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In South Africa, where HIV-positive children are often shunned, we have an HIV-positive Muppet to teach children to be friendly with children with HIV. But they use local actors. And it’s not always a street. Sometimes it’s ‘Sesame Plaza,’ or ‘Sesame Tree.’  (Actors Quotes) I was offered and accepted a part in ‘A Few Best Men,’ and then the Australian actor’s union argued that there were too many British actors. And the director decided to lose me  (Actors Quotes) Remember, acting is not a business of glamour. It is science, craft and an art. Read about acting; don’t do it for the sake of fun. Actors such as Paresh Rawal and Naseeruddin Shah are great examples; they are surviving only because they have read well  (Actors Quotes) I can’t wait to do a fully improvised script again, to find people who are really comfortable and into it. It’s about the capabilities of the people you’re working with, what are their strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most brilliant actors need the spine of the text to work off of, and there’s no shame in that; they’re actors, not writers  (Actors Quotes) On movies, I like to involve the cast in the writing of the script. I like to have a rehearsal period, after which I do the last draft, which gives me a chance to incorporate anything the actors have come up with during the rehearsal period, so I’m very inclusive as a writer  (Actors Quotes) The alienation effect in German epic theater is achieved not only through the actors, but also through music (chorus and song) andsets (transparencies, film strips, etc.). Its main purpose is to place the staged events in their historical context  (Actors Quotes) [Washington, DC] feels like you’re watching performance art. A lot of the time. I don’t believe them, I don’t believe what they say, I don’t think they’re being absolutely sincere. I think it’s performance art. And most of them are bad actors  (Actors Quotes) I like to think of myself as some of the Scotch tape that holds things together - I’m very handy to have around. But all that actors really need is a bare stage. Lighting is just one of the luxuries of the theater  (Actors Quotes) What I say about actors is you always want to find an actor you can play ball with. You throw the ball at them and you want them to throw it back. Your ball playing is a lot better when you play with good ballplayers, like any sport. Every actor I know feels the same way  (Actors Quotes) I think I have a tendency to overwork things. I have a hard time finding that sweet spot that most actors seem to be able to hit where they’re doing the exact right amount of work, not overthinking, not underdoing it. I seem to either overdo it or underdo it  (Actors Quotes) The character and the actor in a long-running series slowly become one. I think there must be funny stories about actors who, in the pilot for a TV series, did some weird thing with their eyes, or some speech impediment or something, and the next thing you know, it’s eight years later, and they’re still doing that freaking gag  (Actors Quotes) Actors are inherently self-centered. We’re trained to focus on who I am. What do I want? Who is in my way? How do I get this? That’s how we’re trained. Unfortunately, that sometimes spills over into real life. But it’s all very subjective. You just try to portray someone beyond the surface, the different layers  (Actors Quotes) We actually did a lot of takes on this movie [J. Edgar Hoover ]. I never left the set wanting more. That’s for sure. I don’t know. This was a very difficult character for me and a lot of the other actors here, and at times we went and did 8 or 9 or 10 takes on a single day  (Actors Quotes) I chose the actors that I was in love with. I cannot work with people that I don’t personally like a lot. They can be the best actor in the world, but if the first contact is not good, if I don’t fall in love with them, then I don’t want to work with them. It’s impossible  (Actors Quotes) Carrying a small notebook with you always, in your pocket or purse, along with a reliable ballpoint pen will enable you to jot down spot observations and quick character sketches before the first sharp impressions fade away. You’ll need all kinds of story actors, because even picture books can include a wide range of ages, relationships, occupations, and nationalities. Learn to observe and analyze swiftly, wherever you are  (Actors Quotes) I liken actors and movies and TV shows to football teams. We all have our favorite ones  (Actors Quotes) Like the rabid fans of sports, the same goes for fans and their actors, TV shows and movies. You love what you love, and it bonds you with others who love the same thing  (Actors Quotes) The actors I admire, like Ben Kingsley or Daniel Day-Lewis, they totally reinvent themselves in every part. I hope I get a chance to do that  (Actors Quotes) I really love young Tom Hanks. He’s just one of my favorites. He’s a great, quirky every-man. I also love Zach Braff. I really love actors that are quirky and interesting, that sort of try to portray ‘normal’ people  (Actors Quotes) I know some actors feel classes are not cool or they create negative public relations, but I continue to crave the story just beyond my reach. To grasp that brass ring I need to continue to fine-tune my talents  (Actors Quotes) I always had this huge respect for American filmmakers and American actors. I always had this very strong love and respect for the American cinema. I always knew that I was going to leave Sweden  (Actors Quotes) Being movie director you’ve got the art department, you’ve got the actors, you’ve got the camera department, you’ve got make-up and hair, and props. You’ve got your finger in all these pies, and you’re making sure that everything cooks at the right temperature  (Actors Quotes) I am a bit of a gourmet chef. I love cooking mostly Thai food. And a lot of times on movies, you have these trailers that have these little ovens and kitchenettes. A lot of actors never use them, but I would cook lunch just about every day  (Actors Quotes) I grew up watching American movies. My favorite movies have always been American, since as long as I can remember. I always had this huge respect for American filmmakers and American actors  (Actors Quotes) Learn as much as you can about performing. Live theater, improv classes, music, stand up comedy, dance, anything to make yourself confident and comfortable in front of an audience. It’ll all come in handy when auditioning for producers and performing with other actors. The best voice actors all have a live performance background. And are competent, fearless, incredibly creative actors  (Actors Quotes) Sometimes you’ll have great actors who aren’t comfortable with improvising. Which can get pretty frustrating. But every actor’s coming from a different place and they have their own strengths and weaknesses and your job is to sell them as two people in the same world. Some of them have to have their hands held and some I just let loose entirely  (Actors Quotes) A lot of times, you’re not necessarily off the page because you haven’t been able to take the time to prepare a character. It’s very easy to find even great actors reading it more like a reading. Things aren’t really coming alive yet, even though you know they will  (Actors Quotes) The actors are different, although I didn’t set out to be different. My inspiration came from people like Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. The genre is what it is. My inspiration was drawn from great movies like 48 Hours, Bad Boys and Rush Hour  (Actors Quotes) I can rely on me [being a director], unlike some actors. I never got anything less than what I needed from the lead actor  (Actors Quotes) As actors you have this trait to imitate very easily. I don’t want to imitate anything or limit myself of finding this creature, this woman because I’m looking at magazines and I’m reading comics, and I’m asking people that are avid readers of The Guardians  (Actors Quotes)
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