Acute Quotes

Text Quotes
I found, when I left, that there were others who felt the same way. We’d meet, they’d come and seek me out, we’d talk about the future. And I found that their depression and pessimism was every bit as acute as mine (Acute Quotes)
The risk from terrorism remains acute and the private market cannot continue to operate without a government backstop (Acute Quotes)
What worse illness can there be than acute conventionality. You should pray every night that you don’t wake up with it (Acute Quotes)
And since, in our passage through this world, painful circumstances occur more frequently than pleasing ones, and since our sense of evil is, I fear, more acute than our sense of good, we become the victims of our feelings, unless we can in some degree command them (Acute Quotes)
There is among doctors, in acute hospitals at least, a presumption of stupidity in their patients (Acute Quotes)
Long before I wrote stories, I listened for stories. Listening for them is something more acute than listening to them (Acute Quotes)
Strictly speaking, there is but one real evil: I mean acute pain. All other complaints are so considerably diminished by time that it is plain the grief is owing to our passion, since the sensation of it vanishes when that is over (Acute Quotes)
I remember the days of my youth when everything was new and bright; when the mind was always questing, searching, absorbing; when the pain of love was so acute it could suffocate, and the days when joy was delirious (Acute Quotes)
In the dog two conditions were found to produce pathological disturbances by functional interference, namely, an unusually acute clashing of the excitatory and inhibitory processes, and the influence of strong and extraordinary stimuli. In man precisely similar conditions constitute the usual causes of nervous and psychic disturbances. Different conditions productive of extreme excitation, such as intense grief or bitter insults, often lead, when the natural reactions are inhibited by the necessary restraint, to profound and prolonged loss of balance in nervous and psychic activity (Acute Quotes)
Sentimental assertions are always a form of detachment; they confront the acute, terrible awareness of individual pain, the sharp particularity of loss or the fierce individuality of passion with the dulling universal certainty of platitude (Acute Quotes)
Although two thirds of our planet is water, we face an acute water shortage. The water crisis is the most pervasive, most severe, and most invisible dimension of the ecological devastation of the earth (Acute Quotes)
I think we all suffer from acute blindness at times. Life is a constant journey of trying to open your eyes. I’m just beginning my journey, and my eyes aren’t fully open yet (Acute Quotes)
A certain combination of incompetence and indifference can cause almost as much suffering as the most acute malevolence (Acute Quotes)
Suicide is a particularly awful way to die: the mental suffering leading up to it is usually prolonged, intense and unpalliated. There is no morphine equivalent to ease the acute pain, and death, not uncommonly, is violent and grisly. The suffering of a suicidal is private and inexpressible, leaving family members, friends and colleagues to deal with an almost unfathomable kind of loss, as well as guilt. Suicide carries in its aftermath a level of confusion and devastation that is, for the most part, beyond description (Acute Quotes)
The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute disease by drug poisoning (Acute Quotes)
To chart a course, one must have a direction. In reality, the eye is no better than the philosophy behind it. The photographer creates, evolves a better, a more selective, more acute seeing eye by looking ever more sharply at what is going on in the world (Acute Quotes)
I’m a much better filmmaker than painter. But studying it did make me visually acute and taught me lessons like being economic: Say something once and you don’t have to say it again (Acute Quotes)
Why does the longing for love have to be so acute, like a desperate thirst? Is it because love is wanting to be saved and we can never really be saved? Maybe love is really born of our fears. Love is the heart’s desire for a painkiller; a tearful plea for a great big epidural. Yes that’s it: love is the only anesthesia that really works. And so people with broken hearts are really those who are just coming to, and if you’ve ever seen someone come out of general anesthesia, you know that it looks a lot like the beginnings of a broken heart (Acute Quotes)
The animals were happy as they had never conceived it possible to be. Every mouthful of food was an acute positive pleasure, now that it was truly their own food, produced by themselves and for themselves, not doled out to them by a grudging master (Acute Quotes)
All the arts are based on the senses. What they do for the person who practices them, and also the persons interested in them, is make that particular sense more active and more acute (Acute Quotes)
There are selections so acute that they come to define a place, with the result that we can no longer travel through that landscape without being reminded of what a great artist noticed there (Acute Quotes)
When we are suddenly released from an acute absorbing bodily pain, our heart and senses leap out in new freedom; we think even the noise of streets harmonious, and are ready to hug the tradesman who is wrapping up our change (Acute Quotes)
A desire that has never been fulfilled is considerably less acute than one that has been fulfilled and then checked at the source (Acute Quotes)
When I breathe down my nose to say how do you do to a horse, it can hear that breath at anything up to twenty yards, for horses have the most acute sense of hearing (Acute Quotes)
The acute experience of great beauty readily evokes a nameless yearning for something more than earth can offer. Elegant splendor reawakens our spirit’s aching need for the infinite, a hunger for more than matter can provide (Acute Quotes)
Creativity and insight almost always involve an experience of acute pattern recognition: the eureka moment in which we perceive the interconnection between disparate concepts or ideas to reveal something new (Acute Quotes)
The world can now maintain an acute infection in a way that is unprecedented in the history of life on our planet (Acute Quotes)
He that can carp in the most eloquent or acute manner at the weakness of the human mind is held by his fellows as almost divine (Acute Quotes)
I find the pain of a little censure, even when it is unfounded, is more acute than the pleasure of much praise (Acute Quotes)
People think that their world will get smaller as they get older. My experience is just the opposite. Your senses become more acute. You start to blossom (Acute Quotes)