Act Quotes

Text Quotes
Thus if we know a child has had sufficient opportunity to observe and acquire a behavioral sequence, and we know he is physically capable of performing the act but does not do so, then it is reasonable to assume that it is motivation which is lacking. The appropriate countermeasure then involves increasing the subjective value of the desired act relative to any competing response tendencies he might have, rather than having the model senselessly repeat an already redundant sequence of behavior (Act Quotes)
Just the act of sleeping beside someone you liked to be with. Maybe that was love (Act Quotes)
You’re trying your damndest, you strike out and they boo you. I act like it doesn’t bother me, like I don’t hear anything the fans say, but the truth is I hear every word of it and it kills me (Act Quotes)
Art thou in the darkness? Mind it not, for if thou dost it will feed thee more. But stand still, and act not, and wait in patience, till light arises out of darkness and leads thee (Act Quotes)
The church is constituted as a new people who have been gathered from the nations to remind the world that we are in fact one people. Gathering, therefore, is an eschatological act as it is the foretaste of the unity of the communion of the saints (Act Quotes)
Empathy is the greatest virtue. From it, all virtues flow. Without it, all virtues are an act (Act Quotes)
What degree of proof about the human catastrophe from global climate change do we need, before we are motivated to act to prevent it? (Act Quotes)
When you listen, it’s amazing what you can learn. When you act on what you’ve learned, it’s amazing what you can change (Act Quotes)
And with listening, too, it seems to me, it is not the ear that hears, it is not the physical organ that performs the act of inner receptivity. It is the total person who hears. Sometimes the skin seems to be the best listener, as it prickles and thrills, say to a sound or a silence; or the fantasy, the imagination: how it bursts into inner pictures as it listens and then responds by pressing its language, its forms, into the listening clay. To be open to what we hear, to be open in what we say (Act Quotes)
If for every error and every act of incompetence one can substitute an act of treason, many points of fascinating interpretation are open to the paranoid imagination (Act Quotes)
The term suicide is applied to all cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result (Act Quotes)
My drawings and paintings were done as an act of protest; I was trying by means of my work to convince the world that it is ugly, sick and hypocritical (Act Quotes)
Live. Love. Smile. Hug. Laugh. Dream. Do. Create. Have fun. Be intense. Be audacious. Be unreasonable. Act impeccably. Breathe. Be you. Be different (Act Quotes)
It’s wrong to deprive someone else of a pleasure so that you can enjoy one yourself, but to deprive yourself of a pleasure so that you can add to someone else’s enjoyment is an act of humanity by which you always gain more than you lose (Act Quotes)
That, in essence, is the catastrophe of suicide for those who survive: not only the loss of someone, but the loss of the chance to persuade that person to act differently, the loss of the chance to connect (Act Quotes)
Every instance of obedience, from right motives, strengthens us spiritually, whilst every act of disobedience weakens us (Act Quotes)
To do mathematics is to engage in an act of discovery and conjecture, intuition and inspiration; to be in a state of confusion? not because it makes no sense to you, but because you gave it sense and you still don’t understand what your creation is up to (Act Quotes)
Players act like the floor is slanted; they run downhill on fast breaks and jog uphill when getting back on defense (Act Quotes)
I write in praise of the solitary act: of not feeling a trespassing tongue forced into one’s mouth, one’s breath smothered, nipples crushed against the ribcage, and that metallic tingling in the chin set off by a certain odd nerve: unpleasure (Act Quotes)
You can’t act like you’ve arrived when you’re only just receiving the invitation (Act Quotes)
We do not need, and indeed never will have, all the answers before we act... It is often through taking action that we can discover some of them (Act Quotes)
No matter how closely we look, it is difficult to find a mental act that can take place without the support of some physical function (Act Quotes)
Every man must have freedom, must have the scope to form, test, and act upon his own choices, for any sort of development of his own personality to take place. He must, in short, be free in order that he may be fully human (Act Quotes)
People are not machines, but in all situations where they are given the opportunity, they will act like machines (Act Quotes)
A performer may be taken in by his own act, convinced at the moment that the impression of reality which he fosters is the one and only reality. In such cases we have a sense in which the performer comes to be his own audience; he comes to be performer and observer of the same show. Presumably he introcepts or incorporates the standards he attempts to maintain in the presence of others so that even in their absence his conscience requires him to act in a socially proper way (Act Quotes)
The very act of writing assumes, to begin with, that someone cares to hear what you have to say. It assumes that people share, that people can be reached, that people can be touched and even in some cases changed. So many of the things in our world lead us to despair. It seems to me that the final symptom of despair is silence, and that storytelling is one of the sustaining arts; it’s one of the affirming arts. A writer may have a certain pessimism in his outlook, but the very act of being a writer seems to me to be an optimistic act (Act Quotes)
We act and walk and speak and talk in ways that consolidate an impression of being a man or being a woman (Act Quotes)
Listening is a rare happening among human beings. You cannot listen to the word another is speaking if you are preoccupied with your appearance, or with impressing the other, or are trying to decide what you are going to say when the other stops talking, or are debating about whether what is being said is true or relevant or agreeable. Such matters have their place, but only after listening to the word as the word is being uttered. Listening is a primitive act of love in which a person gives himself to another’s word, making himself accessible and vulnerable to that word (Act Quotes)
The dialectical or ecological approach asserts that creating the world is involved in our every act. It is impossible for us to operate in our daily lives and not create the world that everyone must live in. What we desire arranges the genetic code in all of our major crops and livestock. We cannot avoid participating in the creation, and it is in agriculture, far and away our largest and most basic artifact, that human culture and the creation totally interpenetrate (Act Quotes)
The agriculture we seek will act like an ecosystem, feature material recycling and run on the contemporary sunlight of our star (Act Quotes)