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Zen is not, in my view, philosophy or mysticism. It is simply a practice of readjustment of nervous activity. That is, it restores the distorted nervous system to its normal functioning  (Activity Quotes) Why have women passion, intellect, moral activity these, three and a place in society where no one of the three can be exercised?  (Activity Quotes) Order generally was a product of human activity. Chaos existed as a raw material from which to create order  (Activity Quotes) Imagination should be integrated with life, not turned into a separate activity, art, that monopolizes one’s whole existence  (Activity Quotes) Connection between life and radioactive nuclei is straightforward. No life without tectonic activity, without volcanic activity. And we know very well that geothermal energy is mostly produced by decay of uranium, thorium, and potassium  (Activity Quotes) Obsession is the single most wasteful human activity, because with an obsession you keep coming back and back and back to the same question and never get an answer  (Activity Quotes) Whether it is considered from the viewpoint of its effect on society, or as one of the expressions of the human spirit, creativity stands out as an activity to be studied, cherished, and cultivated  (Activity Quotes) My mom’s a psychologist, and I think that has influenced me on a personal level. Plus, I’m just generally interested in visualization and humanity, social activity and technology, and what happens in aggregate  (Activity Quotes) When leisure is a selfish luxury, its very activity, when it stirs, is apt to be only a kind of indolence taking exercise, that it may the better digest its selfishness  (Activity Quotes) One reader is better than another in proportion as he is able of a greater range of activity in reading and exerts more effort  (Activity Quotes) Philosophy aims at the logical clarification of thoughts. Philosophy is not a body of doctrine but an activity. A philosophical work consists essentially of elucidations  (Activity Quotes) Art matures. It is the formal elaboration of activity, complete in its own pattern. It is a cosmos of its own  (Activity Quotes) The operations of the human mind are also controlled by words of power, formulas that become a focus of mental activity  (Activity Quotes) Spirituality practiced in the state of activity is incomparably superior to that practiced in a state of withdrawel  (Activity Quotes) I’m very, very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing... any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that  (Activity Quotes) In fact, violence as a symbol of our growing irrationality has had an increasing role in activity for its own sake, when no possible justification could be made that the activity was seeking to resolve a problem  (Activity Quotes) Politics is the activity by which the framework of human life is sustained; it is not life itself  (Activity Quotes) The best ideas come unexpectedly from a conversation or a common activity like watering the garden. These can get lost or slip away if not acted on when they occur  (Activity Quotes) Justice of the world is in its creativity, in solving problems, in our activity and struggle. While I am alive there is the possibility to act, to strive for happiness, this is justice  (Activity Quotes) To learn and to love, that is what we are here for, any activity which is not grounded in one of these two is a waste of time  (Activity Quotes) Zazen is an activity that is an extension of the universe. Zazen is not the life of an individual, it’s the universe that’s breathing  (Activity Quotes) The greater part of human activity is designed to make permanent those experiences and joys which are only lovable because they are changing  (Activity Quotes) You work many hours. It is the major activity of your life. You can lose a lot of energy or gain a lot of energy from it. Put your full attention into it and do a good job, because it is part of your impeccability  (Activity Quotes) Activity proneness in the service of an ideology... leads the individual into an irreversible series of commitments from which is forged an identity to which the individual inevitably becomes strongly attached psychologically  (Activity Quotes) Watch the unending activity of the flowing stream or the growing tree. See the breakers of the ocean, the unceasing movements of the earth, the planets, the sun and the stars. All creation is life, movement, work  (Activity Quotes) Trouble always seems heavier when it is only one’s thought and not one’s bodily activity that is employed about it  (Activity Quotes) Some girls are apparently born with dates; some through much personal activity, achieve them; but others seem by necessity to have dates thrust upon them  (Activity Quotes) Every human activity, whether it be love, philosophy, art, or revolution, is carried on with a special intensity in Paris  (Activity Quotes) Published memoirs indicate the end of a man’s activity, and that he acknowledges the end  (Activity Quotes) The speed with which bureaucracy has invaded almost every branch of human activity is something astounding once one thinks about it  (Activity Quotes)
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