Actions Quotes

Text Quotes
I mean that you always know what results will come from one or another of your actions; but in a strange way you want to do one thing and get the result that could only come from another (Actions Quotes)
Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in the name of comfort has killed more ideas, more opportunities, more actions, and more growth than everything else combined. Comfort kills! (Actions Quotes)
As many arrows, loosed several ways, come to one mark... so many a thousand actions, once afoot, end in one purpose (Actions Quotes)
Only by being permitted to experience the consequences of his actions will the child acquire a sense of responsibility; and within the limits marked by the demands of his safety this must be done (Actions Quotes)
America’s government is not even aware of the gap between its commitments and action, because almost nobody in authority understands the actions that would be needed to meet the commitments (Actions Quotes)
A passion for continual learning, a refined, discerning ear for the moral and ethical consequences of their actions, and an understanding of the purposes of work and human organisations (Actions Quotes)
Faith is an orientation of the total person, giving purpose and goal to one’s hopes and strivings, thoughts and actions (Actions Quotes)
Two things distinguish nonviolent actions from violent actions. First, you don’t see an enemy and second, your intention is not to make the other side suffer (Actions Quotes)
Imagination is the hotbed where this sin is too often hatched. Guard your thoughts, and there will be little fear about your actions (Actions Quotes)
But an adult if he is to provide proper guidance, must always be calm and act slowly so that the child who is watching him can clearly see his actions in all their particulars (Actions Quotes)
If our words are not consistent with our actions, they will never be heard above the thunder of our deeds (Actions Quotes)
If we can develop the ability to be aware of the present moment, we can use the past as a guide for ordering our actions in the future, so that we may attain our goal (Actions Quotes)
Human dignity can be achieved only in the field of ethics, and ethical achievement is measured by the degree in which our actions are governed by compassion and love, not by greed and aggressiveness (Actions Quotes)
Authority is granted to people who are perceived as authoring their own words, their own actions, their own lives, rather than playing a scripted role at great remove from their own hearts (Actions Quotes)
Nothing is more difficult to accomplish than changing outward actions without changing inward feelings (Actions Quotes)
Anger is the mother of a whole brood of evil actions. Divorce too often is the bitter fruit of anger (Actions Quotes)
One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity is revealed in how we respond to the weaknesses, the inexperience, and the potentially offensive actions of others (Actions Quotes)
Consciousness is observing your thoughts and actions so that you can live from true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past (Actions Quotes)
Daily, constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable (Actions Quotes)
If you’re going to condemn a people based on the actions of the worst of its ranks; take a good look at the worst of your people first and judge yourself (Actions Quotes)
Obviously if any actions, even a lunatic’s, can be causeless, determinism is done for. If the chain of causation can be broken for a madman, it can be broken for a man (Actions Quotes)
There are three types of actions : purposeful, habitual, and gratuitous. Characters, to be immediate and apprehensible, must be presented by all three (Actions Quotes)
Let us not demeanor or belittle. Rather, let us be compassionate and encouraging,. We must be careful that we do not destroy another person’s confidence through careless words. or actions (Actions Quotes)
What people believe impacts on what they do. And it’s not as if religion is universally bad. Of course it’s responsible for many peoples doing good actions (Actions Quotes)
The wisdom of our actions in the first three years of peace will determine the course of world history for half a century (Actions Quotes)
We are accountable for our actions as we exercise our moral agency. If we understand this principle and make righteous choices, our lives will be blessed (Actions Quotes)
But they who are unconcerned about the consequences of their actions are not therefore unconcerned about their actions (Actions Quotes)
We create in people through our actions and example. In this way people around us become reflections of our own behavioral patterns and internal energies (Actions Quotes)
Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to (Actions Quotes)
Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions (Actions Quotes)