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Actors Quotes

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There are professional negotiators working for the writers and the actors, but basically you’ve got the writers and actors negotiating against businessmen. That’s why you get rhetoric  (Actors Quotes) I like to do theater and hopefully be effective. Most actors, at least contemporary actors of my generation, can’t do it. They don’t have the chops  (Actors Quotes) Actors always have to fight for the good parts. There are so few good roles written for women each year, and when one is written like this every actress in town covets the role  (Actors Quotes) We are the actors and the audience as well, all of us. And the critics. We are also the critics  (Actors Quotes) I believe in the time when we shall be able to create works of art in the theatre without the use of the written play, without the use of actors  (Actors Quotes) Hopefully, some of it has to do with us being good actors, too. There’s some of it where you get lucky. You come on the job and there are people with you where there’s a chemistry there  (Actors Quotes) Films and filmmakers and actors are part of a strange art form, which is only measured by the yardstick of commerce. So it’s a dichotomy; it’ll always be so  (Actors Quotes) The glory of surgeons is like that of actors, who exist only in their lifetime and whose talent is no longer appreciable once they have disappeared  (Actors Quotes) But all actors go through the process, it’s hit and miss, you have achievement and failure  (Actors Quotes) But actors at a certain point take the best of what’s available to them  (Actors Quotes) Ninety percent of the preparation we do as actors is just jive. It doesn’t do anything  (Actors Quotes) I think there’s a big misconception out there about actors and the choices they have  (Actors Quotes) But history is a faithless teller whose cruel recourse to hindsight makes fools of its actors  (Actors Quotes) Actors always think that others are getting more work than them. In my case, they usually are  (Actors Quotes) As far as actors go, you’re not going to find many ballplayers better than me  (Actors Quotes) Be very clear as to what your dream is. Nowadays it is fairly certain that 90 percent of all actors really just want to be rich and famous as the solution to all that ails  (Actors Quotes) It’s really hard for actors to cross over and get any respect as a singer, and if I could just keep it separate and not use my music in movies, it’s cool  (Actors Quotes) Actors get pigeonholed very quickly, particularly movie actors. In the theater, one is more used to casting people against type and trusting that their talent and skill will get them through  (Actors Quotes) Truly great actors carry their characters in silence with them. They communicate without words the relationships that predate the movie  (Actors Quotes) It is all about marketing; that is where the real craft comes in. The best actors do not necessarily become the biggest stars. And vice versa  (Actors Quotes) My favorite actors when I was a kid were in their 60s. Spencer Tracy, humphrey Bogart, john Wayne  (Actors Quotes) So if I get these actors for 30% of their price by coming in so late with an offer when they know they are not getting another offer then I do it this way  (Actors Quotes) Heart of America is a movie I’m very proud of. The young actors are great and the story has impact  (Actors Quotes) Actors today go into TV, which I don’t consider has a lot to do with acting  (Actors Quotes) Actors say they do their own stunts for the integrity of the film but I did them because they looked like a lot of fun  (Actors Quotes) I tend to be shy in asking people for photos - other actors that I really like and admire  (Actors Quotes) In TV, sometimes you get lost in the fog of the scene, and when you’re working with such good actors, they can bring you into the scene  (Actors Quotes) I’ve never seen anyone - and I’ve had the opportunity to work with some really terrific actors in my time - but Philip Seymour Hoffman is definitely the best I ever had the opportunity to work with  (Actors Quotes) People think that theater actors are too big for the camera. It’s like, ‘No, we’re actors and we adjust for our audience.’  (Actors Quotes) Some actors get by with behaving, not acting. You’ve got to sell the effect. I act more in the ‘Nightmare’ movies because it’s not like me. I’m acting, not reacting  (Actors Quotes)
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