Acceptance Quotes

Text Quotes
Age’ is the acceptance of a term of years. But maturity is the glory of years. (Acceptance Quotes)
When you invoke the agent of change called acceptance, you must accept all that you are, all that you’ve been and all that you will be in the future. (Acceptance Quotes)
The terror of the atom age is not the violence of the new power but the speed of man’s adjustment to it, the speed of his acceptance. (Acceptance Quotes)
Acceptance speeches can make or break presidential candidacies. It was Al Gore’s 2000 acceptance speech that relaunched his candidacy and nearly saved him. John Kerry’s speech and overall ineffective convention nearly sank him in 2004 (though he was almost saved by the debates). (Acceptance Quotes)
Once I started to get aligned with the God in me, something hit me hard: I learned that our worth, our validation, our purpose and our acceptance don’t stem from what we should do. They don’t stem from what we have. They don’t stem from what we’ve done or who we were. They stem simply from the fact that we are. (Acceptance Quotes)
464Joy is found in the breath of acceptance knowing that all is well in our world, if we surrender with grace. (Acceptance Quotes)
I know I will have to come to forgiveness and acceptance of what has happened for me to go on and be happy in the future. And I know I will get there eventually. I wish him all the best in the future, as a person and as an athlete ... I feel privileged to have witnessed a part of his golfing career. (Acceptance Quotes)
The promises of pie-in-the-sky liberal environmentalists that we can convert to ‘clean’ energy sources and stimulate our economy are based on dubious environmental and economic assumptions, fantastic notions about alternative energy, and a disturbing acceptance of the tyrannies inherent in command-control economies. (Acceptance Quotes)
There’s very little dislike of Americans in the world, shown by repeated polls, and the dissatisfaction - that is, the hatred and the anger - they come from acceptance of American values, not a rejection of them, and recognition that they’re rejected by the U.S. government and by U.S. elites, which does lead to hatred and anger. (Acceptance Quotes)
Shock, confusion, fear, anger, grief, and defiance. On Sept. 11, 2001, and for the three days following the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, President George W. Bush led with raw emotion that reflected the public’s whipsawing stages of acceptance. (Acceptance Quotes)
I’ve probably understood men too well. I realise they are predatory by nature, and I have a certain acceptance of the male animal. (Acceptance Quotes)
Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of religion. Rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic of science. In other words, religion has become a matter of the heart and science has become a matter of the mind. This regrettable state of affairs does not reflect the fact that physiologically , one cannot exist without the other. Mind and heart are only different aspects of us. (Acceptance Quotes)
Unlike sciences, literature as art relies on societal acceptance of a certain vocabulary (Acceptance Quotes)
... the battle for the acceptance of photography as Art was not only counter-productive but counter-revolutionary. The most important photography is most emphatically not Art. (Acceptance Quotes)
I love my early movies, but naturalism is an artist’s early style. Now I want to deal with feelings, dreams, an acceptance of irrationality. (Acceptance Quotes)
I’ve given up asking questions. l merely float on a tsunami of acceptance of anything life throws at me ... and marvel stupidly. (Acceptance Quotes)
People who aren’t addicts want to know why I became one. They ask whether I had a midlife crisis. I’m only speaking for myself now, but I’ve stopped asking why and how. It’s all about surrender and acceptance. It doesn’t matter why I am an addict. (Acceptance Quotes)
In the long term, Israel’s security rests on only one pillar: the Palestinians’ acceptance of the country. It isn’t the atom bomb that makes Israel secure. (Acceptance Quotes)
The most precious gift that you can give to the child is unconditional love and acceptance, which allows the child to discover his own inner being, his authentic self, his freedom to be himself. (Acceptance Quotes)
The greatest satisfaction comes not from chasing pleasure and avoiding pain, but from the radical acceptance of life as it is, without fighting and clinging to passing desires. (Acceptance Quotes)
I’ve got my mother’s acceptance of things and my dad’s drive - not such a bad combination. (Acceptance Quotes)
Don’t confuse acceptance with being a naïve or weak person. Acceptance does not mean condoning negative behavior, staying in a bad situation, or not working to improve our life and the world. (Acceptance Quotes)
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. ... If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive. ... If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident. ... If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love. (Acceptance Quotes)
Acceptance is different than apathy. It is important to strive to be your best self, your healthiest, most productive, joyful self. But that is going to be a different answer to everyone. (Acceptance Quotes)
I’m not wise, but the beginning of wisdom is there; it’s like relaxing into - and an acceptance of - things. (Acceptance Quotes)
Being angry, resentful, or saddened by rejection can suck the sweetness out of acceptance (Acceptance Quotes)
People are being forced to confront the realities. At the same time, we have an ever-growing understanding of the intelligence and emotional capacities of animals and an acceptance of the principle that animal cruelty is a moral problem. (Acceptance Quotes)
Welcoming imperfection is the way to accomplish what perfectionism promises but never delivers. It gives us our best performance and genuine acceptance in the family of human -- and by that I mean imperfect -- beings. (Acceptance Quotes)
If I have one wish for my birthday, it is that 35 is the end of desperation and the beginning of acceptance. Part of that is believing that if I’m meant to give birth, I will. (Acceptance Quotes)
Assumptions that racism is more oppressive to black men than black women, then and now ... based on acceptance of patriarchal notions of masculinity. (Acceptance Quotes)