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British actors are pretty good, by and large, at turning on at ‘action’ and off at ‘cut.’  (Actors Quotes) Not surprisingly, there is a cultural divide between American and British actors regarding the self-promotion associated with new media.  (Actors Quotes) The public must suffer untold pangs from the stiffness, the deliberate stifling of emotion, on the part of many British actors.  (Actors Quotes) There is a whole bunch of great British actors of my age who aren’t film stars or theatre actors; they’re very much both.  (Actors Quotes) Everyone the world over talks about British actors and British talent and I think that’s because we were trained - until now - in theatre.  (Actors Quotes) British actors used to be scared of the multi-year options that U.S. TV shows demand. That has changed, because the same is now happening in the U.K.  (Actors Quotes) I had to choose between American and British actors, and it didn’t take me more than a second to decide: Russians are Europeans and should be played by other Europeans.  (Actors Quotes) British actors wear wigs a lot. I find it to be a nice ritual at the end of the day, take the wig off, clean the makeup off, go home, leave work behind me.  (Actors Quotes) I confess I’ve got a yearning to go to Los Angeles, but I can’t work out if it is because a lot of British actors seem to go or because there’s this perception that the bottom has fallen out of British drama, so therefore, it’s the place to head for.  (Actors Quotes) I think there’s a quality of passion to the American actor. I’m certainly attracted to it, and I like to hope that underscoring it is a characteristic of my work. That quality is certainly also present in some British actors, but I tend to feel the mechanical and intellectual process is dominant in the British.  (Actors Quotes) Denmark as a country has always looked up to England. I’ve always felt that British actors are fantastic. There’s a strong theatre tradition in your country, and that is reflected in TV and film as well. We’ve always thought that for crime series, you were the masters, and the general feeling the Danes have of British drama is that it’s excellent.  (Actors Quotes) British actors come at acting from a slightly different angle. Because a lot of the films are cast out there, they are so used to the angle from which the Americans, and certainly the young guys from L.A., are coming at it, that I think it’s interesting for them to find these English actors who maybe approach acting from a different place.  (Actors Quotes) Audiences seem to have a limitless appetite for vampires and for fantasy in general. Unlike many other British actors, I haven’t been building up my pension appearing in films like ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Harry Potter,’ but fantasy has now got a grip on me. I am also appearing in ‘Game of Thrones’ as the head of the House of Lannister.  (Actors Quotes) We can only use British actors because everybody’s got to talk exactly the same  (Actors Quotes) On the whole, British actors star in theater, and I think there’s something quite grounding about that.  (Actors Quotes) I have to say as an actor I have been inspired by so many British actors throughout the years  (Actors Quotes) It’s a phenomenon that I see with young actors - a lot of American speaking parts going to British actors.  (Actors Quotes) Americans are very good at animating voices. I don’t know why. They have a freedom with them that we British actors find more difficult to get to.  (Actors Quotes) In ‘The Hobbit,’ there were British, Irish, Australian and New Zealand actors, and Peter Jackson was adamant that we would all sound like we were from Britain somewhere.  (Actors Quotes) Both of my parents are actors and directors and whatnot. My dad loves really solid, old school, Broadway musicals, and one of them is ‘Assassins’ by Stephen Sondheim. All of the successful or non-successful assassins that have ever existed in the United States come together, and they talk about their killing or attempts through songs.  (Actors Quotes) I think as far as straight actors playing gay roles, Brokeback Mountain was a big breakthrough. I’m pretty sure when they were casting that movie that - I think the story is, like you know, 10 to 15 other actors turned it down.  (Actors Quotes) For me, a lot of these actors are new. For me, I only worked with Finn [Whittrock] and Michael Chiklis. So a lot of these actors are people I’ve been a huge fan of for years and are bucket-list actors for me to get to work with. It’s pretty surreal now getting to step into scenes with them.You all get to find your characters together.  (Actors Quotes) Newlyweds shooting budget: 5k for actors, 2k insurance, 2k food and drink. 9k in the can. We only shot 12 days. That’s how to make an independent film.  (Actors Quotes) I go through a whole process with the actors first, building and creating characters, then I encourage them to sort of live in that character when they’re in the screen.  (Actors Quotes) I honestly don’t have a lot of friends that are actors. Most of my friends I’ve known since sixth grade and are out of the industry. It gives me a sense of reality rather than surrounding myself with a bunch of actors.  (Actors Quotes) My dad traveled a lot, so I only usually saw him on weekends, growing up. His favorite actors in the world were Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds. If Clint or Burt had a movie out, we would go to the movies. He didn’t like movies, generally, unless Clint or Burt were in them.  (Actors Quotes) With the other fellow actors who have gone astray, I think it’s sad that society wants to label the business as doing this to people. It’s really not true.  (Actors Quotes) The reason that last-ditch political maneuvering has become business as usual in Washington is that the actors involved are drunk on blame and are convinced that the voting public is, too. They count on outrage, thereby spreading numbness. They cherish the prospect of partisan fury, thereby inspiring nonpartisan disgust.  (Actors Quotes) Actors have given up their clout. Now decision making is in the hands of lighting men, designers, bankers, special-effects people. We need to cut that out and just go with the most able trained actors in the business.  (Actors Quotes) Probably a concern to either a major or minor degree with most actors if they’re really motivated to kind of make a significant difference in the business is the ‘pigeon-holing’ thing.  (Actors Quotes)
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