Actual Quotes

Text Quotes
It may be a cliche, but it’s true - the build-up to Christmas is so much more pleasurable than the actual day itself. (Actual Quotes)
The Church is simply the path of history, and not the actual kingdom of God (Actual Quotes)
For me, let’s keep jazz as folk music. Let’s not make jazz classical music. Let’s keep it as street music, as people’s everyday-life music. Let’s see jazz musicians continue to use the materials, the tools, the spirit of the actual time that they’re living in, as what they build their lives as musicians around. (Actual Quotes)
I guess art itself is insane. Its actual function is rarely clear, and yet people give their hearts and souls and lives to it, and have for all of history. (Actual Quotes)
The choices we make lead up to actual experiences. It is one thing to decide to climb a mountain. It is quite another to be on top of it. (Actual Quotes)
A coach, especially at a college level - much more at a college or high school level, than at a pro level - you’re more of a teacher than an actual coach. (Actual Quotes)
Get your product in front of actual, living, breathing strangers. Your college roommate’s approval does not mean there’s market demand. (Actual Quotes)
In actual fact, I have been an academic - a college and university teacher and scholar - for much of the last 45 years, and only rarely a writer. (Actual Quotes)
I think the process of ‘SNL’ is still pretty formal. You make an audition tape, your agent sends it in, they watch people’s tapes, and then they invite people to perform at a comedy club in Los Angeles or New York. But I don’t know how much actual scouting they do online. (Actual Quotes)
You need to focus on creating the actual value of the company, not just the theoretical value. The actual value comes from a great product that sells well and is ultimately profitable. (Actual Quotes)
On the actual competition days, you get about three or four hours of physical exertion - between an hour-long warm-up, recovery in-between runs, the training runs, and then the runs themselves. (Actual Quotes)
But to me the actual sound of the words is all important; I feel always that the words complete the music and must never be swallowed up in it. (Actual Quotes)
Making words rhyme for a living is one of the great joys of my life... That’s a superpower I’ve been very conscious of developing. I started at the same level as everybody else, and then I just listened to more music and talked to myself until it was an actual superpower I could pull out on special occasions. (Actual Quotes)
... while in theory digital technology entails the flawless replication of data, its actual use in contemporary society is characterized by the loss of data, degradation, and noise; the noise which is even stronger than that of traditional photography. (Actual Quotes)
If you look at slavery across all human history, and you sort of strip away the packaging, whether it’s racialized or religious-based, and you look at the actual core of the slavery, it’s one person completely controlling another one. (Actual Quotes)
The reason it has taken so long for the robotics industry to move forward is because people keep trying to make something that is cool but difficult to achieve rather than trying to find solutions to actual human problems. Technology can be extremely expensive if you don’t focus. (Actual Quotes)
Today, music is great for entertainment, but it is lacking soul; it’s lacking substance, and it’s difficult to find good stuff. There are too many corporate interests. It’s not about the actual music because it’s about the corporation, and music just becomes part of a package. (Actual Quotes)
This is actually something no one knows, but my mom was really the one who created the entire style for ‘Teen Witch.’ I’m dead serious. She was super involved, and is super creative, so I wore a lot of my actual clothes in the movie. Truly, Louise was my mom’s vision. She really created an iconic character. (Actual Quotes)
Actual evil probably requires much more creativity, passion, and political ideology than anyone at or near the top of Microsoft seems to possess. (Actual Quotes)
I think it’s cultural racism more than anything, which dovetails with actual racism, but the cultural racism to me is even more shocking. (Actual Quotes)
There’s a difference between expanding someone’s potential and expanding their actual performance. Performance may measure other things, whether one’s culture supports education, other socio-economic factors. (Actual Quotes)
I told myself that I would not come back to women’s fashion until I felt I had something new to say. I feel that fashion has become too serious and that the actual customer’s needs have not really been addressed. Fashion needs to make one happy. It is a luxury and should enhance one’s quality of life. (Actual Quotes)
Walmart and other big-boxers could become the center of gravity for the conservation of goods, employ people with actual know-how, and develop deeper, longer term, more profitable relationships with their customers. (Actual Quotes)
We were intrigued by the fact that we had so much actual behavior among people on our dating site, OKCupid. (Actual Quotes)
We need rest not just so we feel better. We need rest for actual creation of what we’re going to need the next day. (Actual Quotes)
You’ve got the Democratic Party that now depends on more government spending and actual building the dependence on government in order to increase their political party. (Actual Quotes)
Healthy debate has been replaced by automatic sensors that eliminate the need for actual talking during a filibuster - a la ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.’ Robust debate is necessary in a democratic society. Instead, our discourse has been relegated to media spin by expert entertainers. (Actual Quotes)
The examples of female success stories are important on the global scale, as they help to disseminate the idea of gender equality and to spread the roots for the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and democratic values among different cultures, societies and traditions. (Actual Quotes)
In designing the scenery and costumes for any of Shakespeare’s plays, the first thing the artist has to settle is the best date for the drama. This should be determined by the general spirit of the play more than by any actual historical references which may occur in it. (Actual Quotes)
The first victims of poseur environmentalism will always be developing countries. In order for you to put biofuel in your Prius and feel good about yourself for no reason, real actual people in faraway places have to starve to death. (Actual Quotes)