Act Quotes

Text Quotes
Only that type of story deserves to be called moral that shows us that one has the power within oneself to act, out of the conviction that there is something better, even against one’s own inclination (Act Quotes)
If success is really dependent on someone liking you or not liking you, and you have to teeter on that kind of tightrope of how you’re supposed to act and how you’re supposed to look and who you are, it’s just not a healthy way to live (Act Quotes)
I never have changed in my taste, and the things that I love, and the way that I act, and all that. I never wanted to change, I just wanted to be successful, and be able to do more things for more people, and for myself as well (Act Quotes)
Actually, most people don’t think I have too much sense because I would rather be fairly intelligent and act dumb instead of not having any sense at all and try to act smart (Act Quotes)
I just want to do a good job with each role that I take and continue to better myself as an actress because that’s what I love about this job... being able to act and work with so many different people on such a wide range of projects (Act Quotes)
A lot of my sketches came from thoughts, and I always just wanted to act them out (Act Quotes)
The soul, which is the first principle of life, is not a body, but the act of a body; just as heat, which is the principle of calefaction, is not a body, but an act of a body (Act Quotes)
Friendship takes place between those who have an affinity for one another, and is a perfectly natural and inevitable result. No professions nor advances will avail... It is a drama in which the parties have no part to act (Act Quotes)
The popular definition of tragedy is heavy drama in which everyone is killed in the last act, comedy being light drama in which everyone is married in the last act (Act Quotes)
Since belief is measured by action, he who forbids us to believe religion to be true, necessarily also forbids us to act as we should if we did believe it to be true (Act Quotes)
When sins are dear to us we are too prone to slide into them again. The act of repentance itself is often sweetened with the thought that it clears our account for a repetition of the same sin (Act Quotes)
A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a people who mean to be free (Act Quotes)
They wrong man greatly who say he is to be seduced by ease. Difficulty, abnegation, martyrdom, death are the allurements that act on the heart of man (Act Quotes)
Acting is a child’s prerogative. Children are born to act. Usually, people grow up and out of it. Actors always seem to me to be people who never quite did grow out of it (Act Quotes)
Genius must have talent as its complement and implement, just as in like manner imagination must have fancy. In short, the higher intellectual powers can only act through a corresponding energy of the lower (Act Quotes)
No men can act with effect who do not act in concert; no men can act in concert who do not act with confidence; no men can act with confidence who are not bound together with common opinions, common affections, and common interests (Act Quotes)
When a tongue fails to send forth appropriate shafts, there might be a word to act as healer of these (Act Quotes)
Certainly it was ordained as a scourge upon the pride of human wisdom, that the wisest of us all, should thus outwit ourselves, and eternally forego our purposes in the intemperate act of pursuing them (Act Quotes)
You see what happens today. Women act like men and want to be treated like women (Act Quotes)
The situation is that of him who is helpless, cannot act, in the event cannot paint, since he is obliged to paint. The act is of him who, helpless, unable to act, acts, in the event paints, since he is obliged to paint (Act Quotes)
Act so that the maxim of your act could be made the principle of a universal law (Act Quotes)
Even with limited intelligence, knowing oneself is not as difficult as some say, but to act according to what one has realized about oneself in real life is as difficult as practicing anything else, compared to theory (Act Quotes)
By and large, reporters and editors are devoutly secular and deeply distrustful of those who act on faith (Act Quotes)
When a king begins to act like a king, it is not long before someone else is king! Serving is a way we can place value on one another. A wise man is a server (Act Quotes)
A small town is automatically a world of pretense. Since everyone knows everyone else’s business, it becomes the job of the populace to act as if they don’t know what is going on instead of its being their job to try to find out (Act Quotes)
The very existence of society depends on the fact that every member of it tacitly admits he is not the exclusive possessor of himself, and that he admits the claim of the polity of which he forms a part, to act, to some extent, as his master (Act Quotes)
We must act as if our institutions are ours to create, our learning is ours to define, our leadership we seek is ours to become (Act Quotes)
Accumulating years in the act of living is no guarantee of maturity. In fact, it is possible to be born, grow old and die without ever maturing (Act Quotes)
You know all my life I’ve hated funerals. The fuss and bother never brings anybody back. It just spoils remembering them as they really are. And when I see people actually facing it that way, I have to act like a sap (Act Quotes)
I think one of the reasons I’m so thrilled with writing is because it is an act of reading for me at the same time, which is why my revisions are so sustained (Act Quotes)