Actions Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s responsibility, but there’s also accountability. You have to be accountable for your actions. You have to stand at your locker when things are going bad (Actions Quotes)
I’m measuring my actions against that inner voice that for me at least is audible, is active, it tells me where I think I’m on track and where I think I’m off track (Actions Quotes)
I never acted out with my actions to show people that I’m getting grown, you never see me with a cigarette, or see me wilding out or doing anything like that (Actions Quotes)
I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions (Actions Quotes)
None of my actions have ever sort of been motored by the search for a husband or wondering if I was going to have a family someday or wanting to live in a really great house or thinking it would be really great to have a diamond (Actions Quotes)
Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of loyalty and allegiance that is the result of knowledge and belief. A patriot shows their their patriotism through their actions, by their choice (Actions Quotes)
The practice of peace and reconciliation is one of the most vital and artistic of human actions (Actions Quotes)
This above all makes history useful and desirable; it unfolds before our eyes a glorious record of exemplary actions (Actions Quotes)
The worst of my actions or conditions seem not so ugly unto me as I find it both ugly and base not to dare to avouch for them (Actions Quotes)
I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results (Actions Quotes)
Concupiscence and force are the source of all our actions; concupiscence causes voluntary actions, force involuntary ones (Actions Quotes)
Desire and force between them are responsible for all our actions; desire causes our voluntary acts, force our involuntary (Actions Quotes)
Virtue is relative to the actions and ages of each of us in all that we do (Actions Quotes)
Not always actions show the man; we find who does a kindness is not therefore kind (Actions Quotes)
We become just by performing just action, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave action (Actions Quotes)
What the statesman is most anxious to produce is a certain moral character in his fellow citizens, namely a disposition to virtue and the performance of virtuous actions (Actions Quotes)
It is our less conscious thoughts and our less conscious actions which mainly mould our lives and the lives of those who spring from us (Actions Quotes)
Man is free; yet we must not suppose that he is at liberty to do everything he pleases, for he becomes a slave the moment he allows his actions to be ruled by passion (Actions Quotes)
In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently (Actions Quotes)
Are not laws dangerous which inhibit the passions? Compare the centuries of anarchy with those of the strongest legalism in any country you like and you will see that it is only when the laws are silent that the greatest actions appear (Actions Quotes)
We know what a person thinks not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions (Actions Quotes)
All these primary impulses, not easily described in words, are the springs of man’s actions (Actions Quotes)
I have some security that could protect me against provocations but of course there are more terrible actions that could not be stopped by any security (Actions Quotes)
I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them (Actions Quotes)
He who busies himself with things other than improvement of his own self becomes perplexed in darkness and entangled in ruin. His evil spirits immerse him deep in vices and make his bad actions seem handsome (Actions Quotes)
Call him wise whose actions, words, and steps are all a clear because to a clear why (Actions Quotes)
One will rarely err if extreme actions be ascribed to vanity, ordinary actions to habit, and mean actions to fear (Actions Quotes)
Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions, but those who kindly reprove thy faults (Actions Quotes)
Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habit (Actions Quotes)
Almost all of us long for peace and freedom; but very few of us have much enthusiasm for the thoughts, feelings, and actions that make for peace and freedom (Actions Quotes)