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Actors Quotes

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I love actors, and I love good acting. I love what actors do when they’re good, and I’m a big acting fan  (Actors Quotes) In terms of acting, we go through phases of being really inspired by film and television and actors and works that we’ve read  (Actors Quotes) After working with so many great actors and acting students in film school, it was a whole other thing working with Luke [Kirby]  (Actors Quotes) Human beings are, necessarily, actors who...can be divided...into the sane who know they are acting and the mad who do not  (Actors Quotes) Sometimes ‘great acting’ is just showing off - chewing up scenery and dialogue and other actors - the equivalent of a theatrical sugar rush  (Actors Quotes) Successful actors and actresses have to get themselves into their roles before acting. Therefore, you need to really care about what you are saying  (Actors Quotes) The reason why most of actors got into acting was so that we could become other people and have fun with being somebody else  (Actors Quotes) Sean Penn, for his acting as well as his writing and directing. There are so many actors I respect, but his reach is so wide  (Actors Quotes) I went to college and stage school, and thought about acting, but... I just don’t like actors very much! They’re not as fun as musicians  (Actors Quotes) For old actors, just remember that inside you’re only 14. Acting is for kids. You poor old grown-ups, you’ve forgotten how to do what kids know automatically  (Actors Quotes) The great difference between screen acting and theatre acting is that screen acting is about reacting - 75% of the time, great screen actors are great reactors  (Actors Quotes) What used to frustrate me going into an audition was that some inexperienced, lesser casting people would think that actors are acting only when they’re speaking  (Actors Quotes) Actors are embracing a new aesthetic, which is leaning more toward truthful and simple and direct, as opposed to what we would normally call sitcom acting  (Actors Quotes) I know you hear horror stories about child actors, but I think in my family when I did start acting it was never a big deal  (Actors Quotes) The notion that acting is simply about intuitively responding to situations the way you feel couldn’t be farther away from how I ask actors to work  (Actors Quotes) When I was 15, 16, I studied with Stella Adler at the Conservatory of Acting, then I stopped again and went to the Actors Studio when I was 18  (Actors Quotes) If you work with amazing actors, you’ve got a master class happening in front of you. But [also] it’s just acting at the end of the day  (Actors Quotes) I always tell young actors to have a back-up. You don’t want to find yourself at the age of 30 still struggling to make a living out of acting  (Actors Quotes) Most young actors, that’s all they’re trying to do: Get better at acting and be able to keep doing it. And that doesn’t work out for most people  (Actors Quotes) Acting is a very artistic profession and there are thousands of people out there who think they are actors but there are very few who have real talent  (Actors Quotes) The kind of acting that’s wholly literary or cerebral is wrong. It’s useless for me to have actors so much in their heads that they can’t be organic  (Actors Quotes) This acting’s serious! And I really respect those actors. It’s a tough business to be able to be something you’re not and be natural and convince people on camera  (Actors Quotes) A little secret about actors is that we never think we do a great job in auditions. We kind of just go in and do our work and leave sort of hoping for the best. It’s an interesting dynamic - acting is such an interesting job. You never quite know how well you do  (Actors Quotes) I’m interested in the acting and staging of specific emotions, and so I work with actors. It’s a small proportion of what I do, but it’s always what people seem to focus on  (Actors Quotes) From the point of view of being in the public radar, comedians have less problems than other actors. Action movie stars like Stallone or Schwarzenegger usually attract the more aggressive fans  (Actors Quotes) I think people who are regarded as better actors must have better instincts because, at the end of the day, once they say ‘action,’ it’s you who has to do it right. You can do all the research and preparation or none at all, but it’s your instincts that tell you, ‘No, I’ll do it like this.’  (Actors Quotes) I don’t think actors get good training today. I put my training to use in everything I do.  (Actors Quotes) Everybody works in a different way, and I’ve worked with actors that have no training whatsoever who are phenomenal.  (Actors Quotes) Most actors spend a lot of time training themselves to be an actor. And I kind of didn’t do that.  (Actors Quotes) Most actors spend a lot of time training themselves to be an actor. And I kind of didn’t do that. I just started doin’ it in front of an audience and had to deliver.  (Actors Quotes)
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