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Actors Quotes

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It’s like playing tennis, you play a different rally with different people. Every actor is different and the chemistry between actors is different  (Actors Quotes) It’s important to say that actors can’t act alone, it’s impossible. What we have to do is support each other  (Actors Quotes) For me it came from the material. It was so well written and brought the opportunity to work with great actors. And of course the opportunity to mince about was an added element that I wanted to take advantage of!  (Actors Quotes) Plastic surgery and breast implants are fine for people who want that, if it makes them feel better about who they are. But, it makes these people, actors especially, fantasy figures for a fantasy world. Acting is about being real being honest  (Actors Quotes) The appearance and retirement of actors are the great events of the theatrical world; and their first performances fill the pit with conjecture and prognostication, as the first actions of a new monarch agitate nations with hope and fear  (Actors Quotes) God is the poet; men are but the actors. The great dramas of earth were written in heaven  (Actors Quotes) Some actors, I think, want to feel that they are as creative as the writer. And the answer is, frankly, they’re not  (Actors Quotes) Actors want to surprise themselves. When it’s really good, you kind of transcend yourself, and that happens infrequently. Very, very rarely  (Actors Quotes) I don’t write shows with dialogue where actors have to memorize dialogue. I write the scenes where we know everything that’s going to happen. There’s an outline of about seven or eight pages, and then we improvise it  (Actors Quotes) You really can’t explain how you do the things you do. I can’t, anyway. I love certain actors, but sometimes they say the stupidest things about technique. I don’t want to say something stupid  (Actors Quotes) Actors dread working with studios because they dictate what you do in a way that independent movies can’t  (Actors Quotes) Acting is a weird, kind of alienating job because you’re in an isolated place. Even if you’re working with a lot of other people, you’re kind of alienated. Actors say that a lot, and I kind of find that to be true  (Actors Quotes) The scariest people to turn a movie over to are always the people who are drawing up the poster, because that’s the first impression it’s going to make. And very often it’s portraying a very different film from the one the actors actually did  (Actors Quotes) If you want to be a screenwriter, take an acting class to get a sense of what you’re asking actors to do. Learning other skills will help you communicate with people and respect what they do  (Actors Quotes) Most actors don’t really have a director’s sensibility. They have an actor’s sensibility  (Actors Quotes) I know some really great actors who are pretty judgmental people, pretty critical people. But they’re great actors. When they’re acting, that’s the craft  (Actors Quotes) I know that some actors and directors like to have intensity on set. I don’t, particularly. Certainly, if they want that, that’s fine, but I can’t work like that  (Actors Quotes) And I think that, of course, there is some dysfunction of needing to be liked or noticed or to feel part of things, something going on there for most actors. For some there’s not and I think they really struggle with it  (Actors Quotes) You can have good writing, but a great actor will make it feel and sound like great writing. You can have great writing, and mediocre actors will make it feel mediocre. Without the actors, you have nothing  (Actors Quotes) I resent having witnessed the survival of some very mediocre male actors and the professional demise of the very brilliant female ones  (Actors Quotes) Actually, the most entitled people I’ve met are indie rockers and indie actors, because they really believe their press  (Actors Quotes) I like actors very much, but to marry one would be like marrying your brother. You look too much alike in the mirror  (Actors Quotes) I love rehearsing, but a lot of directors don’t, and some actors don’t  (Actors Quotes) The best thing an actor can be is flexible, because all directors are different and all actors are different  (Actors Quotes) I’ve been lucky to learn by playing all kinds of roles and watching all kinds of really good cinematographers, actors, and directors for many years before people were even aware of me in terms of audience  (Actors Quotes) I think if you’re the son or daughter of successful actors and actresses, it’s a double pressure. More is expected of you  (Actors Quotes) My biggest problem in my life is I’m cheap and I didn’t hire a publicist. In every awkward interview, normally actors get these things scripted  (Actors Quotes) You hear stories of intense actors who can’t shed their character and who don’t know who they are for a week or two after. I’m not that guy, man  (Actors Quotes) Both of my parents have been actors; there were a lot of show tunes on in the car all of the time. I grew up with that  (Actors Quotes) My mom and dad were actors when they were younger and had a horrible experience of it. My dad became a literary agent and my mom a casting director  (Actors Quotes)
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