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Actors Quotes

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As an actor, doing animation is definitely on the list of most actors because it is such a freeing, fun, different experience than being on camera. There’s just something different about it that’s not more fun, but a different sort of fun.  (Actors Quotes) Runners are the lowest of the low in film units. They’re paid very, very minimal wages - probably below the national average. And runners are now being asked to drive actors about, as well as their runner duties. It’s kind of the same as taking advantage of nurses - it’s appalling.  (Actors Quotes) Very often, actors have to face being rejected time and again, and we must remember that the red carpet lasts just a minute.  (Actors Quotes) I have lost someone I loved as a brother, as a closest friend, and a remarkable human being. We have also lost one of the best damn actors we’ll ever see.  (Actors Quotes) British actors are renowned for being great villains in movies, like Bond films, all the rest of it.  (Actors Quotes) I would be lucky to be remembered as Harry Crane. That being said, I think it’s a goal for most actors to have the opportunity to play a variety of characters, so I hope any non-‘Mad Men’ role feels as separate as possible from Harry.  (Actors Quotes) If I had had to struggle at the beginning like most actors... I’d never have stuck it out. But having such complete success at the beginning, I was stuck with being an actor for life.  (Actors Quotes) I admire actors that consistently challenge themselves and play a wide range of different roles. Every actor has a reason for being an actor... it’s boring to play the same person over and over again. People like Daniel Day Lewis, who completely transform time and time again, I look up to.  (Actors Quotes) Even though I do a more traditional type of being funny on television, I still know a lot of comedians and stand-ups and improv actors.  (Actors Quotes) Acting has helped me understand people, not only because you are acting as a character, but also because you are watching other actors work. That really helps you identify in life when someone is acting, not being true.  (Actors Quotes) Some actors try to play parts and do things they can’t do. Being funny is one of them. Being funny’s hard.  (Actors Quotes) Being an actor really, really strengthens me as a director. There’s just a certain type of understanding that comes from having been there and knowing how much is really being asked of actors that helps me.  (Actors Quotes) I didn’t realise my upbringing was unusual until my teens. As the child of two actors, I presumed that visiting film sets and being surrounded by colourful characters was normal.  (Actors Quotes) A script is utterly useless in and of itself; it’s only of any worth the minute your actors, your designers, your directors come into being.  (Actors Quotes) I love ensemble pieces, I love being a part of the entire tapestry of a piece, but I think character actors do have a lot more fun, and there’s a versatility involved that’s challenging and fun, to come up to speed and do what’s required of you.  (Actors Quotes) Whenever I think of the high salaries we are paid as film actors, I think it is for the travel, the time away, and any trouble you get into through being well known. It’s not for the acting, that’s for sure.  (Actors Quotes) I believe, and this is perhaps too nationalistic a view, that the American style of acting puts actors quickly in touch with each other, so that their continuous presence in a company, as in England, is not absolutely necessary.  (Actors Quotes) That was my original dream, anyway, to be on stage. I think the stage is an actor’s place because actors, it belongs to you.  (Actors Quotes) I knew Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were really talented. As actors, they were both studly young men, and they had great writers’ chops.  (Actors Quotes) I’m not one of those actors who romanticizes his trials working out and brags that he can bench press a panda now.  (Actors Quotes) I had to wear that suit, so I put in my required time in the gym. But I’m not one of those actors who romanticizes his trials working out and brags that he can bench press a panda now.  (Actors Quotes) I was very fortunate in the 70s to work with the best actors, the best directors, the best cinematographers.  (Actors Quotes) The best actors, I think, have a childlike quality. They have a sort of an ability to lose themselves. There’s still some silliness.  (Actors Quotes) Some of the best actors think they’re terrible; that’s what keeps you connected to a vulnerability that makes it possible for people to empathize with you.  (Actors Quotes) Allison Janney is the best actor on the series.Allison is one of the few actors I ever worked with who is incapable of hitting a false note.  (Actors Quotes) I love acting, every job is a dream job when you’re an actor. I’d like to do eventually more film work and to collaborate with the best actors and directors in film.  (Actors Quotes) If you compare me to an actor, I’m probably one of the best boxers in the profession. But if you compare me as a boxer, I’m probably one of the best actors.  (Actors Quotes) Bart The Bear was fantastic to work with. Absolutely brilliant and so, so good. The things that that bear could do to order! He was one of the best actors I’ve ever worked with.  (Actors Quotes) Law and Order’ was so very interesting to me because what I got to do was explore New York along with getting to work with some of the best actors New York City had to offer.  (Actors Quotes) There’s nothing like working with the best actors possible, and if you have a piece of material like, ‘Long Way Down’ or ‘Love Punch,’ which allows you to play, then it’s just a joy to go to work.  (Actors Quotes)
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