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Actors Quotes

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I’ve never had a desire to be famous. Lots of actors are actually extremely shy. I have shy areas.  (Actors Quotes) There are two types of actors: those who say they don’t want to be famous, and those who are liars.  (Actors Quotes) Actors are always outsiders. It’s necessary to be able to interpret - and that gets distorted when you become famous.  (Actors Quotes) Actors don’t necessarily want to be famous or rich or anything else. It’s a very bad gamble if that’s what you’re after.  (Actors Quotes) I think there are a lot more writers who are actors than you know; they just don’t have roles on famous TV shows that you recognize.  (Actors Quotes) The more it happens, the easier it is for others, although I do understand why some actors choose not to come out. I have several famous friends who are still in the closet.  (Actors Quotes) I love working fast. I don’t relish the director who wants to do 25 to 30 takes, or the actors who insist on doing 25 or 30 takes.  (Actors Quotes) Actors in general are pretty good bullshit artists; we’re good at just chewing the fat, interacting with people. So we’re good ambassadors for movies.  (Actors Quotes) I would never advise anyone to stay in the closet to further their careers - I’m sure it leads to big fat gay ulcers. There are actors I know who won’t come out, and I can see it crippling them as human beings. It’s a great shame that people can’t be who they are in the 21st century, and people won’t let them be who they are.  (Actors Quotes) On a movie set that works, you have your father figure, the director, you have your siblings, your other actors.  (Actors Quotes) My favorite actors are Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith - guys like that  (Actors Quotes) My favorite actors are people who I don’t know anything about, and I can project any character onto them.  (Actors Quotes) One of my favorite actors is Javier Bardem, he always challenges his previous roles, and basically does the unexpected.  (Actors Quotes) My favorite actors when I was a kid were in their 60s. Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne.  (Actors Quotes) Chris Cooper is one of my favorite actors in the world. I’ve seen him in most everything he’s done.  (Actors Quotes) I remember that Jack Lemmon, who is one of my favorite actors of all time, says that the day he stops being nervous is the day he should leave the business.  (Actors Quotes) Harrison Ford has always been one of my favorite actors. I grew up with Han Solo and Indiana Jones, and ‘Regarding Henry’ is one of my favorite movies of all time.  (Actors Quotes) Will Smith is one of my favorite actors, and he’s also a triple threat. He successfully crossed over from music into acting. Also, I liked ‘I Am Legend’ because it was so unexpected. The movie wasn’t what I thought it’d turn out to be.  (Actors Quotes) For me, one of my favorites, director-wise, is Tim Burton. I also really admire the work of actors like Sean Penn. He is probably my favorite actor because of his dedication and commitment to roles, and the ability to morph and change himself when he needs to. It’s about dedication and commitment and a passion.  (Actors Quotes) There are a lot of actors that are insanely talented, so I don’t say who my favorite is anymore.  (Actors Quotes) The dream would be to work with my two favorite actors, Daniel Day Lewis and Cate Blanchett. Or playing Joaquin Phoenix’s brother in a film. Basically anything where I get to act opposite actors like these; ones who bring a certain caliber to their work and literally morph into the character they are playing.  (Actors Quotes) One of my favourite actors of all time, although he doesn’t necessarily play villains, is Peter Lorre.  (Actors Quotes) I just love westerns. One of my favourite actors is John Wayne, probably one of the most underrated actors there’s ever been. He’s quite an incredible actor.  (Actors Quotes) I try not to have actors in mind when I write because the tendency then is to be influenced by either their last performance or your favourite of their performances.  (Actors Quotes) To work with Richard [Ayoade] is my favourite thing in the world. He is my favourite person. So, it was great for me to be involved in a project that was, again, so different and with such wonderful actors. Everyone from Submarine is in the film in one way or another, which helps because it really does feel like a family.  (Actors Quotes) Our feeling is that the most important thing on a set is that actors have enough confidence to try different things. If there’s stress or tension, they won’t go out on a limb because they won’t want to embarrass themselves if they don’t feel completely comfortable.  (Actors Quotes) I suspect, for a lot of people who become actors, there’s a feeling of wanting to be someone other than who they actually are.  (Actors Quotes) It’s a really weird feeling when you write something and you really know it and then you watch actors come in and do it.  (Actors Quotes) I certainly know quite a few kid actors, but I’m not really friends with them. They’re all very nice people, but I just don’t run in the same circles.  (Actors Quotes) I like young actors because they’re so unspoiled, not like some of those actors who are about half an hour into their fifteen minutes of fame by the time they get to me.  (Actors Quotes)
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