Act Quotes
Text Quotes
Lucky people create, notice and act upon the chance opportunities in their lives. Being in the right place at the right time is actually all about being in the right state of mind (Act Quotes)
The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide (Act Quotes)
It appears to me that those who rely simply on the weight of authority to prove any assertion, without searching out the arguments to support it, act absurdly. I wish to question freely and to answer freely without any sort of adulation. That well becomes any who are sincere in the search for truth (Act Quotes)
Mathematics is a form of poetry which transcends poetry in that it proclaims a truth; a form of reasoning which transcends reasoning in that it wants to bring about the truth it proclaims; a form of action, of ritual behavior, which does not find fulfilment in the act but must proclaim and elaborate a poetic form of truth (Act Quotes)
In raising a people from slavery to freedom, you have called them to act on a new theatre; and it is a necessary part of your business, to teach them how to perform their parts (Act Quotes)
Science and religion are very much alike. Both are imaginative and creative aspects of the human mind. The appearance of a conflict is a result of ignorance. We come to exist through a divine act. That divine guidance is a theme throughout our life; at our death the brain goes, but that divine guidance and love continues. Each of us is a unique, conscious being, a divine creation. It is the religious view. It is the only view consistent with all the evidence (Act Quotes)
A person may be greedy, envious, cowardly, cold, ungenerous, unkind, vain, or conceited, but behave perfectly by a monumental act of the will (Act Quotes)
Must acknowledge, that to act properly is much more valuable than to think justly or reason acutely (Act Quotes)
Nature is seen by humans through a screen of beliefs, knowledge, and purposes, and it is in terms of their images of nature, rather than of the actual structure of nature, that they act. Yet, it is upon nature itself that they do act, and it is nature itself that acts upon them, nurturing or destroying them (Act Quotes)
We keep so busy talking we are so keen to act that we forget that in the heart lies all we need untapped, intact (Act Quotes)
Act in such a way that your humility may not be weakness, nor your authority be severity. Justice must be accompanied by humility, that humility may render justice lovable (Act Quotes)
The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator. This means... that he should be able to justify every purchase he makes and each price he pays by impersonal, objective reasoning that satisfies him that he is getting more than his money’s worth for his purchase (Act Quotes)
Everyone has dreams. But it is what you do with these dreams that is important. Dreams, once you make the decision to act on them can become reality (Act Quotes)
If we act together on the drug problem, with a comprehensive vision devoid of ideological or political biases, we will be able to prevent much harm and violence! (Act Quotes)
To this day we seem to act in the world as though we know what’s right for everybody (Act Quotes)
Training is principally an act of faith. The athlete must believe in its efficacy; he must believe that through training he will become fitter and stronger; that by constant repetition of the same movements he will become more skilful and his muscles more relaxed... He must be a fanatic for hard work and enthusiastic enough to enjoy it (Act Quotes)
Men as well as women, must strive for a balance of experience. Masculinity, defined as requiring the ability to act physically or mentally but excluding anything too emotional or nurturing, currently denies men this balance. Their ability to care is seen as inappropriate for everyday use, and a lack of desire for power or promotion are seen as signs of inadequacy (Act Quotes)
If you look at all the serious scientists in the world, there is no big disagreement on the basics of this... it would be absolute lunacy to act as if climate change is not occurring (Act Quotes)
Love supposes, is, and does many things, but basically it is practiced in the act of sharing (Act Quotes)
Solidarity is not an act of charity, but mutual aid between forces fighting for the same objective (Act Quotes)
If you don’t act now while it’s fresh in your mind, it will probably join the list of things you were always going to do but never quite got around to. Chances are you’ll also miss some opportunities (Act Quotes)
Making pictures is a very simple act. There is no great secret in photography... schools are a bunch of crap. You just need practice and application of what you’ve learned. My absolute conviction is that if you are working reasonably well the only important thing is to keep shooting... it doesn’t matter whether you are making money or not. Keep working, because as you go through the process of working things begin to happen (Act Quotes)
We make pictures. At the end of the day, we create something potentially significant that did not exist at the beginning of the day. We go forward, despite the uncertainty. Because this is an act of love and passion, which defies reason and prudence (Act Quotes)
Act your age. Students do not look upon you as a buddy, pal, or peer. They expect you to be a mature adult... Many young teachers have a tendency to seek popularity, resorting to tactics that can create endless problems (Act Quotes)
The best part about having true friends is that you can go months without seeing them and they’ll still be there for you and act as if you’d never left! (Act Quotes)
Governments do not necessarily act in the national interest, especially when making detailed microeconomic interventions. Instead, they are influenced by interest group pressures. The kinds of interventions that new trade theory suggests can raise national income will typically raise the welfare of small, fortunate groups by large amounts, while imposing costs on larger, more diffuse groups (Act Quotes)
Global warming threatens our health, our economy, our natural resources, and our children’s future. It is clear we must act (Act Quotes)
It’s obvious we can’t ignore the problem any longer. Locally and nationally, we cannot wait to see how bad it gets. We need to act now (Act Quotes)
It seems that you can’t make people love or care for something that they don’t already love or care for. They either see your value and act accordingly or they don’t and you move on to someone that does (Act Quotes)
The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist (Act Quotes)