Acquired Quotes

Text Quotes
Of all parts of wisdom, the practice is the best. Socrates was esteemed the wisest man of his time because he turned his acquired knowledge into morality, and aimed at goodness more than greatness (Acquired Quotes)
Nothing is more dissimilar than natural and acquired politeness. The first consists in a willing abnegation of self; the second in a compelled recollection of others (Acquired Quotes)
Some maladies are rich and precious and only to be acquired by the right of inheritance or purchased with gold (Acquired Quotes)
As the air and manner of a gentleman can be acquired only by living habitually in the best society, so grace in composition must be attained by an habitual acquaintance with classical writers (Acquired Quotes)
Science which is acquired unwillingly, soon disappears; that which is instilled into the mind in a pleasant and agreeable manner, is more lasting (Acquired Quotes)
Negation is the mind’s first freedom, yet a negative habit is fruitful only so long as we exert ourselves to overcome it, adapt it to our needs; once acquired it can imprison us (Acquired Quotes)
There is only one cure for the evils which newly acquired freedom produces, and that cure is freedom (Acquired Quotes)
The English sent all their bores abroad, and acquired the Empire as a punishment (Acquired Quotes)
Wisdom comes from within. Knowledge is acquired and can sometimes put a screen on your wisdom (Acquired Quotes)
Whether it’s an innate ability or an acquired way of regarding the world around us, being labeled as funny can only be accepted as a compliment (Acquired Quotes)
But what those critics don’t know is that these same assets that excite me in the chase often, once they are acquired, leave me bored (Acquired Quotes)
But patience can’t be acquired overnight. It’s just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it, to push its limits (Acquired Quotes)
A man’s judgment is best when he can forget himself and any reputation he may have acquired and can concentrate wholly on making the right decisions (Acquired Quotes)
It would be a considerable consolation to the poor and discontented could they but see the means whereby the wealth they covet has been acquired, or the misery that it entails (Acquired Quotes)
Facts were never pleasing to him. He acquired them with reluctance and got rid of them with relief. He was never on terms with them until he had stood them on their heads (Acquired Quotes)
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life (Acquired Quotes)
The fixed determination to have acquired the warrior soul, to either conquer or perish with honor, is the secret of victory (Acquired Quotes)
Insurrection is the last remedy, especially when the people have acquired the belief that peaceful means to secure the remedies for evils prove futile (Acquired Quotes)
Do not forget that chiropractors did not treat diseases. They adjust causes, whether acquired, spontaneous, or the result of accident (Acquired Quotes)
I acquired an admiration for Japanese culture, art, and architecture, and learned of the existence of the game of GO, which I still play (Acquired Quotes)
Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece (Acquired Quotes)
It is impossible to forget the sense of dignity which marks the hour when one becomes a wage-earner... I felt that I had suddenly acquired value to myself, to my family, and to the world (Acquired Quotes)
The Cox Committee found that the Chinese military acquired many of the technologies over the past seven years, although many of them had been targeted for acquisition for more than a quarter century (Acquired Quotes)
We have entered the cell, the Mansion of our birth, and started the inventory of our acquired wealth (Acquired Quotes)
It should go without saying that even the most narrowly construed eminent-domain power would violate individual rights. Either a person owns his legitimately acquired property or he does not (Acquired Quotes)
I started natural farming after the war with just one small plot, but gradually I acquired additional acreage by taking over surrounding pieces of abandoned land and caring for them by hand (Acquired Quotes)
I am an acquired taste, like a fine wine or a pate. If you are not sophisticated or worldly enough to appreciate my bold flavor, then you are welcome to choose something else from the menu (Acquired Quotes)
I owe my dogs much - more than I can say - but they are not my ‘companions’ - as if we voluntarily chose to hang out together but none of us has authority over the others. I bought and/or acquired them. I own them. I am profoundly responsible for their care and well being (Acquired Quotes)
The fact that television and tourism have made the whole world accessible has created the illusion that we enjoy intimate knowledge of other places, when we barely scratch their surface. For the vast majority, the knowledge of Thailand or Sri Lanka acquired through tourism consists of little more than the whereabouts of the beach (Acquired Quotes)
He’s very competitive and knows what he wants. He has developed toughness in character and that is what is needed for Indian cricket. Ganguly has proved to be one of the best captains. He has now acquired great leadership qualities (Acquired Quotes)