Acquired Quotes

Text Quotes
In the course of individual development, inherited characters appear, in general, earlier than adaptive ones, and the earlier a certain character appears in ontogeny, the further back must lie in time when it was acquired by its ancestors (Acquired Quotes)
Geology, perhaps more than any other department of natural philosophy, is a science of contemplation. It requires no experience or complicated apparatus, no minute processes upon the unknown processes of matter. It demands only an enquiring mind and senses alive to the facts almost everywhere presented in nature. And as it may be acquired without much difficulty, so it may be improved without much painful exertion (Acquired Quotes)
In my own view, some advice about what should be known, about what technical education should be acquired, about the intense motivation needed to succeed, and about the carelessness and inclination toward bias that must be avoided is far more useful than all the rules and warnings of theoretical logic (Acquired Quotes)
The whole value of science consists in the power which it confers upon us of applying to one object the knowledge acquired from like objects; and it is only so far, therefore, as we can discover and register resemblances that we can turn our observations to account (Acquired Quotes)
Wisdom is not a question of learning facts with the mind; it can only be acquired through perfection of living (Acquired Quotes)
If homosexuality is not caused by genetic factors... then that means it can be acquired... And if it can be acquired, shouldn’t we be doing everything in our power to protect people from acquiring it? Shouldn’t we lean to the side of protecting the children instead of affirming a scientific hypothesis that has no actual truthful foundation? (Acquired Quotes)
It is primarily through the growth of science and technology that man has acquired those attributes which distinguish him from the animals, which have indeed made it possible for him to become human (Acquired Quotes)
Practise, practise, practise writing. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and acquired skills. You learn by doing, by making mistakes and then seeing where you went wrong (Acquired Quotes)
Morality, like physical cleanliness, is not acquired once and for all: it can only be kept and renewed by a habit of constant watchfulness and discipline (Acquired Quotes)
I can single handedly dispel any ideas that sexuality is acquired. Trust me, you’re born with it. My brother is gay, and we knew when he was two (Acquired Quotes)
I often wonder what my life would be like without the use of a library. Throughout my education and career, public and private libraries have been not only the key to much of the knowledge I have acquired, but also have given me a direction within my profession. The best thing about the library is that it is available not only to me, but to everyone. It does not discriminate (Acquired Quotes)
Let each citizen contribute their natural talents or acquired skills to the greater benefit of all in the community (Acquired Quotes)
Just as women supplement men in private life, so they will supplement men in public life by concentrating their organized efforts on those objects which men are likely to ignore. There is a tremendous field for women as active protagonists of new ideas and new methods of political and social housekeeping. When organized and conscious of their power to influence their surroundings, women can use their newly acquired freedom in a great many ways to mold the world into a better place to live in (Acquired Quotes)
Those who have gone through the high school of reporterdom have acquired a new instinct by which they see and hear only that which can create a sensation, and accordingly their report becomes not only a careless one, but hopelessly distorted (Acquired Quotes)
Culture or civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (Acquired Quotes)
Knowledge is real knowledge only when it is acquired by the efforts of your intellect, not by memory (Acquired Quotes)
I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you (Acquired Quotes)
The personal right to acquire property, which is a natural right, gives to property, when acquired, a right to protection, as a social right (Acquired Quotes)
Until we have acquired genuine prayer, we are like people teaching children to begin to walk (Acquired Quotes)
It’s time that we acknowledge the wisdom women have acquired by managing the chaos of daily life. Women are realists, the glue that holds society together. They bring a reverence to life that’s instinctual, not just intellectual (Acquired Quotes)
Because war and preparations for war have acquired legitimacy, and because of the tremendous proliferation of arms through production and export, so that they are now available more or less to all and sundry, right down to handguns and stilettos, the cult of violence has by now so permeated relations between people that we are compelled to witness as well an increase in everyday violence (Acquired Quotes)
Love, for too many men in our time, consists of sleeping with a seductive woman, one who is properly endowed with the right distribution of curves and conveniences and one upon whom a permanent lien has been acquired through the institution of marriage (Acquired Quotes)
The inmost significance of the exaggerated value which is set upon hard work appears to be this: man seems to mistrust everything that is effortless; he can only enjoy, with a good conscience, what he has acquired with toil and trouble; he refused to have anything as a gift (Acquired Quotes)
Algebraic geometry seems to have acquired the reputation of being esoteric, exclusive, and very abstract, with adherents who are secretly plotting to take over all the rest of mathematics. In one respect this last point is accurate (Acquired Quotes)
Learning acquired in youth arrests the evil of old age; and if you understand that old age has wisdom for its food, you will so conduct yourself in youth that your old age will not lack for nourishment (Acquired Quotes)
Skills are never taught, they are acquired. I can give you a camera, but can’t feed your vision (Acquired Quotes)
To be clear is the first duty of a writer; to charm and to please are graces to be acquired later (Acquired Quotes)
Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control (Acquired Quotes)
... when we abandon visible riches... it is strange goods and not our own that we are leaving. And this is so even if we boast that we acquired them through our own efforts or that they were passed on to us as an inheritance. I say nothing is ours except what is in our hearts, what belongs to our souls, what cannot be taken away by anyone (Acquired Quotes)
When we retire from the conventions of society and draw close to nature, we involuntarily become children: each attribute acquired by experience falls away from the soul, which becomes anew such as it was once and will surely be again (Acquired Quotes)