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Actors Quotes

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For most actors, it’s such a struggle to get work. Once they have it, they feel that there’s an enormous amount of pressure on them to make it work, and have everyone love them. In my case, it was never like that. It was just about working with the people that I want to work with, and telling the stories that I want to tell, you know?  (Actors Quotes) Actors look at life in a different way. When I meet people, I know that one day I may portray that person or someone like them. It may be a cop or a homeless guy. It helps you to pay more attention to people. Everyone I meet, I retain something from them, something from their personality. It helps me to portray realism in my work.  (Actors Quotes) I think everyone’s different but in comedy, I try to do my scene to make the director and the other actors laugh. If I can make them laugh and we have the same sensibility, then I’m on the right page.  (Actors Quotes) JR was a 1-dimensional, evil character. JR was multi-dimensional, and Larry Hagman is probably one of the greatest actors that we have. Then, you go back and look at ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ - I mean, he’s a comic genius, as well. So, I think they should give him an honorary Emmy Award.  (Actors Quotes) I’ve worked with Hollywood stars, but the reason most of the Hollywood stars I’ve worked with are Hollywood stars is that they’re excellent actors, so I’ve been very lucky.  (Actors Quotes) Actors are excused from a lot of things, and we get away with a lot... I find it equally interesting and exciting as it is disgusting and bizarre.  (Actors Quotes) I don’t think actors should ever expect to get a role, because the disappointment is too great. You’ve got to think of things as an opportunity. An audition’s an opportunity to have an audience.  (Actors Quotes) Your director is your main support - actors don’t generally give each other advice on set, not in my experience.  (Actors Quotes) Of course, when you work with actors and when you work on a script everything that you know about the human experience can’t possibly go in.  (Actors Quotes) Authenticity is what I’ve always gone after in my work, and I understand what feels emotionally right, instinctively. Working with actors has just come with experience.  (Actors Quotes) I’d made these experimental films but I thought the major chore of a filmmaker was to relate to actors.  (Actors Quotes) Actors in the film industry are usually wary of expressing their opinions on the issues of the day, politics especially.  (Actors Quotes) A lot of actors on film sets... very often they’re not paying attention to the physical world around them. I think through studying art, I’ve always had that awareness and that’s something that I’ve wanted to bring in to go beyond acting... As a form of expression, they are intrinsically linked.  (Actors Quotes) The difference between great actors and the rest of us isn’t simply that they know how to make more out of less, but that, like lions at the watering hole, they will always take more than their share from the pool of available resources - extra air from the room, added knowledge from our faces.  (Actors Quotes) I happen to be very good with younger actors because I have extremely vivid memories of that time of my life, and kids are just funny.  (Actors Quotes) Old actors never die, they don’t even fade away. They’re always available.  (Actors Quotes) I just can’t say enough about the actors having faith and trust in the writers and the writers having faith and trust in the actors.  (Actors Quotes) I know a lot of people that have had fake Twitters... actors and musicians that I know. It’s sort of a problem. There are all these people that sign up thinking that they’re getting somebody’s real thoughts when it’s just some guy.  (Actors Quotes) Life is an intricate play with actors waiting for an explanation. Each added act confers a new interpretation of the story. ( Waiting for the pieces to fall into place )  (Actors Quotes) There’s a reason people love watching blooper reels of actors falling about laughing  (Actors Quotes) Everyone talks about reality TV and that there are no roles left. That’s false. Years ago, there were three networks. Now there are 20 cable networks and so many ways for films to be exhibited. It’s an exciting time for actors, writers, directors, and producers.  (Actors Quotes) As a child, I always remember our home, which was a flat just on the Barnes side of Hammersmith Bridge in London, buzzing with actors such as Patrick McGee and Peter Bowles. We were a family who were always on the go.  (Actors Quotes) There are actors who aren’t on the cover of magazines but still decide what work they want and when they want it. I want a family one day. So I dream of really being able to decide when to work and when not to.  (Actors Quotes) I look at it like this: that if Shakespeare were alive today, he would have written two or three plays about the Kennedy family, and actors would traditionally play JFK like they Hamlet or King Lear. They just would. I mean, people have played JFK, and they’ll play him long after I have.  (Actors Quotes) In L.A., I was meeting people who were all actors. My mind started to open up to what acting was. I didn’t realize that Brad Pitt was a real person. I didn’t think he was a robot or a machine, but I thought you were just born into acting - that it’s a family tree, kind of like NASCAR. No one can just say, ‘Hey, I’m going to be a NASCAR driver.’  (Actors Quotes) Everyone’s parents were famous actors at my school, pretty much! I think I went to school with Paris Hilton when I was three. That’s what L.A. is, though - it’s an industry town. You go to school with kids and you think, ‘Well that’s normal, they make movies.  (Actors Quotes) It’s always a little mind-boggling to realize that these famous actors know who I am  (Actors Quotes) I don’t want kids to think it’s okay to drop out of school and get high, and they’ll be famous actors, too,  (Actors Quotes) When actors get a bad name for diva behavior - I’ve never seen it. Because my experience with people who are really famous actors is that they work really hard.  (Actors Quotes) I’m largely interested in people who are just great actors, and they’re not necessarily hugely famous.  (Actors Quotes)
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