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Actors Quotes

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The part that I felt most comfortable with going in was just working with actors and trying to make them feel comfortable and safe so they could find the performance. That part felt organic to me  (Actors Quotes) I love directing because you get to see your film come to life. You get to work with the actors. There’s something magical about each piece of it  (Actors Quotes) I think people take their behavioural tips from everyone else. So, if the director is calm and the lead actors are calm, no one wants to be the sore thumb. And I’ve remained friendly with everyone  (Actors Quotes) I think even if you’re on a screen or you’re in a play, it’s always a group effort. It’s not just the actors, it’s the editor  (Actors Quotes) In my experience of doing physical scenes, half of your energy is spent on trying to get the other actor to enter into it physically with you. Most actors don’t want to hurt each other  (Actors Quotes) I think actors, they maybe want more approval than I’m used to giving. Everybody does. Everybody needs a hug you know, all the time. I’m not very good at that. I could get better at that  (Actors Quotes) I guess I’m used to seeing actors, but rock musicians still hold a special magic for me  (Actors Quotes) As actors we’re like these vagabond artists, we have to be invited to perform so if you don’t have a choice of options its very hard to define yourself  (Actors Quotes) I’m not one of those actors that goes to watch the playback, after every take. I really don’t like it, and I don’t want to see it  (Actors Quotes) Of course, when you work with actors and when you work on a script everything that you know about the human experience can’t possibly go in  (Actors Quotes) With a screenwriter and with the actors there is always an environment of trust. You can say anything, all your secrets, and you know that it won’t get out of that room  (Actors Quotes) I think diversity for most actors is such a blessing. It’s something definitely I’ve strived for  (Actors Quotes) Actors are always weird about acting with their spouse or their boyfriend or girlfriend, but more because they think audiences will find it boring  (Actors Quotes) The fun of directing for me, other than working with the actors, is trying to extract those ideas that you have in your head and make them real  (Actors Quotes) I think actors like to be directed. Actors like to know where they’re headed and what they want, so I’m very encouraging  (Actors Quotes) My own personal process with movies is to develop the characters with the actors and, when I’ve done that properly, you can’t imagine anyone else, but that actor, playing that part  (Actors Quotes) It’s almost a work-shopping process to create the characters with the actors  (Actors Quotes) I think everything keeps changing. There was a time when television was a bad thing for actors and it meant that you could only do television, and now we see everyone does television  (Actors Quotes) I really like to work with theater actors. Theater actors tend to do lots of independent movies, and those are the actors that I like  (Actors Quotes) As actors, we’re a little faster than other people, with breaking down the walls  (Actors Quotes) One can’t help but bring one’s own personality into what one is doing, and it’s certainly true of us actors and it’s true of writers  (Actors Quotes) People tend to think when you’re on dramatic films, that it’s all so heavy, but it’s really not when you’re working with great actors  (Actors Quotes) Because of the way we let the actors improvise, it feels like you’re watching people react rather than actors reading lines - so I think that’s always going to be something I like  (Actors Quotes) Believe me, you can be in the middle of a beautiful take and the next thing you know you’re awash in people crossing the street. You can’t even find your actors  (Actors Quotes) Obviously, everybody’s favorite form of web content is more story with principal actors. But the economics of the web do not yet support  (Actors Quotes) Actors are always the pawns. They’re the last ones in the food chain  (Actors Quotes) My major intention for coming to Hollywood - besides the fact that I was just enamored with acting from a very young age - was that I was tired of seeing wimpy Asian actors  (Actors Quotes) I haven’t done any training. I come from a family of actors, but I haven’t done any training  (Actors Quotes) Initially, before I came to Hollywood, I thought that the language barrier would be the biggest challenge, but I realized that actors all around the world, regardless of language, are all the same  (Actors Quotes) We know that ISIL and other terrorist groups are actively encouraging people, around the world and in our country, to commit terrible acts of violence, oftentimes as lone-wolf actors  (Actors Quotes)
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