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Actors Quotes

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Actors are trusting souls, and we must go by gut-level instinct, even after our agents and business managers weigh all the odds.  (Actors Quotes) Many American TV actors employ agents, managers, business managers, publicists and stylists, and are now adding digital media manager to the list. Their job is to reach out to the fans, managing websites, Twitter feeds, Facebook and Wikipedia.  (Actors Quotes) It’s nice to have a little bit of action in your world. Sometimes us actors go a couple months without working, it gets a little crazy. It’s good to be busy.  (Actors Quotes) Sometimes, the actors are thrilled to have visitors because they’re just waiting most of the day. It’s the directors that are a little busy.  (Actors Quotes) Once I started working as a professional actor, it was like, ‘Bye-bye waiting tables, bye-bye bartending, bye-bye all the cliched jobs actors do.’ But after a year of not getting work, there’s this really difficult conflict, like, ‘Do I have to go back to being a waiter when people recognize me from a show?’  (Actors Quotes) I’ve been a sports fan all my life, and like most other actors, I’m convinced I could have been a pro athlete if Hollywood hadn’t come calling.  (Actors Quotes) In L.A., though, people get off busses calling themselves actors, so many are really not professionals.  (Actors Quotes) I love the work, I love being in front of the camera and working with actors and directors and creating something. For me, it’s like learning everyday.  (Actors Quotes) In films people basically work for the camera, you know, and that’s why actors can hate each other and not be speaking to each other and still look as if they’re in love because really they’re loving the camera loving them.  (Actors Quotes) I would love to be able to get behind the camera and direct actors. I think that would be a lot of fun.  (Actors Quotes) The stigma that used to exist many years ago, that actors from film don’t do television, seems to have disappeared. That camera doesn’t know it’s a TV camera... or even a streaming camera. It’s just a camera.  (Actors Quotes) Once you’re on the set and shooting, it’s all just cinema. You have actors and cameras.  (Actors Quotes) The camera can move, you can make the shots, blah blah blah, but as long as the actors are good, you have something.  (Actors Quotes) Some of the greatest actors on the planet are the most insecure people. Now I don’t know if that insecurity necessarily equates to a lack of confidence. Some people are just very shy individuals. You give them a character to play and a script, and you put them in front of a camera or on a stage, and they just go.  (Actors Quotes) In all my documentaries I did all the camera work, but in fiction I didn’t want to do it myself. I think the machinery is so heavy and demanding that you would leave the actors alone for a long time.  (Actors Quotes) Some of the downbeat pictures, in my opinion, should never be made at all. Most of them are made for personal satisfaction, to impress other actors who say: Oh, God! what a shot, what camera work! But the average person in the audience, who bought his ticket to be entertained, doesn’t see that at all. He comes out depressed.  (Actors Quotes) Whenever you read interviews with actors, they always seem to be given three months to do something - get fat, get skinny, learn card tricks.  (Actors Quotes) I’ve had lots of good career advice over the years. I’ve learned that you must always arrive knowing your lines, you must hit your marks, you must be punctual and cheerful and kind. I’m always irritated with young people who misbehave and young actors who are temperamental. I don’t think there’s any need for it.  (Actors Quotes) I’ve learned to think in terms of having a long career. Actors can have very long careers that last until the day we die, but there will be moments when you’ll feel like you’re a failure or when you’re disappointed in yourself.  (Actors Quotes) Some of the actors that I love most have challenged themselves throughout their entire career. That’s my goal.  (Actors Quotes) I remember all the kids picking their chosen career paths and I was thinking, If I’m an actor I can be an astronaut and a policeman and a firefighter. At the time I was so young that I actually thought actors were all of those things.  (Actors Quotes) As actors, we deal with rejection so much more than any other business. So I don’t care how much of a genius you are, if you don’t have the propensity to be able to get back up every time you get knocked down, then you’re not going to survive.  (Actors Quotes) I like getting carried away by what is happening and then decide each scene based on the actors, the set and the light.  (Actors Quotes) The great actors, like Cary Grant, and the gentlemanliness that they portray in the movies is something that I try to keep in mind.  (Actors Quotes) There are actors in this town who made important careers for a long, long period just by taking the parts that Cary Grant turned down.  (Actors Quotes) As a child, I was just never that interested in the lives of my favourite actors, like Cary Grant. I do wonder whether knowing too much about someone’s personal life interrupts an audience’s ability to suspend disbelief, to really invest in the characters. My preference would always be that people engage with the work.  (Actors Quotes) Many casting directors won’t hire aspiring actors because you might be burning some chick’s headshot under the table so she doesn’t get the part.  (Actors Quotes) If you work in casting, it’s sort of not cool to want to act. A lot of people think that casting directors are frustrated actors, but it wasn’t true with any of the casting people I knew.  (Actors Quotes) I’m not in a position where I get to pick and choose roles. I usually go on auditions in long lines and embarrass myself in front of casting directors, and with a lump in my throat and my ears burning, I walk past reception and smirking actors as I go to the parking garage and go back on the highway.  (Actors Quotes) I just think there are a lot of celebrities who don’t feel that they have a voice. A lot of actors come from a place of fear, and that’s just a general statement about actors. You’re terrified the casting director won’t like you, you’re terrified the producer won’t like you, you’re terrified the director won’t like you, and on and on.  (Actors Quotes)
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