Accumulation Quotes

Text Quotes
I am deeply convinced that any permanent, regular administrative system whose aim is to provide for the needs of the poor will breed more miseries than it can cure, will deprave the population that it wants to help and comfort, will dry up the sources of savings, will stop the accumulation of capital, will retard the development of trade, and will benumb human industry (Accumulation Quotes)
The accumulation of personal wealth and the extension of commercial transactions have developed a great and lamentable increase in certain classes of crimes, while the improvements in transport have largely facilitated the escape of fugitive criminals (Accumulation Quotes)
Avarice has ruined more men than prodigality, and the blindest thoughtlessness of expenditure has not destroyed so many fortunes as the calculating but insatiable lust of accumulation (Accumulation Quotes)
Biologically the species is the accumulation of the experiments of all its successful individuals since the beginning (Accumulation Quotes)
They lived in abysmal misery, yet they had no prospect of a better tomorrow. They existed under capitalism, yet there was no accumulation of capital (Accumulation Quotes)
The foundation stone of wealth accumulation is defense, and this defense should be anchored by budgeting and planning (Accumulation Quotes)
I would like to call your attention to... an evil that, if allowed to continue, will probably lead to great trouble... It is the accumulation of vast amounts of untaxed church property (Accumulation Quotes)
The accumulation of numbers always augments in some measure moral corruptions, and the consequences to health of the various vices incident thereto, are well known (Accumulation Quotes)
I’d like to believe an accumulation of experience has made me a sort of a grown-up person, so I can have judgment and taste and whatever (Accumulation Quotes)
A stronger yuan could lead to greater Chinese asset accumulation in the U. S. And elsewhere (Accumulation Quotes)
Sexuality and femininity is an accumulation of age and wisdom and comfort in your own skin (Accumulation Quotes)
The workforce in Latin America was treated as a vulgar instrument for capital accumulation (Accumulation Quotes)
I feel blessed to have had the accumulation of life experiences that I’ve had, life experience just adds to the depths of a persons richness, as with acting (Accumulation Quotes)
Conventional economic theory... counts the depletion of resources as the accumulation of wealth (Accumulation Quotes)
In almost every enterprise, government has provided business with opportunities for private gain at public expense. Government nurtures private capital accumulation through a process of subsidies, supports, and deficit spending and an increasingly inequitable tax system (Accumulation Quotes)
I was taught over and over again that the accumulation of random mutations led to evolutionary change - led to new species. I believed it until I looked for evidence (Accumulation Quotes)
Do not disregard the accumulation of goodness, saying, ‘This will come to nothing.’ By the gradual falling of raindrops, a jar is filled (Accumulation Quotes)
I like old people when they have aged well. And old houses with an accumulation of sweet honest living in them are good. And the timelessness that only the passing of Time itself can give to objects both inside and outside the spirit is a continuing reassurance (Accumulation Quotes)
I was a woman writing at the early moment when small drops of worried resentment and noble rage were secretly, slowly building into the second wave of the women’s movement. I didn’t know my small-drop presence or usefulness in this accumulation (Accumulation Quotes)
Every small, unselfish action nudges the world into a better path. An accumulation of small acts can change the world (Accumulation Quotes)
The key to a great life lies in shifting your focus from accumulation to contribution. The old saying He who gathers the most toys wins needs to be replaced with He who serves the most prospers. Remember, happiness is the by-product of a life spent adding value to other people’s lives. (Accumulation Quotes)
The accumulation of skill and science which has been directed to diminish the difficulty of producing manufactured goods, has not been beneficial to that country alone in which it is concentrated; distant kingdoms have participated in its advantages. (Accumulation Quotes)
Woman is the embodiment of sacrifice and suffering and her advent to public life should, therefore, result in purifying it, in restraining unbridled ambition and accumulation of property. (Accumulation Quotes)
Modern animated movies are the products not of anyone’s individual vision, but rather a scattered accumulation of compromises made out of fear by members of large committees. (Accumulation Quotes)
Religion forbids us from assuming a God-like character. This is especially true in politics and government, where limiting the power of the state, division of powers, and the doctrine of checks and balances are established in order to prevent accumulation of power that might lead to such Godly claims. (Accumulation Quotes)
Biologically the species is the accumulation of the experiments of all its successful individuals since the beginning. (Accumulation Quotes)
What makes small business develop into big business is not spending, but saving and capital accumulation. (Accumulation Quotes)
Every generation has an obligation to leave its children in a better position than it inherited. Our representatives in Washington are breaking faith with that covenant. America must reduce its federal spending and accumulation of debt for the sake of generations to come. (Accumulation Quotes)
Change is more often a rapid transition between two stable states than a continuous transformation at slow and steady rates. . . .Change occurs in large leaps following a slow accumulation of stress that a system resists until it reaches the breaking point. Heat water, and it eventually boils. Oppress the workers more and more and bring on the revolution. (Accumulation Quotes)
Show business is part of a larger culture, a world-wide culture that must make up to the fact that the accumulation of things doesn’t make a life necessary any happier or purposeful. (Accumulation Quotes)