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Actors Quotes

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I’ve never been one of those actors who has touted myself as a fascinating human being. I had to decide early on whether I was to be an actor or a personality.  (Actors Quotes) I can be tough on actors, but I also let them know early on in our relationship what I expect from them.  (Actors Quotes) But I’ve never been really rebellious. I’ve got a lot of support and I’m not pushed so hard that I feel like I’m going to burn out, which is what happens to a lot of actors in their early twenties.  (Actors Quotes) I start casting early in the writing process, so I can tailor the script to the gifts of the actors.  (Actors Quotes) Actors have a magic gene within them - I think they’re the finest descendants of rogues and vagabonds - and it’s all too easily forgotten what the acting legacy is.  (Actors Quotes) We actors have it pretty easy and pretty hard. Easy ‘cause we have a meal provided to us every 6 hours every day and craft services. The hard part is staying fit under those circumstances.  (Actors Quotes) One actor in my life is enough, and that’s me. With actors, it’s too easy to go into this world of complaining. Someone will always be better, richer, more loved, do more work. Those dynamics don’t interest me.  (Actors Quotes) People in the film industry always want to save for a rainy day. Many early actors died in small houses with no money, and so they are insecure. My advantage is I don’t value money that much. It’s an easy thing for me to let go.  (Actors Quotes) We have been deformed by educational and religious institutions that treat us as members of an audience instead of actors in a drama, so we become adults who treat democracy as a spectator sport.  (Actors Quotes) Actors are really working with bodies, with their minds, and with their emotions. Feelings, basically. That’s what movies are about, going from one feeling to another.  (Actors Quotes) I think actors always retain one foot in the cradle. We’re switched on to our youth, to our childhood. We have to be because we’re in the business of transferring emotions to other people.  (Actors Quotes) I try to steal from the best. Suck it all in. ‘Taxi Driver’ is really a bible for film actors, a master class. A lot of emotional power, a lot of emotional depth but it’s contained and you just see the tip of the iceberg.  (Actors Quotes) What you can do with visual effects is enhance the look of the character, but the actual integrity of the emotional performance and the way the character’s facial expressions work, that is what is going to be created on the day with other actors and the director.  (Actors Quotes) The show is like an Edwardian play - emotional life gets stepped on for the sake of accepted manners, and that’s terrific for actors to play in.  (Actors Quotes) Actors are part of a certain percentage of people on this planet who have an emotional vocabulary as a primary experience. It’s as if their life is experienced emotionally and then that is translated intellectually or conceptually into the performance.  (Actors Quotes) Here’s the thing about movies, all movies end up on television. That’s their life. Whether you like it or not, I don’t care how much money you spend on it, or how big or broad the film is, or who the actors are in it, eventually it’s all coming out of the box.  (Actors Quotes) Therefore, when you see the end result, it’s difficult to see who’s the director, me or them. Ultimately, everything belongs to the actors - we just manage the situation.  (Actors Quotes) I think the reality-show format is brilliant, has endless possibilities. It’s documentary! But unfortunately, it’s rarely executed well. So it becomes just a scripted show, but without actors.  (Actors Quotes) I wouldn’t say no to being in a film with Jude Law. I love English actors.  (Actors Quotes) I’m not someone who enjoys long talks, long rehearsals. I’m very technical: I tell my actors, you come in, you sit down, you pick up a coffee, you look here, you say the line. We try it with the cameras rolling, and if it doesn’t work, we adjust it until it does. It’s very simple.  (Actors Quotes) Actors, said Granny, witheringly. As if the world weren’t full of enough history without inventing more.  (Actors Quotes) It’s so easy to become obsessed with the film industry and recognition that we can forget that we are not saving the world. We are just actors trying to entertain people.  (Actors Quotes) It is a weird thing that actors have people applaud when they’re done working. I still find that entertaining.  (Actors Quotes) I’ve spent my entire career on horseback or on a motorcycle. It boxes you in, the way people perceive you. I read a lot of scripts. Most of ‘em go to other actors.  (Actors Quotes) I have great respect for actors like Jodie Foster and Natalie Portman who went to school the entire time they were acting. All I did was one small little independent film, and I realised I couldn’t balance both lives.  (Actors Quotes) I think that’s what we’re all trying to do as actors, is create some sort of passion from people and allow them to have something to really care about and something they enjoy and look forward to on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, whatever it is, where you get to sit down and escape.  (Actors Quotes) It’s a nice challenge to escape your reality. I think that’s why actors do what we do. We like to play other people. It’s therapeutic.  (Actors Quotes) I pick my actors primarily based on my gut-feel. They could be rank newcomers or established stars, but if I feel they’ll do justice to my characters, they are on. I think Bollywood is now looking towards Kollywood for new faces, and, to my mind, Suriya will be a very successful crossover star because he’s very versatile.  (Actors Quotes) Stage is the ultimate test; I like watching established screen actors on stage to see if they can really do it. But it’s great to have a healthy mixture of the two. Film is so technical: there’s something very particular about the relationship between you and the camera. It took a long time for me to get good on film.  (Actors Quotes) I’m unable to do the thing that Broadway actors do in plays, sometimes for years. The same exact blocking, the same exact lines. I’m a little bit uncomfortable with that. Every night I’m looking for ways to try something else.  (Actors Quotes)
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