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Actors Quotes

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When I think about actors I know, I’d much rather hear about who they’re shagging than what film they’re doing next  (Actors Quotes) So I think it’s fair to say it’s even more of a challenge for some of these actors that are coming up, because there’s such a pressure to look good, to be sexy and be palatable to people on whatever level  (Actors Quotes) The actors nowadays, both young men and young ladies, don’t always wear their period clothes as well as they might. They tend to stomp around a bit in them  (Actors Quotes) I think that between the egos of the actors and the wrestlers in this country we are taking away from the truly dedicated and informed people who should be getting their voice heard  (Actors Quotes) Actors do tend to get pigeonholed. People want to know who you are so they can put you in a box. It’s lovely to be known for such diametrically opposite roles  (Actors Quotes) To be able to rely completely on the actors was a very simple process for me  (Actors Quotes) It’s been about ten years since I’ve worked with actors who knew their lines!  (Actors Quotes) I like young actors because they’re so unspoiled, not like some of those actors who are about half an hour into their fifteen minutes of fame by the time they get to me  (Actors Quotes) I like doing them and they’re ridiculous and the actors can improvise a lot, and they don’t have to be really realistic characters that hit a very specific tone as in a feature film. They’re really fun, I want to make more of them definitely  (Actors Quotes) And I think, on the other end, there were actors who were not as good as I was, perhaps who could have hung in too, but began to blame everything on race  (Actors Quotes) All actors do that. Should do that and do that. For the most part. I say all actors. I’m exaggerating, but you know who does and who doesn’t. Vince is a wonderful young actor who knows his work and did a beautiful job on this film  (Actors Quotes) For minority actors, developing our own projects has to be the eventual path. We have a lot of stories to tell and a really unique voice. But none of that is going to be heard as long as we’re just the hired hands, acting  (Actors Quotes) We reinvent ourselves to solve a client’s problem. It’s more than just tweaking. It’s rethinking what your audience wants and needs. Isn’t that what great actors constantly do?  (Actors Quotes) I don’t do stunts and I don’t think many actors do. For an actor to say they do their own stunts I don’t think is very respectful of the profession of stunt men and women  (Actors Quotes) It’s like a cast of actors; you’re all working together closely under pressure to produce something everyday. and when we put up an issue, it’s like the curtains opening on a new play. I really like that daily sense of surprise  (Actors Quotes) I told her it was a bigger than life musical, that all the actors were going to be about the same age, late twenties into thirties. It would be a style; a kind of surreal high school  (Actors Quotes) I think that’s so strange, because they do know that we’re all actors and we perform things that have not necessarily anything to do with us personally  (Actors Quotes) I consider those actors who amaze me are somehow less attractive to me than those actors who move me  (Actors Quotes) Oh absolutely. I had the pleasure to get to know a lot of really talented young actors before they even really hit it big. And yet what we all had and shared in common was a love for movies  (Actors Quotes) In a collaborative environment directors hire actors because they want their input, not just their bodies  (Actors Quotes) People like to think that actors are terribly worried about ghosts of other actors in the parts they play. But you just have to get on with it  (Actors Quotes) Other actors don’t get asked about their brothers or sisters, so why do I have to always answer questions about having a twin brother? I suppose it’s interesting for everybody other than me  (Actors Quotes) Actors need bricks to play with, and in fact we rejected all the improvised fragments we had made without a plan. Improvisation without a plan is like tennis without tennis balls  (Actors Quotes) The majority of directors I’ve worked with didn’t know how to talk to actors  (Actors Quotes) It’s such a small industry here you inevitably end up working with the same people over and over again. There are only so many actors to go around, which is good for us  (Actors Quotes) I’m not in the loop; I don’t know any actors, really, just the ones I work with  (Actors Quotes) A lot of actors said they hated the studio system, but I loved it. It was like a college; it was a great place to learn  (Actors Quotes) You can pick out actors by the glazed look that comes into their eyes when the conversation wanders away from themselves  (Actors Quotes) All good actors are easy to work with. It’s the ones that aren’t very good who tend to be very difficult  (Actors Quotes) A symphony is a stage play with the parts written for instruments instead of for actors  (Actors Quotes)
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