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Actors Quotes

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I personally want to work with great directors and great actors. My thing is about being inspired. You want money to come, but money doesn’t always come with great art. At the end of the day, it’s about being satisfied with yourself as a human being. It’s important to me to try to make that happen.  (Actors Quotes) Some of the best art in the world is collaborative, a mix of voices that are stronger together than separate. Take the Beatles, for example. Or every great movie ever made. We like to say they’re the director’s vision, but really, they’re huge collaborations between directors, writers, actors, even producers.  (Actors Quotes) My mom is an art teacher and my dad owns a women’s shoe store, so they’re not actors by any means. Well, I guess to sell women’s shoes, you have to be an actor.  (Actors Quotes) All these actors who died before I was born, all the theaters and the artistic movements - all that stuff fills you up and makes you feel like you’re the inheritor of all this information and of all its passion.  (Actors Quotes) No matter what happens, we couldn’t let people say Asian-American actors can’t act  (Actors Quotes) Ask everyone whether they’re an actor or a doctor or a teacher or whatever is entitled to his or her opinion. But unfortunately, because actors are in the public eye, whether we want it or not, sometimes our opinions carry more weight or influence than they deserve.  (Actors Quotes) I started out as a writer and a director. I started acting because I wanted to know how to relate to the actors. When people ask me what I do, I don’t really say that I’m an actor, because actors often wait for someone to give them roles.  (Actors Quotes) My advice to young actors is to push yourself and to aspire to be great  (Actors Quotes) I don’t aspire to direct like many actors. I would aspire most likely to do some writing, but I haven’t had a chance to do that.  (Actors Quotes) C’mon, we’re actors. We love the attention. We love the applause. We sure don’t like to be rejected.  (Actors Quotes) All actors are naughty. We’re all troublemakers - horrible, attention-seeking children. ‘Me, me, look at me!’  (Actors Quotes) The directors I respect are the ones who have a collaborative attitude, who collaborate with actors.  (Actors Quotes) If I or any other black can deliver at the box office, I’ll get a lot of work. Too many young actors, regardless of their color, try to play an attitude on camera and fail to remember their job is to fit into an entertainment.  (Actors Quotes) I don’t like other actors much. The industry tends to attract insecure, needy people.  (Actors Quotes) I think actors are attracted to the idea of other identities and concealing themselves behind some other identity.  (Actors Quotes) As an audience member, if I go to a film, and I am watching two actors, and they’re kissing, and it looks like they don’t even want to be kissing, it just takes me out of the film.  (Actors Quotes) Typically, among the audience members joining the actors, the director, Ann Ciccolella and myself, about half of these theater goers have read the novel [Anthem], and half have not read it. That is interesting.  (Actors Quotes) The Australian film industry is a small industry, so you have to really be flexible within working in different mediums. A lot of actors work in theater, film, and television, because there’s not much opportunity in terms of employment there. So you do have to be resourceful and be able to flex your muscles artistically.  (Actors Quotes) I would love to direct an ‘Apes’ movie. It would be in the spirit of where I’m going with my career - avatars played by actors to say something about the human condition.  (Actors Quotes) I’m very grateful and fully aware that 90 percent of actors are not working. Going from public school teacher to a show like ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, I love what I do.  (Actors Quotes) I just refuse to date actors. I’ve done that, and I don’t want to do that anymore. It’s just the stress of traveling and being away from each other so much.  (Actors Quotes) Actors are smart. They have to feel safe enough to fall and to get back up. My job is to make sure they don’t get hurt.  (Actors Quotes) I was really nervous working with actors, since I come from a photography background  (Actors Quotes) As actors, you don’t actually need to know the future of the character. You just need to know the backgrounds.  (Actors Quotes) What’s genius about ‘Gravity’ is that you are close upon the actors, but 3D works best when you have foreground, middle ground and background.  (Actors Quotes) Dancers have always been a kind of background image, we’ve always danced behind an artist or we’ve danced in a movie behind the actors. We’ve always been very secondary.  (Actors Quotes) With actors, normally I don’t like to have any conversation about background and about motivations and all this.  (Actors Quotes) Not every corporation is a great bunch of people. Like in any group of people, you’re gonna have bad apples, bad actors here and there.  (Actors Quotes) I’ve always had, like, from the age of about 11, I’ve had such an intolerance for bad behaviour of actors that I don’t think I was ever going to be that person.  (Actors Quotes) When I was a teenager, the actors I was really into were Mickey Rourke and Sean Penn. I saw ‘Rumble Fish’ on my 16th birthday, and around the same time, it was ‘Falcon and the Snowman’ and ‘Bad Boys’ from Sean Penn.  (Actors Quotes)
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