Accord Quotes

Text Quotes
Increasingly in recent times we have come first to identify the remedy that is most agreeable, most convenient, most in accord with major pecuniary or political interest, the one that reflects our available faculty for action; then we move from the remedy so available or desired back to a cause to which that remedy is relevant (Accord Quotes)
The right of revolution, which tyrants, in mockery, accord to mankind, is no legal right under a government; it is only a natural right to overturn a government (Accord Quotes)
I know the nature of women. When you will, they will not; when you will not, they come of their own accord (Accord Quotes)
The right circumstances sometimes happen of their own accord, slyly, without fanfare, without warning. Layman’s alchemy... The magic of everyday things (Accord Quotes)
Failure to accord credit to anyone for what he may have done is a great weakness in any man (Accord Quotes)
A formally recognized equality does, however, accord the smaller nations a position which they should be able to use increasingly in the interest of humanity as a whole and in the service of the ideal (Accord Quotes)
Always think of what is useful and not what is beautiful. Beauty will come of its own accord (Accord Quotes)
In recent years personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers have attacked the food industry with numerous lawsuits alleging that these businesses should pay monetary damages to those who, of their own accord, consume too much of a legal, safe product (Accord Quotes)
Lying at the root of the social agreements of 1980 are the courage, sense of responsibility, and the solidarity of the working people. Both sides have then recognized that an accord must be reached if bloodshed is to be prevented (Accord Quotes)
The theory of rights enables us to rise and overthrow obstacles, but not to found a strong and lasting accord between all the elements which compose the nation (Accord Quotes)
We each have a sixth sense that is attuned to the oneness dimension in life, providing a means for us to guide our lives in accord with our ideas (Accord Quotes)
For what the lover would, that would the beloved; what she would ask of him that should he go before to grant. Without accord such as this, love is but a bond and a constraint (Accord Quotes)
Command that in no way there be in your household any who make strife, discord or divisions in the hostel, but all shall be of one accord, of one will as of one heart and one soul (Accord Quotes)
It is the business of economists, not to tell us what to do, but show why what we are doing anyway is in accord with proper principles (Accord Quotes)
It is far more important that one’s life should be perceived than that it should be transformed; for no sooner has it been perceived, than it transforms itself of its own accord (Accord Quotes)
Pay no heed to those who tell you that they have relinquished place and power of their own accord, and from their love of quiet. For almost always they have been brought to this retirement by their insufficiency and against their will (Accord Quotes)
... she knew in her heart that nature has a preference for a particular order: parents die, then children die. But it was a harsh design, offering little relief from pain, for being in accord with it means that the fortunate find themselves orphaned (Accord Quotes)
Secrets could never be rushed. They had to come of their own accord, on their own schedule. That way,when they came, the offered themselves as a gift (Accord Quotes)
All of our holy fathers knew this and all with one accord teach that perfection in holiness can be achieved only through humility (Accord Quotes)
In the game of cricket it has always been customary to accord more adulation to batsman than to bowlers (Accord Quotes)
Our sexuality is fundamental to who we are, surely the crux of this debate is whether or not we accord equal right and respect and esteem to people regardless of their sexuality (Accord Quotes)
The good things of life are produced by learning with hard work; the bad are reaped of their own accord, without hard work (Accord Quotes)
Whatever we do must be in accord with human nature. We cannot drive people; we must direct their development. The general policy of the past has been to drive; but the era of force must give way to the era of knowledge, and the policy of the future will be to teach and lead, to the advantage of all concerned (Accord Quotes)
Therefore if we realize that our nature and destiny are what they should be, we will have no anxiety and will be at ease with ourselves in the face of life or death, prominence or obscurity, or an infinite amount of changes and variations, and will be in accord with principle (Accord Quotes)
To overcome the intelligent by folly is contrary to the natural order of things; to overcome the foolish by intelligence is in accord with the natural order. To overcome the intelligent by intelligence, however, is a matter of opportunity (Accord Quotes)
If a writer publishes any thing that attracts notice, and is in itself just, but does not accord with our plan, we must endeavour to win him over, or decry him (Accord Quotes)
Within yourself lies the cause of whatever enters into your life. To come into full ralization of your own awakened interior powers is to be able to condition your life in exact accord with what you would have it (Accord Quotes)
When the rider demands the piaffe, he has to halt the horse a few strides before the latter wants to stop of his own accord (Accord Quotes)
I realize that we all do express ourselves, but those who express that which is always being done are those whose thinking is almost in every way in accord with everyone else. Expression on this basis has become dull to those who wish to think for themselves (Accord Quotes)
At the heart of science lies discovery which involves a change in worldview. Discovery in science is possible only in societies which accord their citizens the freedom to pursue the truth where it may lead and which therefore have respect for different paths to that truth (Accord Quotes)