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Actors Quotes

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I had a very blessed journey with the upbringing I had. When you’re working on sets as a stuntman, you have a firsthand account of the dynamics between actors and directors, because you’re working hand in hand with them. You’re not sitting outside the process watching. You become part of the process. You also see your tradecraft and see how movies are made  (Actors Quotes) I feel the theatre is the most unique one of all [the arts] for collaboration. I feel very fortunate to be in a field where I really do get to have long conversations with the visual artists, the actors, the musicians. It’s all art forms rolled into one and I feel very fortunate to be a part of it  (Actors Quotes) In the eighth grade I found I had a voice for opera, so I followed that path a little, but my impulse has always been an actor. I have always liked cinema, and let’s face it, opera singers are just bad actors! I didn’t want to translate myself in that direction  (Actors Quotes) Here in America, every single actor, since they were little boys, they sing and dance and perform like angels. We don’t do that. We are actors who work in a theater in very classic performances or plays  (Actors Quotes) Some people think that there aren’t many Aboriginal actors around, and if there are, they’re not that good. It’s stupid. There’s such an incredible pool of talent out there, and they’re still coming out of drama schools. People just need to take a leap of faith  (Actors Quotes) Most actors here go to the West Coast; I ended up going to Ireland. My buddies who left drama school, they had this arrogance - ‘We don’t want to typecast ourselves.’ But I said, ‘I want to do Irish parts. That’s the thing that’s gonna give me the leg up.’  (Actors Quotes) There is only so much you can do if you’re pulling weight and there’s nobody there to play off of. You can’t have those beautiful moments with new actors who are so worried about everything else but the moment  (Actors Quotes) In Korea, when I started, there wasn’t a trend where people chose to be both actors and singers. I was the first to do both. It was a great deal hard work, but I got a lot of support and love from my audience. And for me to receive the same treatment overseas, I felt that I was also very lucky  (Actors Quotes) I’ve worked with a couple of these really cool, great actors like Ted Danson and Glenn Close. They all have their own presence when they walk into a room, and I was excited to see what Tom Selleck’s ‘space’ was going to be like  (Actors Quotes) Everyone brings their own particular skill set to the job, and acting training can work for a lot of actors, and it can’t. I’ve seen a lot of really good actors go into acting schools and then come out a little bit corrupted  (Actors Quotes) You don’t hear a film director saying ‘Money mustn’t go out of the industry’ to actors. You don’t hear a concert promoter saying ‘We must make sure that money doesn’t go out of our industry’ to Elton John. Some people in football seem to think, ‘Never mind the players, let’s get on with the game.’  (Actors Quotes) Some people are instantly brilliant. The Kenneth Branaghs of this world are ready-formed actors at 23 - he has used his success in lots of different ways - but there are people out there for whom acting is: ‘Ooh, I can get on the telly and be famous.’  (Actors Quotes) Where I teach students in drama school, there’s a course called Dramatics. In this course, all students must put on a play. However, acting majors are not supposed to act. They can write the play, for example, and the writers may work on stage art. Likewise, stage art majors may become actors, and in this way you put on a show  (Actors Quotes) The fact is, as actors, everything we do, bad or good, is a contribution. To me, it is a positive thing to give people as wide a range of human behavior with some sense of understanding of that behavior or some clue to it  (Actors Quotes) If there’s a good screenplay, there’s a chance that something good is going to happen. If you don’t have a brilliant screenplay, then you either have amazing actors who give you the chance to improve whatever is on the page, or an interesting director who has enough faith in the project that they can carry it through and get it somewhere  (Actors Quotes) Being an actor is a lot more involved than many people realize; there are hundreds of ways to play any character. Even for a stylized bad guy, there are 4 or 5 different personalities I can play off the top of my head without thinking - better and more experienced actors can do dozens or hundreds  (Actors Quotes) I had always loved cartoons, especially ‘Bugs Bunny,’ and I found I enjoyed making animated films. Even a 30-second commercial involved drawing and painting, storytelling, not to mention actors, music, and sound effects  (Actors Quotes) For most artists, you take what you have and who you are, and then you expand on it to make it more entertaining. Everyone knows actors aren’t the same people that they play in movies, but people somehow expect musicians to be a certain way all the time!  (Actors Quotes) Older actors, and women in particular, are getting more opportunities. It pleases me, its very good news for us. They say that people are living longer, and maybe it’s just that there’s more of us out there  (Actors Quotes) Having seen Justin’s work on Bleak House, I knew that he’d be incredibly well prepared and interesting stylistically for this and that was definitely the case. It’s very liberating for actors - and I can only speak for myself here - but he creates a very loose environment and he’s a great collaborator  (Actors Quotes) But this is where you get all the market research and things get in danger of becoming formulaic, and where you depend on brands and getting recognised actors. It’s the thing that precludes risk very often, otherwise everyone would be avant-garde all over the place  (Actors Quotes) I think I’ve grown up in an era where character acting on film has become less desirable for the producers and directors and therefore the audience. They have got used to the people that those actors really are  (Actors Quotes) What I really mean is that actors do the interview process because they have to. It’s a good bargain: If I can do this part then I’ll sell it. I just wish it wasn’t me who had to do it because it feels very unnatural  (Actors Quotes) While voicing animations I use the same acting muscles, even more because you have to channel all into your voice, whereas when you’re live-action you get props and scenery and other actors and your facial expressions and what happens to help you. It’s not necessarily easier as an actor to do voice-overs, it’s easier as a person  (Actors Quotes) I don’t think that you necessarily need a certain type of background to take on roles. You see actors from very, very privileged backgrounds playing working class characters and vice-versa. I don’t think your background limits you as to what you can do  (Actors Quotes) The thing is, that great actors are everywhere. They’re everywhere. They’re doing good parts on television. They’re doing television commercials. They’re doing local theater. There are so few opportunities  (Actors Quotes) The great thing about space films generally, with the exception of Apollo 13, is that big stars tend not to work in space and I think that’s because space is an equaliser. It makes everyone the same really and suits an ensemble cast and actors who are prepared to work with each other  (Actors Quotes) I have my set rigged with the biggest sound system possible and have a mini jack for my iPod attached to my director’s chair. I find playing music is a very direct way to communicate with actors and the crew, especially those crew members who are on the periphery of the set. I like dancing on set too, it’s a good way to release tension  (Actors Quotes) Movie actors disappear - any young person wouldn’t know Cary Grant. They’re going to disappear. Fifty years ago, you thought film was here to stay. But nothing is here to stay, actually - except perhaps paintings and drawings  (Actors Quotes) If you are referring to the characters of The Room, each character has a different personality which you can see very clearly on the screen. If you are referring to the actors, they give me different emotions, personality which represents human behavior  (Actors Quotes)
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