Action Quotes
Text Quotes
I have never intended in any of my films to sell violence or to glorify it. Even in the most intense action sequences in my films, there is a message about how evil violence is (Action Quotes)
One charming characteristic of many flank attacks I could mention is that they do not very often lead to simplification: if the attack is parried, there usually are still opportunities left for initiating action in another sector (Action Quotes)
I can see no justification whatever for the attitude which refuses on purely a priori grounds to accept action at a distance... Such an attitude bespeaks an unimaginativeness, a mental obtuseness and obstinacy (Action Quotes)
All talk is just that: talk. All the words written on these pages are just that: words. If you want things to get better, take action. Don’t just talk about it. Don’t just read and think about it. Do it (Action Quotes)
A poet articulating the dreads and horrors of our time is necessary in order to make readers understand what is happening, really understand it, not just know about it but feel it: and should be accompanied by a willingness on the part of those who write it to take additional action towards stopping the great miseries which they record (Action Quotes)
Compassion can be described as letting ourselves be touched by the vulnerability and suffering that is within ourselves and all beings. The full flowering of compassion also includes action: Not only do we attune to the presence of suffering, we respond to it (Action Quotes)
Without action, words are just words. Without violence, laws are just words. Violence isn’t the only answer, but it is the final answer (Action Quotes)
When people made up their minds that they wanted to be free and took action, then there was a change (Action Quotes)
For me, being an innovator doesn’t mean being more intelligent, more rich, it’s not a word, it’s an action (Action Quotes)
Definition: Alpinism is the art of going through the mountains confronting the greatest dangers with the biggest of cares. What we call art here, is the application of a knowledge to an action (Action Quotes)
Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it, we are nothing (Action Quotes)
I once said that effort is between you, and you, and nobody else. The same can be true between and individual and their camera. What you’re shooting is between you and you and nobody else. Outcomes are for the audience. The action is yours alone (Action Quotes)
Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes (Action Quotes)
History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being. If this is so, then intercession, far from being an escape from action, is a means of focusing for action and of creating action. By means of our intercessions we veritably cast fire upon the earth and trumpet the future into being (Action Quotes)
We eventually learn that emotional closure is our own action. We can be responsible for it. In any moment, we can choose to open or to close (Action Quotes)
When under attack, it is necessary to evaluate the situation and to decide instantly upon a proper course of action, to be carried out immediately with all the force you can bring to bear. He who hesitates is indeed lost. Do not soliloquize. Do not delay. Be decisive (Action Quotes)
Let your attacker worry about his life. Don’t hold back. Strike no more after he is incapable of further action, but see that he is stopped (Action Quotes)
What you do to prevent further felonious assault, as long as the felon is still capable of action, is justified (Action Quotes)
Whenever we practise meditation, whether or not our meditation is clear, we are performing a virtuous mental action that is a cause of our future happiness and peace of mind (Action Quotes)
Stillness is our most intense mode of action. It is in our moments of deep quiet that is born every idea, emotion, and drive which we eventually honor with the name of action. We reach highest in meditation, and farthest in prayer. In stillness every human being is great (Action Quotes)
Boys, boys, boys. Boys buy the little spinny tops, they but the action figures, girls buy princesses, we’re not selling princesses (Action Quotes)
If you’re not bruised up, then you’re not doing an action film in a real way (Action Quotes)
I don’t look at rushes, or I don’t go to the dailies. I don’t even really look at playback unless it’s an action scene or a move that I need to do better, something like that (Action Quotes)
I don’t know if I’m an action star or if that’s just how things are shaping up. I would hate to be boxed into that forever, but it’s probably just a strength as far as my type goes, and I’m fine with that (Action Quotes)
It’s just cool for a girl to be able to do her own thing. I do a lot of movies, and I’m very lucky, and I’m not complaining. But in movies, alongside big action men, we’ve always got to take a step back and let the men shine (Action Quotes)
I have dabbled with action, romance, dance, emotion and comedy. I think I’ve done well in all.It’s important to keep doing something different and reinvent oneself to avoid stagnation fromcreeping in (Action Quotes)
If you make action movies, the critics will savage you, and then your movies are outdated the following week with the new wave of special effects (Action Quotes)
We believe, and so suggested a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker. These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it, once having lost their self confidence, their reliance upon things human, their problems pile up on them and become astonishingly difficult to solve (Action Quotes)
Like the sorcerer of old, the television set casts its magic spell, freezing speech and action, turning the living into silent statues so long as the enchantment lasts. The primary danger of the television screen lies not so much in the behavior it produces, although there is danger there, as in the behavior it prevents: the talks, the games, the family festivities... through which much of the child’s learning takes place and through which his character is formed. Turning on the television set can turn off the process that transforms children into people (Action Quotes)
Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right (Action Quotes)