Actions Quotes

Text Quotes
A hypocrite is in himself both the archer and the mark, in all actions shooting at his own praise or profit (Actions Quotes)
All our actions take their hues from the complexion of the heart, as landscapes their variety from light (Actions Quotes)
Man supposes that he directs his life and governs his actions, when his existence is irretrievably under the control of destiny (Actions Quotes)
The introduction of noble inventions seems to hold by far the most excellent place among human actions (Actions Quotes)
We sow our thoughts, and we reap our actions; we sow our actions, and we reap our habits; we sow our habits, and we reap our characters; we sow our characters, and we reap our destiny (Actions Quotes)
As the mind of each man is conscious of good or evil, so does he conceive within his breast hope or fear, according to his actions (Actions Quotes)
I am beholden to calumny, that she hath so endeavored and taken pains to belie me. It shall make me set a surer guard on myself, and keep a better watch upon my actions (Actions Quotes)
From thee all human actions take their springs, the rise of empires, and the fall of kings (Actions Quotes)
It is of unspeakable advantage to possess our minds with an habitual good intention, and to aim all our thoughts, words, and actions at some laudable end (Actions Quotes)
As sloth seldom bringeth actions to good birth; so hasty rashness always makes them abortive ere well formed (Actions Quotes)
Fiction is of the essence of poetry as well as of painting; there is a resemblance in one of human bodies, things, and actions which are not real, and in the other of a true story by fiction (Actions Quotes)
Had I miscarried, I had been a villain; for men judge actions always by events; but when we manage by a just foresight, success is prudence, and possession right (Actions Quotes)
It is in vain to expect any advantage from our profession of the truth, if we be not sincerely just and honest in our actions (Actions Quotes)
Men must have righteous principles in the first place, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions (Actions Quotes)
A good name is properly that reputation of virtue that every man may challenge as his right and due in the opinions of others, till he has made forfeit of it by the viciousness of his actions (Actions Quotes)
Men of real merit, and whose noble and glorious deeds we are ready to acknowledge, are yet not to be endured when they vaunt their own actions (Actions Quotes)
Motives are better than actions. Men drift into crime. Of evil they do more than they contemplate, and of good they contemplate more than they do (Actions Quotes)
Men’s actions to futurity appear but as the events to which they are conjoined do give them consequence (Actions Quotes)
When a woman wants to betray her husband, her actions are almost invariably studied but they are never reasoned (Actions Quotes)
Even the greatest actions of a celebrated person labor under this disadvantage, that however surprising and extraordinary they may be, they are no more than what are expected from him (Actions Quotes)
Actions rare and sudden do commonly proceed from fierce necessity, of else from some oblique design, which is ashamed to show itself in the public road (Actions Quotes)
Authentic love always assumes the mystery of modesty, even in its expression, because actions speak louder than words. Unlike a feigned love, it feels no need to set a conflagration (Actions Quotes)
He who does not respect confidence, will never find happiness in his path. The belief in virtue vanishes from his heart, the source of nobler actions becomes extinct to him (Actions Quotes)
A man’s diary is a record in youth of his sentiments, in middle age of his actions, in old age of his reflections (Actions Quotes)
There is no detraction worse than to overpraise a man, for if his worth proves short of what report doth speak of him, his own actions are ever giving the lie to his honor (Actions Quotes)
Exploding many things under the name of trifles is a very false proof either of wisdom or magnanimity, and a great check to virtuous actions with regard to fame (Actions Quotes)
The true motives of our actions, like the real pipes of an organ, are usually concealed; but the gilded and hollow pretext is pompously placed in the front for show (Actions Quotes)
Judge not of actions by their mere effect; dive to the centre, and the cause detect; great deeds from meanest springs may take their course, and smallest virtues from a mighty source (Actions Quotes)
Maxims are to the intellect what laws are to actions; they do not enlighten, but they guide and direct, and, although themselves blind, are protective (Actions Quotes)
On eagle’s wings immortal scandals fly, while virtue’s actions are but born and die (Actions Quotes)