Activity Quotes
Text Quotes
Democracy is not simply a question of structures. It is a state of mind. It is an activity (Activity Quotes)
I’m trying to set out the passion and complexity of this sport. Many people think it’s a dumb activity: stand on the gas and turn left. In fact, it’s probably one of the most complex sports in existence (Activity Quotes)
Yellow is a very favorable vibration for mental or intellectual activity, as it promotes a clear state of mind. Yellow heightens your awareness and alleviates depression, sadness, or any kind of despondency. Yellow vibration foods are: pineapples, bananas, grapefruit, lemons and corn (Activity Quotes)
Web design is the creation of digital environments that facilitate and encourage human activity; reflect or adapt to individual voices and content; and change gracefully over time while always retaining their identity (Activity Quotes)
The individual organs follow the same pattern as the whole organism, i.e. they have their period of growth, of stationary, maximum activity and then of aging decline (Activity Quotes)
Prayer is action. By it we step out in advance of all other results... Praying is an activity upon which all others depend. By prayer we establish a beachhead for the kingdom among peoples where it has never been before. Prayer strikes the winning blow. All other missionary efforts simply gather up the fruits of our praying (Activity Quotes)
Boredom or discontent is useful to me when I acknowledge it and see clearly my assumption that there’s something else I would rather be doing. In this way boredom can act as an invitation to freedom by opening me to new options and thoughts. For example, if I can’t change the activity, can I look at it more honestly? (Activity Quotes)
Proper effort is not the effort to make something particular happen. It is the effort to be aware and awake each moment, the effort to overcome laziness and merit, the effort to make each activity of our day meditation (Activity Quotes)
Now I begin to feel that that all that is important comes in quietness and waiting; activity should be only the working out, the digesting and putting forth of what one learned, so that one may become empty again to receive more (Activity Quotes)
I would insist that poetry is a normal human activity and its proper concern all the things that happen to people (Activity Quotes)
Integration proceeds by just the opposite route: a deliberate heightening of every organic function; a release of impulses from circumstances that irrationally thwarted them; richer and more complex patterns of activity; an esthetic heightening of anticipated realizations; a steady lengthening of the future; a faith in cosmic perspectives (Activity Quotes)
... there’s no such thing as sustainability. There are just levels of it. It’s a process, not a real goal. All you can do is work toward it. There’s no such thing as any sustainable economy. The only thing I know that’s even close to sustainable economic activity would be organic farming on a very small scale or hunting and gathering on a very small scale. And manufacturing, you end up with way more waste than you end up with finished product. It’s totally unsustainable. It’s just the way it is (Activity Quotes)
Politics? Boring? Politics is history on the wing! What other sphere of human activity calls forth all that is most noble in men’s souls, and all that is most base? Or has such excitement? Or more vividly exposes our strengths and weaknesses? Boring? You might as well say that life itself is boring! (Activity Quotes)
Never look back, except for an occasional glance, look ahead and plan for the future. Success is not built on past laurels, but rather on a continuous activity. Keep busy searching out new ideas and, experimentally, keep ahead of the times, or at least up with them (Activity Quotes)
The conscious mind is not at the center of the action in the brain; instead, it is far out on a distant edge, hearing but whispers of the activity (Activity Quotes)
Thinking is the natural activity of the mind. Meditation is not about stopping your thoughts. Meditation is simply a process of resting the mind in its natural state, which is open to and naturally aware of thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they occur (Activity Quotes)
Perhaps it would be a good idea, fantastic as it sounds, to muffle every telephone, halt every motor, and stop all activity someday to give people a chance to ponder a few minutes on what it is all about, why they are living, and what they really want (Activity Quotes)
No business, no movement, no activity on the part of man or a group of men can become any greater than the thinking minds and consciousness of the people who are back of the movement (Activity Quotes)
Some cynical people think that every activity must revolve around the mighty dollar, and that anyone saying otherwise is just attempting to delude the public. I will probably never be able to convice them that that isn’t always the case, but I do have the satisfaction of knowing that I live in a less dingy world than they do (Activity Quotes)
The friendship between a man and a woman which does not lead to marriage or desire for marriage may be a life long experience of the greatest value to themselves and to all their circle of acquaintance and of activity; but for this type of friendship both a rare man and a rare woman are needed (Activity Quotes)
Happiness is a continuous creative activity of imaginatively comparing your experiences to things that aren’t as good and thereby feeling happy and grateful (Activity Quotes)
In strongly opposing the world of play to that of reality, and in stressing that play is essentially a side activity, the interference is drawn that any contamination by ordinary life runs the risk of corrupting and destroying its very nature (Activity Quotes)
Were designed for persistence hunting, which is a mix of running and walking. Whats built into that kind of running is a sense of pleasure. You are designed and built and perfect for this activity, and it should be enjoyable and fun (Activity Quotes)
The word constructionism is a mnemonic for two aspects of the theory of science education underlying this project. From constructivist theories of psychology we take a view of learning as a reconstruction rather than as a transmission of knowledge. Then we extend the idea of manipulative materials to the idea that learning is most effective when part of an activity the learner experiences as constructing a meaningful product (Activity Quotes)
Reading. I know it’s not a very active activity, but it is in my head (Activity Quotes)
If there is anything in the world that can really be called a mans property, it is surely that which is the result of his mental activity (Activity Quotes)
Eating a healthy diet is not just about eating a few special foods. There’s a bigger picture. You need to practice moderation, eat a variety of foods, and get enough physical activity (Activity Quotes)
I must pack my short lifer full of interesting events and creative activity. Philosophy and aesthetic contemplation are not enough. I intend to do everything possible to broaden my experiences and allow myself to reach the fullest development. Then, and before physical deterioration obtrudes, I shall go on some last wilderness trip to a place I have known and loved. I shall not return (Activity Quotes)
Men know almost nothing about desire, they think it has to do with sexual activity or can be discharged that way. But sex is a substitute, like money or language. Sometimes I just want to stop seeing (Activity Quotes)
I’m not one to attribute every activity of man to the changes in the climate. There is something to be said also for man’s activities, but also for the cyclical temperature changes on our planet (Activity Quotes)