Actions Quotes

Text Quotes
When we step out in faith and use the talents He’s given us, we show that we trust God, that we believe He will bless our actions and cause us to succeed. (Actions Quotes)
Marx was wrong; jealousy and pride, emotional forces, are just as responsible as hunger and necessity for our actions; they explain the whole of History, and the initial fall of man (Actions Quotes)
Actions themselves form no bondage. Bondage is only the false belief,I am the do-er. (Actions Quotes)
My actions constituted pure hacking that resulted in relatively trivial expenses for the companies involved, despite the government’s false claims. (Actions Quotes)
Prayer doesn’t work because someone out there is listening, it works because someone in here is listening. I’ve paid attention. I’ve pictured what I want to happen in my life. I’ve meditated extensively on my family, my future, my past actions and what did and didn’t work for me about them. (Actions Quotes)
The only thing that can combat fear is action. And there’s two actions. There’s fight and flight. (Actions Quotes)
At the federal level, the fiscal stimulus of 2008 and 2009 supported economic output, but the effects of that stimulus faded; by 2011, federal fiscal policy actions became a drag on output growth when the recovery was still weak. (Actions Quotes)
The actions of a leader are always criticised by scholars as well as common men. A scholar has no obligation to produce result, so he is free to rebuke leaders for not sticking to noble means. Common men envy leaders their position and power, thus feeling happy in vilifying them to pull them down to their own levels. (Actions Quotes)
There is more experience on the field of justification than on the camp of training. Sometimes, you got to take actions to learn more. (Actions Quotes)
As an anonymous participant in financial markets, I never had to weigh the social consequences of my actions ... I felt justified in ignoring them on the grounds that I was playing by the rules. (Actions Quotes)
While Slovakia did not make the first round of NATO membership, as various requirements and reforms are instituted, these actions will enhance the opportunities to join NATO. (Actions Quotes)
Virtue depends partly upon training and partly upon practice; you must learn first, and then strengthen your learning by actions. (Actions Quotes)
When a man can’t explain a woman’s actions, the first thing he thinks of is the condition of her uterus. (Actions Quotes)
If a leader’s actions don’t back up his or her words, those who are trying to follow will first grow confused. (Actions Quotes)
The wisdom of our actions in the first three years of peace will determine the course of world history for half a century. (Actions Quotes)
Two things distinguish nonviolent actions from violent actions. First, you don’t see an enemy and second, your intention is not to make the other side suffer. (Actions Quotes)
To doubt one’s own first principles is the mark of a civilized man. Don’t defend past actions; what is right today may be wrong tomorrow. Don’t be consistent; consistency is the refuge of fools. (Actions Quotes)
Whatever is difficult can be done with regular attention and actions. Stay focused. (Actions Quotes)
If religion comprises rules you follow, faith is demonstrated by the actions you take (Actions Quotes)
The only way we succeed as a group is not simply following directions, but in keeping each other accountable for our actions. (Actions Quotes)
Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers, and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love. (Actions Quotes)
Forgive those whose actions are the outcome of their personality, and forget those whose personalities are the outcome of their actions. (Actions Quotes)
Letting go of the past does not mean that we should try to forget everything that has happened to us and not learn anything from our previous thinking patterns and actions. Letting go simply means that we do not allow the past to control our current thoughts and actions. (Actions Quotes)
I’m not acting; I’m not playing me. People forget that their actions make them who they are. (Actions Quotes)
Forgiving ourselves for all the woulda-shoulda-couldas in life, and sometimes forgiving others for actions that we feel undercut or undermine our good, can be very challenging. But forgiveness of the past and mistakes, our own mistakes as well as the mistakes of others, is imperative if we are to dwell fully in the present and experience the miracles that are only available to the forgiving and loving mind. (Actions Quotes)
Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world. (Actions Quotes)
Fulfilling your destiny is like going on an errand assignment. You must run it to make it meaningful. You don’t become who you should become when you remain passionlessly without taking actions. (Actions Quotes)
Your actions will follow you full circle round,the higher the leap, I said, the harder the ground! (Actions Quotes)
If you sincerely love yourself then you will take 100% full responsibility for your thoughts and actions. (Actions Quotes)
No matter what your origin or beliefs, rather adolescent or full grown. Thoughts are scribed in pencil but actions are carved in stone (Actions Quotes)