Actually Quotes

Text Quotes
To step away from the world isn’t to draw back; it’s actually a way to tune in (Actually Quotes)
Spending our tax dollars on actually preventing crimes, instead of pursuing death sentences after they’ve already been committed, will assure us we will have fewer victims (Actually Quotes)
The scientific method actually correctly uses the most direct evidence as the most reliable, because that’s the way you are least likely to get led astray into dead ends and to misunderstand your data (Actually Quotes)
I like how wine continues to evolve, like if I opened a bottle of wine today it would taste different than if I’d opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is actually alive. And it’s constantly evolving and gaining complexity (Actually Quotes)
Don’t worry about breaks every 20 minutes ruining your focus on a task. Contrary to what I might have guessed, taking regular breaks from mental tasks actually improves your creativity and productivity. Skipping breaks, on the other hand, leads to stress and fatigue (Actually Quotes)
My feeling is that poetry is also a healing process, and then when a person tries to write poetry with depth or beauty, he will find himself guided along paths which will heal him, and this is more important, actually, than any of the poetry he writes (Actually Quotes)
I think that boxing is actually not as dangerous as the politics. In boxing, you’re gonna get a bloody nose or a black eye. In politics you can obviously get either dioxin in the food or bullet in the head (Actually Quotes)
I was actually very surprised, and I told myself wow, I want to fight this guy (Actually Quotes)
The new one actually reads, but only to pass judgment. This is the way kids learn today. Someone told them how you feel is more important than what you know, and so they think accusations are ideas. This is political correction run amok (Actually Quotes)
People think fame and money will bring you happiness. Fame actually makes life, especially human relationships, much more complicated (Actually Quotes)
The feeling must come first. If you actually feel rich, if you have a deep inner conviction that you will always have all that you need, it will be so (Actually Quotes)
Night is here. All is at rest. My eyes close in order to see without actually understanding the dream that flees before men infinite space; and I experience the languorous sensation produced by the mournful procession of my hopes (Actually Quotes)
My heart belongs to the details. I actually always found them to be more important than the big picture. Nothing works without details. They are everything, the baseline of quality (Actually Quotes)
Dogs are actually very smart, it’s just that they’re rather clumsy, but it’s this trait that makes humans attracted to them and why I love dogs so much (Actually Quotes)
It matters not whether you win the race or not but that you cross the finish line with a smile and a bit of a laugh. Stress does not come from having too much on your plate. Stress comes from labeling too many of those things as very important. Discussing religion, no matter how in depth the discussion, should never be confused with actually practicing that religion (Actually Quotes)
Behind every word flows energy. If you use your words to gossip or babble about what you are going to do before you do it, then you are siphoning off the energy needed to actually do the work. Your words become an energy leak (Actually Quotes)
It’s ridiculous that we continue to incarcerate anyone for using a substance that actually causes far less damage than alcohol. No one goes out looking for fights on marijuana. No one dies from marijuana intoxication. And no one should be jailed for possessing marijuana (Actually Quotes)
Life is already together, and what you have to experience is experiencing it being together. The striving to put it together is a denial of the truth that it is actually already together and further striving keeps you from getting it together (Actually Quotes)
I hope that you, too, will choose to have a journey instead of just a life. Actually, I hope it’s a full on expedition (Actually Quotes)
Conservatives should question how the death penalty actually works in order to stay true to small government, reduction in wasteful spending, and respect for human life (Actually Quotes)
You’ll drive yourself crazy if you start trying to pry the meaning out of every gust of wind or rain squall. I’m not denying that there might actually be a few signs that you won’t want to miss. Knowing the difference is the tricky part (Actually Quotes)
I drink coconut water before my workouts. It has just the right amount of calories and electrolytes to get me going. My body has actually started craving it (Actually Quotes)
Vegetarians may be appalled, but much of gardening is actually raising animals: the tiny ones under the earth’s surface (Actually Quotes)
Wanting things to be otherwise is the very essence of suffering. We almost never directly experience what pain is because our reaction to it is so immediate that most of what we call pain is actually our experience of resistance to that phenomenon. And the resistance is usually a good deal more painful than the original sensation (Actually Quotes)
I don’t actually care what I climb, only how it affects me. Which means the summit doesn’t matter as much as the emotional process (Actually Quotes)
I always wanted children, but not until they were actually part of my life did I realize that I could love that fiercely, or get that angry (Actually Quotes)
Ballet is like football. I don’t understand a footballer’s technique but I can see when he’s playing brilliantly. People don’t like ballet because they think they don’t understand it. Actually they do. It’s the most primitive form of appeal (Actually Quotes)
Influences come from everywhere but when you are actually shooting you work primarily by instinct. But what is instinct? It is a lifetime accumulation of influence: experience, knowledge, seeing and hearing. There is little time for reflection in taking a photograph. All your experiences come to a peak and you work on two levels: conscious and unconscious (Actually Quotes)
You know how sports teach kids teamwork and how to be strong and brave and confident? Improv was my sport. I learned how to not waffle and how to hold a conversation, how to take risks and actually be excited to fail (Actually Quotes)
We spend so much time condemning, critiquing, and copying culture we miss on actually changing it. Be a creator not a hater (Actually Quotes)