Actually Quotes

Text Quotes
What is truly profound is thought to be stupid and trivial, or worse, boring, while what is actually stupid and trivial is thought to be profound. That is what it means to fly upside down (Actually Quotes)
Sometimes we get caught up in trying to glorify God by praising what He can do and we lose sight of the practical point of what He actually does do (Actually Quotes)
There’s only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody else! It sound egotistical, but it’s actually the only cure for those suffering from self-pity (Actually Quotes)
I love tennis more than designing because it’s actually easier and I don’t get nearly as nervous (Actually Quotes)
A creep is someone who claims he’s one thing but he’s actually another (Actually Quotes)
I spent so many summers and New Years and fun times in New Orleans. It was always a place where I felt I could go and actually let go and enjoy the spirit of something (Actually Quotes)
Oasis are not just influenced by the Beatles; they actually take stuff. Then they get praised (Actually Quotes)
They think I’m being serious when actually I’m a very big clown. But you have to know me to see that. I’m constantly cracking up and cracking everybody else around me up (Actually Quotes)
One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say (Actually Quotes)
In America, educators punish those who actually think for themselves. There is only acceptance for popular opinion (Actually Quotes)
Most people do not actually know how to think for themselves, and unfortunately that prevents them from even knowing it (Actually Quotes)
I actually grew up playing the piano in the church and was deeply involved in music ministry (Actually Quotes)
Shopping is actually very similar to farming a field. You can’t keep buying the same thing, you have to have a bit of variety. Otherwise you get bored and stop enjoying yourself (Actually Quotes)
It was in the forest. No one saw it or heard it. So did it actually happen? (Actually Quotes)
I think that the online world has actually brought books back. People are reading because they’re reading the damn screen. That’s more reading than people used to do (Actually Quotes)
I go home and stay there. I wash and scrub up each day, and that’s it. One month I actually grew a moustache, just so I could say that I’d done something (Actually Quotes)
Never be so focused on what you’re looking for that you overlook the thing you actually find (Actually Quotes)
No one tells the truth to people they don’t actually know, and if they do it is a horrible trait. Everyone wants something smaller, something neater than the truth (Actually Quotes)
But even when the moon looks like it’s waning... it’s actually never changing shape. Don’t ever forget that (Actually Quotes)
When I come home I actually take off all my clothes, and I wear no clothes until I leave. I eat naked. I do everything completely naked (Actually Quotes)
I’m actually very introverted. I’m very shy. I’m very emotional (Actually Quotes)
I’ve actually stopped tinting my windows because the paparazzi look for trucks and cars with supertinted windows (Actually Quotes)
Veterans’ issues are quite close to my heart. I find it quite hard to talk about, actually (Actually Quotes)
Ads are baked into content like chocolate chips into a cookie. Except, it’s actually more like raisins into a cookie because no one [expletive] wants them there (Actually Quotes)
Just imagine if in his inaugural address John F. Kennedy had said, ‘Ask not what your country can, you know, do for you, but what you can, like, do for your country actually (Actually Quotes)
Actually, I have an interest in finishing my Ph.D., but I just know I never will (Actually Quotes)
You can go through life and actually speak your mind and do it in an articulate fashion and with a really intelligent point of view (Actually Quotes)
Every animal would rather die themselves than lose their offspring. But it’s just genes, isn’t it? All of our existence is spent worrying about the next generation, but we don’t actually seem to get anywhere (Actually Quotes)
There were only two times in my life when I’ve actually felt down about things and gotten myself into a full mental mess. One of the times was in 1982. I had a horrible time for a few months and felt pretty desperate. Then again in 1984, for various reasons, not all of them within my control. Since then, I just wander in and out of black moods (Actually Quotes)
When you know that something’s going to happen, you’ll start trying to see signs of its approach in just about everything. Always try to remember that most of the things that happen in this world aren’t signs. They happen because they happen, and their only real significance lies in normal cause and effect. You’ll drive yourself crazy if you start trying to pry the meaning out of every gust of wind or rain squall. I’m not denying that there might actually be a few signs that you won’t want to miss. Knowing the difference is the tricky part (Actually Quotes)