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Writers were never meant to be professionals. Writing is not a profession, it is an activity, an essentially amateur occupation. It is what you do when you are not living  (Activity Quotes) Every activity performed in public can attain an excellence never matched in privacy; for excellence, by definition, the presence of others is always required  (Activity Quotes) Feminism is something you do. It’s a verb. It’s what you are. It’s an activity; it’s something you’re actively engaged in  (Activity Quotes) Sooner or later, if the activity of the mind is restricted anywhere it will cease to function even where it is allowed to be free  (Activity Quotes) Jazz exemplifies artistic activity that is at once individual and communal, performance that is both repetitive and innovative, each participant sometimes providing background support and sometimes flying free  (Activity Quotes) Though my own life is filled with activity, letters encourage momentary escape into other lives, and I come back to my own with greater contentment  (Activity Quotes) Economic globalization creates wealth, but only for the elite who benefit from the surge of consolidations, mergers, global scale technology, and financial activity  (Activity Quotes) In brief, we who write are all in the same boat, as if we are survivors of torpedoes, and we hope to reach the shores of thought with strength for more activity  (Activity Quotes) Poetry is road maintenance for a fragmented world which seeks to be kept together. It’s been an integral activity for a long time  (Activity Quotes) The anxiety arising from the perpetual activity of the death instinct, though never eliminated, is counteracted and kept at bay by the power of the life instinct  (Activity Quotes) Many people are shy when it comes to getting out on a dance floor. Dancing is an activity that... reveals your inner self, whether you like it, or know it, or not. It is hard to fake it on a dance floor  (Activity Quotes) Just sitting does not involve reaching some understanding. It is the subtle activity of allowing all things to be completely at rest just as they are, not poking one’s head into the workings of the world  (Activity Quotes) Injury is the thing every exhausting piece of strategy and every single weapon is designed to bring into being: it is not something inadvertently produced on the way to producing something else but is the relentless object of all military activity  (Activity Quotes) Economically, legally, and politically powerless throughout much of western history, women have been linked to nature and the unknowable through metaphors of the body while the masculine has signified culture and mental activity  (Activity Quotes) Advertising... is a parasitic activity; it forces goods for which there is no real need or demand on a foolish or even a reluctant public, always by appealing to their lower instincts  (Activity Quotes) There is a huge difference between writing a book, which is a private activity I engage in with myself, and wanting to engage in overly intimate personal conversations with strangers, which I pretty much never want to do  (Activity Quotes) I was that kid who did every activity when I was in high school. There wasn’t a day that I didn’t stay after school to do something. I just had my hands in everything. And I was similarly very, very angry. I was an angry little guy  (Activity Quotes) I don’t want to sound like some old person pining for how things used to be, because I’m not. But walking down the street, for example, used to be a public activity; you’d see the other people  (Activity Quotes) I have no regrets about my political activity, only that I sometimes got carried away with it and didn’t find the right balance between obligations to my family and my need to be involved in social movements  (Activity Quotes) Most people’s lives are nothing more than pointlessly frantic activity used as a psychological defense against their own impotence and fear  (Activity Quotes) In the theater, when people hear that you’re writing a play, they want to know what it’s all about, whether there’s a role for them. You write it fairly quickly, and it becomes a group activity before you’re really ready to have company  (Activity Quotes) It is not enough to understand, or to see clearly. The future will be shaped in the arena of human activity, by those willing to commit their minds and their bodies to the task  (Activity Quotes) And for him, who lived in a certain circle, and who required some mental activity such as usually develops with maturity, having views was as necessary as having a hat  (Activity Quotes) The teacher’s task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in a special environment made for the child  (Activity Quotes) I feel like that religions generally ask the biggest questions. They may not always have the best answers, but they’re the zone of human activity that regularly asks the biggest questions  (Activity Quotes) As with most physical activity, yoga helps boost your immune system. However, it also stretches and strengthens your body simultaneously, while also balancing your mind and spirit. It benefits the whole human  (Activity Quotes) To fight evil with activity is like fighting darkness with one’s hands. So what you need is light, not fit  (Activity Quotes) Reading time is precious. Don’t waste it. Reading bad books, or books that are wrong for a certain time in your life, can dangerously turn you off the activity altogether  (Activity Quotes) Activity equals results. If you want to increase your success, increase your activity. Increase contact with customers. The more people you contact, the higher your sales will be because of the law of probabilities  (Activity Quotes) Storytelling is the greatest activity of any culture. Storytelling is how you build a family, how you pass along identity  (Activity Quotes)
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