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Actors Quotes

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With its missed lines and falling tombstones, ‘Dark Shadows’ was sometimes inadvertently funny, but what made the show work was the fact that the actors and the writers took it all very seriously.  (Actors Quotes) When you look at C-3PO and Darth Vader and then look at the actors behind them, you can’t really make the connection. It kills the magic.  (Actors Quotes) The number one thing I am earnestly attracted to is intelligence. Writers are thus the pinnacle of intelligence. While actors are great and awesome, writers literally create new worlds from scratch. What is sexier than that? Personally, I don’t know why every person out there isn’t dating a writer.  (Actors Quotes) I wouldn’t date an actress. There’s only room for one actor in my life and I’m it. Too difficult. On the one hand, they understand the job. But on the other hand, it’s very competitive within the relationship. Two actors, say one becomes a mega-star and the other doesn’t.  (Actors Quotes) I knew a ton of actors and was friends with them, but I never dated actresses. I tried to date ‘normal’ people because the Hollywood dating rule is ‘one star per couple’ because it’s quite a challenge to match the egos of two actors.  (Actors Quotes) Someone who’ll bring some normalcy into my life and help me stay in touch with reality. That is something I’m curious about. There are so many actors who are married to people from non-film backgrounds, and their marriages are successful. I’m tired of dating actresses.  (Actors Quotes) The funniest thing is I never understood why actors were so shady about who they’re dating. Then I realized the things you say get printed and the people you’re involved with read them. That’s what’s tricky. Nothing goes unnoticed. I don’t want to get myself in trouble!  (Actors Quotes) It’s fun to look at people that are so good at acting that aren’t actors, like David Bowie creating a mystique about rock n’ roll. I’ve listened to ‘Ziggy Stardust’ as much as any rock n’ roll fan - I don’t really know what it’s about, but it sure is fun to think about David Bowie as this mad creation.  (Actors Quotes) I’m very grateful and appreciative, and I remind myself every day that there are thousands and thousands of actors that have the same dreams and aspirations that I have.  (Actors Quotes) You know the way there are two kinds of actors - the De Niro kind who’s always De Niro, and then somebody like Daniel Day-Lewis, who transforms himself eerily? Well, I aim to be the Daniel Day-Lewis kind of writer. I don’t have a house style.  (Actors Quotes) The only reason I did Showtime was Robert De Niro. I definitely consider him to be in the top 5 all time actors.  (Actors Quotes) There are a lot of actors whom I love, who personalize their work. I want to know everything about them, like De Niro, like Gary Oldman.  (Actors Quotes) [De Niro]’s a classic example of somebody who is iconic and who sort of effortlessly puts actors at ease the moment you meet him. I think it’s also just something that he innately does with people.  (Actors Quotes) Robert de Niro has always been fascinating to me. And if John Cazale were still alive, that would be a man I’d love to work with. I’m a big fan of Paul Thomas Anderson’s films - I would be honored to work with him. I think he’s a brilliant director, and he gets such compelling stories out of his actors and out of his crew.  (Actors Quotes) There are many brilliant actors, including our own Dilip Kumar, but Robert de Niro is something else.  (Actors Quotes) The deaf community is nearly never portrayed accurately on television/film because most writers never took the time to immerse themselves in the deaf culture before portraying it on television. They also never got to know their deaf actors.  (Actors Quotes) I did my first series lead back in 1991 on a show called ‘Reasonable Doubts’ and have done many shows with other actors who are deaf. But ‘Switched at Birth’ is the first TV show where there is more than one actor who is deaf or hard of hearing and who are series regulars.  (Actors Quotes) I don’t really write with living actors in mind. I guess I write for dead actors. I’ll think of like, you know, Burt Lancaster would be good in this part, and so on. With ‘L.A. Confidential,’ it was like, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if Dean Martin played the Kevin Spacey part?’  (Actors Quotes) Directly after Rock Hudson’s death came the fears that gay writers and actors and directors would be denied jobs; who knew if they would live long enough to finish a feature film or television series? And would the unions force directors to give blood tests and ban actors who tested positive?  (Actors Quotes) My parents always instilled in me this feeling of wanting to be a normal person. I never moved out to L.A. as a kid and got into that scene and that whole thing that happens to kid actors that’s the reason they go off the deep end.  (Actors Quotes) Actors are the flowers of the film, of the set, and of the director. The term ‘Flowers of the Screen’ holds a deep meaning.  (Actors Quotes) I’m always envious of the actors who get to come to work every day and really grow deep roots there, but it is really fun playing lots of different characters.  (Actors Quotes) As actors we’re like these vagabond artists, we have to be invited to perform so if you don’t have a choice of options its very hard to define yourself.  (Actors Quotes) I want to run for the Senate from Tennessee . Not now, but when I’m 50, when music dies down a little bit. I know lots of artists and actors have those delusions of grandeur, but ever since I was a kid, it’s been of interest to me.  (Actors Quotes) I want to aspire to something like what Denzel Washington does, which is try to find scripts written for white actors - or Jodie Foster, who reads scripts for male actors.  (Actors Quotes) When most actors finally get to L.A., I think they expect to be the next Will Smith or Denzel Washington and that’s not the case.  (Actors Quotes) My favorite newer movie is Training Day. Denzel Washington is, to me, one of the greatest actors ever. The way he gets into those roles is ridiculous.  (Actors Quotes) The problem with my mind is it sways from side to side. The idea of me fantasizing about becoming an actor quickly led to depression. ‘No, it was never going to happen to me.’ I was a sixteen-year-old kid on the other side of the world from where they made movies. Scottish actors never really got play. There was Sean Connery, and that was it.  (Actors Quotes) Harrison Ford - one of my favorite actors - has a wonderful sense of character and depth and uniqueness to him, yet he’s able to just deliver the lines without putting any English on it.  (Actors Quotes) I love actors. I love working with actors. I really enjoy the process. I love having those in-depth discussions about the interior of their character, and actors really love to discuss that, too. I could talk about that for days with them. They love that, and I love that.  (Actors Quotes)
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