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Actors Quotes

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There are not a lot of sons or daughters of actors who have made it. Hollywood is awash with failures  (Actors Quotes) Both my parents are actors, and I saw them struggle with work, waiting for phone calls  (Actors Quotes) Most actors are very grateful for what is as opposed to what will be. You spend 98% of your time looking for a job, so when you get it, it’s fantastic  (Actors Quotes) I think most actors feel an obligation to do right by the people they’re playing  (Actors Quotes) The more projects you do, the more actors you meet, the more people you meet, it’s harder and harder to give your heart and your complete attention or absolute sincerity to that person  (Actors Quotes) People feel that I became an actor because I am from a film family and that my parents were actors. But actually, the only reason I wanted to become an actor was to get away from studies  (Actors Quotes) I never got why actors don’t like it when a fan comes up to them on the street. It is cool that someone recognizes what you do and makes you feel like you live in a community  (Actors Quotes) As actors, we want to choose somebody who has conflicts. I can’t be always playing the girl next door. What’s the challenge in that?  (Actors Quotes) If they made films in Palm Beach, actors and actresses would be much better dressed  (Actors Quotes) I get on with actors, and when I’m doing a theatre show, it’s great being with them all the time. But we’re all alike, and it’s much nicer being with people who are different  (Actors Quotes) When people don’t like the film, I can take a bullet. I don’t mind you talking about me, but I’m protective of my actors, because they bared their soul for me  (Actors Quotes) I think it’s counterproductive for actors to come to the set with well-thumbed copies of the book their film is adapted from  (Actors Quotes) Actors can’t retire. If actors retired, there would be nobody left to play old, wrinkly people. You have to keep going, darling - don’t you?  (Actors Quotes) If you’re lucky enough to work with great actors and creative people, they’re always just going to be who they are, so I don’t think there’s a difference between the Brits and the Americans  (Actors Quotes) You’re a smaller fish in the U.S. There’s just so many more TV shows, and actors, and actresses. Where as in the U.K. you’re in a much smaller market there  (Actors Quotes) I’m not especially interested in actors or their life, double, triple identities and all that  (Actors Quotes) When I first did a U.S. pilot season, there were very few British actors schlepping around town trying to get into television. That was 1999  (Actors Quotes) I think ‘Game Of Thrones’ has been genius, and I really don’t want it to end. Every episode is huge. It’s totally immense, and the actors are all fantastic in it. It has totally drawn me in  (Actors Quotes) Young actors often ask me how do you get an agent, how do you get started, how do you get to audition, and I don’t know what to tell them because my story is so fluky  (Actors Quotes) You need supporting actors to help to tell the story. For me, I’m lucky to be a part of the films. Being an actor, I’ll take any role, whether it’s supporting or leading  (Actors Quotes) I don’t really like to work with actors that work a lot and are very well established already. In a way, I like to nurture talent and have it burst on the scene  (Actors Quotes) Sci-fi fans really have a commitment to the characters even as much as the actors do. There’s a synergy between making television and who gets to watch it  (Actors Quotes) We have been deformed by educational and religious institutions that treat us as members of an audience instead of actors in a drama, so we become adults who treat democracy as a spectator sport  (Actors Quotes) There’s an inordinate amount of attention put on actors. Some people want to make their lives public, but that doesn’t mean everybody does  (Actors Quotes) Before I got into acting, I was always interested in psychology, which I think is very common with a lot of actors because in a weird way, psychology and acting kind of seem interwoven  (Actors Quotes) I don’t like when actors go around and talk a ton about how they approach their roles, because it’s a little like pulling the curtain back on Oz, for me  (Actors Quotes) I don’t want to say, ‘I want to be in Hollywood,’ like so many actors do, but I know that Hollywood is still making good movies, and I’d like to be part of that someday  (Actors Quotes) It has been a great experience to act in Hollywood movies with actors like Ben Kingsley  (Actors Quotes) I find the theatre faintly embarrassing for the actors performing on stage. It seems rather showy-off in an undignified way  (Actors Quotes) I don’t know that many Australian actors in Los Angeles, but there are a few of us. I mean, we kind of get together occasionally, but I wouldn’t say it’s an alliance or anything like that  (Actors Quotes)
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