Actively Quotes

Text Quotes
Faith and hope are the antidote. Stay actively involved in manifesting your dreams and the world created will be one we all want to live in (Actively Quotes)
Even if they don’t know that you are practicing for them, you are helping them and in turn they are helping you. They are actively helping you to develop your compassion, and so to purify and heal yourself. For me, all dying people are teachers, giving to all those who help them a chance to transform themselves through developing their compassion (Actively Quotes)
The war years count double. Things and people not actively in use age twice as fast (Actively Quotes)
If I’m watching my son play soccer, that’s what I’m doing. If I’m going to a school concert, that’s what I’m doing. I turn the phone off. I actively tune into whatever I’m doing. I walk every evening with one of my sons and for that half an hour, 45 minutes, that’s what I’m doing (Actively Quotes)
Part of it has to do with the discipline of being actively receptive. At the core of this receptivity is a process that might be called soft eyes. It is a physical sensation. You are not looking for something. You are open, receptive. At some point you are in front of something that you cannot ignore (Actively Quotes)
As I grow older part of my emotional survival plan must be to actively seek inspiration instead of passively waiting for it to find me (Actively Quotes)
If we could only make our hands move as actively as our tongues, what wonders we could accomplish! Almost everyone loves to hear his own voice. It is so easy, too! Yet if we could say less and do more for each other’s good, not alone would every home be happier, but communities would be enriched thereby. Instead of criticism by speech, to show someone a better way to do a thing would be of much greater value (Actively Quotes)
The history of interactions among disparate peoples is what shaped the modern world through conquest, epidemics and genocide. Those collisions created reverberations that have still not died down after many centuries, and that are actively continuing in some of the world’s most troubled areas (Actively Quotes)
If you believe in truth and cared enough to obtain it, you had to be prepared actively to suffer for it (Actively Quotes)
Most investors are pretty smart. Yet most investors also remain heavily invested in actively managed stock funds. This is puzzling. The temptation, of course, is to dismiss these folks as ignorant fools. But I suspect these folks know the odds are stacked against them, and yet they are more than happy to take their chances (Actively Quotes)
When we are upset, it’s easy to blame others. However, the true cause of our feelings is within us. For example, imagine yourself as a glass of water. Now, imagine past negative experiences as sediment at the bottom of your glass. Next, think of others as spoons. When one stirs, the sediment clouds your water. It may appear that the spoon caused the water to cloud – but if there were no sediment, the water would remain clear no matter what. The key, then, is to identify our sediment and actively work to remove it (Actively Quotes)
When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance (Actively Quotes)
It is not necessary for a man to be actively bad in order to make a failure in life; simple inaction will accomplish it. Nature has everywhere written her protest against idleness; everything which ceases to struggle toward an ideal, the constant effort to get higher and further, which develops manhood and character (Actively Quotes)
It is hardly useful if you trustingly play through variation after variation from a book. It is a great deal more useful and more interesting if you take part actively in the analysis, find something yourself, and try to refute some of the author’s conclusions (Actively Quotes)
Be clear about what you want to accomplish, and whether the circumstances surrounding you are actively helping you toward the goal (Actively Quotes)
All it takes for generosity to flow is awareness. By actively pursuing awareness and knowledge, we can make choices that cause less harm and greater good to others in the global community of our shared earth (Actively Quotes)
I think despair and cynicism are two different things. On the flip side of hope is despair. Belief and doubt are the same thing, in that to believe something you have to actively doubt the opposite. And from my perspective, that’s the deep end. You’re dealing with the unknown; you’re dealing with mystery (Actively Quotes)
My team is the best, the platoon is good, the company? is awful, and the battalion is actively trying to kill us (Actively Quotes)
We will continue to go out onto the streets and to protest, and actively encourage the public to support us in our campaign for free education (Actively Quotes)
If you are not actively seeking and creating opportunities, which always contain an element of risk, you are actually exposing yourself to more serious risks in the long term (Actively Quotes)
On the relationship side, if you teach people to respond actively and constructively when someone they care about has a victory, it increases love and friendship and decreases the probability of depression (Actively Quotes)
If your clients aren’t actively telling their friends about you, maybe your work isn’t as great as you think it is (Actively Quotes)
When you write a goal down your subconscious brain begins to more actively think about bringing into your life the people, resources and knowledge you need to achieve your goals (Actively Quotes)
Audiences like to be challenged and to be actively involved and try to guess an outcome (Actively Quotes)
If we’re not actively making things better, chances are we’re making them worse (Actively Quotes)
A typical mathematician does not actively try to be useful. Individual mathematicians are motivated primarily by a subtle mixture of ambition and intellectual curiosity, and not by a wish to benefit society, nevertheless, mathematics as a whole does benefit society (Actively Quotes)
I remove a lot of the pressure from myself by saying I’m not competing with my parents. They are the persons who taught me my ideology. They actively practiced what they preached. They’re the exemplars and the role models. So how does one compete with a mentor? (Actively Quotes)
I believe that both art and the human striving for cognitive comprehension are manifest forms of the grand game in which nothing more is stipulated than the game’s rules; both art and actively solicited perceptions are but special cases of the recurring creative act to which we owe our existence (Actively Quotes)
Prayer, the basic exercise of the spirit, must be actively practiced in our private lives. The neglected soul of the human being must be made strong enough to assert itself once more. For if the power of prayer is again released and used in the lives of common men and women; if the spirit declares its aims clearly and boldly, there is yet hope that our prayers for a better world will be answered (Actively Quotes)
Sometimes I read a biography of some tempestuous artist and find myself longing for fireworks! booze! bloody fights!; I do think that life must be so much more thrilling when you’re actively miserable (Actively Quotes)