every generation believe in it utterly, accept it unquestioningly; they underwrite it with their lives (Accept Quotes)
You are wholly complete and your success in life will be in direct proportion to your ability to accept this truth about you (Accept Quotes)
You must make your own blunders, must cheerfully accept your own mistakes as part of the scheme of things (Accept Quotes)
I feel that the most important requirement in success is learning to overcome failure. You must learn to tolerate it, but never accept it (Accept Quotes)
When occupations come to us we must accept them; when things come to us we must understand them from the ground up (Accept Quotes)
Failure does not count. If you accept this, you’ll be successful. What causes most people to fail is that after one failure, they’ll stop trying (Accept Quotes)
It doesn’t matter what we do until we accept ourselves. Once we accept ourselves, it doesn’t matter what we do (Accept Quotes)
Accept failure as a normal part of living. View it as part of the process of exploring your world; make a note of its lessons and move on (Accept Quotes)
To accept what you are is to be content, and contentment is the greatest wealth. To work with patience is to gather power (Accept Quotes)
The more abstract the truth you want to teach, the more thoroughly you must seduce the senses to accept it (Accept Quotes)
Life is easier to take than you think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable and bear the intolerable (Accept Quotes)
Accept these grateful tears! For thee thy flow, for thee, that ever felt another’s woe! (Accept Quotes)
In family life people almost always adjust themselves to misfortune. They make a bed of it and hope makes them accept that bed, however hard it is (Accept Quotes)
An unhappy gentleman, resolving to wed nothing short of perfection, keeps his heart and hand till both get so old and withered that no tolerable woman will accept them (Accept Quotes)
Those whose conscience demands that they defy authority in some ways that involve great consequences must be willing to accept some penalty (Accept Quotes)
The stomach is a slave that must accept everything that is given to it, but which avenges wrongs as slyly as does the slave (Accept Quotes)
Love can either be your greatest companion or your worst enemy, depending on your pride to accept or deny things (Accept Quotes)
To be honest, I haven’t felt at my best since this tournament began. I didn’t feel good with the court or the balls. But those are excuses. You have to accept when you don’t play well and somebody else does (Accept Quotes)
Every day, this elected leader is called a dictator here, and we just accept it, and accept it. And this is mainstream media. There should be a bar by which one goes to prison for these kinds of lies (Accept Quotes)
It takes a great man to give sound advice tactfully, but a greater to accept it graciously (Accept Quotes)