Acceptance Quotes

Text Quotes
The secret of love is acceptance, acceptance of our finite self, of our life, our birth ... our death (Acceptance Quotes)
The consequence of the Bay of Pigs failure wasn’t an acceptance of Castro and his control of Cuba but, rather, a renewed determination to bring him down by stealth (Acceptance Quotes)
I don’t put my ideas in a meeting for acceptance or rejection, I put them in the market for success or failure (Acceptance Quotes)
Meekness implies a spirit of gratitude as opposed to an attitude of self-sufficiency, an acknowledgement of a greater power beyond oneself, a recognition of God, and an acceptance of his commandments (Acceptance Quotes)
The full and joyful acceptance of the worst in oneself may be the only sure way of transforming it (Acceptance Quotes)
We have to be careful not to look for confidence in the acceptance of others because true confidence only comes from knowing God (Acceptance Quotes)
You don’t need knowledge or great philosophical concepts. You don’t need the acceptance of others. You express your own divinity by being alive and by loving yourself and others. It is an expression of God to say, Hey, I love you (Acceptance Quotes)
We must seek to understand the intent of communication without prejudging or rejecting the content... Communication, after all, is not so much a matter of intellect as it is of trust and acceptance of others, of their ideas and feelings, acceptance of the fact that they’re different, and that from their point of view, they are right (Acceptance Quotes)
At times, morality can be dismissed as a matter of personal conscience, no matter how widespread its acceptance. Ethics, on the other hand, arises from societal or group commitments to principia of behavior (Acceptance Quotes)
Focusing on who you are, and pursuing opportunities to improve your abilities, allows you to be in acceptance of yourself. This makes you a beautiful person who could care less about what others think of you (Acceptance Quotes)
In society, we have to earn other things of import like trust, respect, money, education, careers, status and etc., so naturally, we find ourselves attempting to earn love, acceptance and validation along with that. Here’s the trip: we do it at the cost of other people and, more importantly, ourselves (Acceptance Quotes)
Children tease each other because you’re short or you’re tall or you’re a redhead or because you’re ugly or because you’re smart or because you’re dumb or all kinds of differences and as parents we have to deal with that and strengthen our children to be comfortable with themselves and also to show empathy and acceptance towards others (Acceptance Quotes)
Ideas are forces; our acceptance of one determines our reception of others (Acceptance Quotes)
If we all desire love and acceptance, shouldn’t we love and accept all others? (Acceptance Quotes)
True, lasting peace comes not through stamping out the ignorance of others, but through cultivating acceptance with ourselves (Acceptance Quotes)
Total self acceptance is empowering. It means allowing others to see you as they choose, without being offended (Acceptance Quotes)
Set the standard! Stop expecting others to show you love, acceptance, commitment, and respect when you don’t even show that to yourself (Acceptance Quotes)
When you find complete acceptance in the Father, you will no longer stress about what others believe, think or say about you (Acceptance Quotes)
When you stop living your life based on what others think of you real life begins. At that moment, you will finally see the door of self acceptance opened (Acceptance Quotes)
Body love is more than acceptance of self or the acceptance of the body. Body love is about self-worth in general. It’s more than our physical appearance (Acceptance Quotes)
This Thursday, Barack Obama is gonna give his acceptance speech, and reportedly it’s going to include performances by Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen. Yeah. And they say Obama’s not black enough! (Acceptance Quotes)
On many young actors that don’t give their parents proper credit: I’m still waiting for some actor to win, say, an Oscar... and deliver the following acceptance speech: I would like to thank my parents, first of all, for letting me live (Acceptance Quotes)
People are falling all over themselves to send you free shoes and free cufflinks and colonic irrigations for two. Nobody ever offers you a free acceptance speech. There just seems to be a gap in the market. I would love to be able to pull out a speech by Dolce and Gabbana (Acceptance Quotes)
[Albert] Camus writes his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize in thanks to his teacher (Acceptance Quotes)
I think everyone practices their Oscars acceptance speech with a shampoo bottle, and I’ve done my fair share of them. It’s really surreal to be able to do it in real life (Acceptance Quotes)
I remember while I was at school some of my Muslim friends talked about a handful of people spoiling things in every culture. Hatred or hurt or pain isn’t specific to a religion. I think it’s a matter of acceptance. The one thing the world has to accept is everybody is different. What is normal to us is different and unusual to somebody else (Acceptance Quotes)
It’s important to remember that the animals are not grieving with us. They’re very accepting. They’re not lying there thinking ‘How could you do this to me? Why aren’t you keeping me going?’ Pets don’t do the human things of guilt and anger and recrimination that we do. They come and go with great acceptance (Acceptance Quotes)
The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amazement, distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by survivors, and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance (Acceptance Quotes)
A positive self image and healthy self esteem is based on approval, acceptance and recognition from others; but also upon actual accomplishments, achievements and success upon the realistic self confidence which ensues (Acceptance Quotes)
Marriage equality is about more than just marriage. It’s about something greater. It’s about acceptance. (Acceptance Quotes)