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I know that my cell phone in Iran... is bugged, and they listen in, and my emails, I’m sure, are monitored inside Iran. They have my email address; it’s not like they can’t snoop on it  (Address Quotes) A self-help book can’t really address a problem unless it’s individualized. It’s not going to talk about a globalized problem  (Address Quotes) We’ve patented the idea... of using the address book as a place to declare that you like a brand. By so doing, the brand has now got your permission to send you personal messages - it could be money off offers, coupons, promotions, just information, whatever is appropriate  (Address Quotes) There is a central flaw in contemporary culture and a corresponding and related inability to address it. Society seems somehow unable to adequately help or protect itself. Normal citizens feel powerless, isolated and disturbed  (Address Quotes) There are no movie references that I can think of in ‘Robopocalypse.’ However, there are tons of personal references. For example, the IP address that Lurker tracks actually goes back to the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where I studied robotics  (Address Quotes) I think that idea of alienation, for whatever reason, is still very prevalent within our society and a lot of people deal with it - most people deal with it at some point in their life unless they’re sort of the golden child. I think that’s something that we all need to address  (Address Quotes) I think there’s a lot of shame in American race relations. There’s a lot of suppressed guilt that lashes itself out still. I see that all the time, and whereas opposed to sort of trying to address the issue in an up-front way, they’re attacking and thus perpetuating the problem thinking that they’re being sophisticated and post-racial, when, in fact, they’re being completely regressive  (Address Quotes) I find that all these subjects that I’m dealing with tend to lead me to religion and politics one way or another. It’s not something that I necessarily want to address, but it seems like it’s screaming at me to pay attention to it  (Address Quotes) It seemed inevitable to try to address my feelings about everything that had happened. To a certain degree, it felt cathartic, but it’s less cathartic to me than it is illuminating and helping me navigate my own feelings  (Address Quotes) With time environmental issues got much more complicated. It is pretty easy, if you know what you are doing, to stop a company from pouring poison into a lake where kids swim. It is much harder to address all the myriad greenhouse gases emitted by different sources - from petrochemical refineries to hundreds of millions of peasants cutting down trees for their incredibly inefficient cook stoves  (Address Quotes) Climate change will impact most heavily on the disadvantaged. If we don’t address these impacts, as well as growing income inequalities, we are marching blindly toward major breakdowns in security, governance, and public welfare  (Address Quotes) In a perfect world, I would never give another speech, address, talk, lecture or whatever as long as I live  (Address Quotes) Abraham Lincoln wrote a poem about me once. You might know it as the Gettysburg Address. Men with beards are romantic  (Address Quotes) Many company policies restrict use of E-mail, limit access to offensive Web sites and prohibit disclosure of confidential information. Few policies, if any, directly address personal Web pages  (Address Quotes) ...Any definition of a culture of peace must address the problem of achieving justice for communities and individuals who do not have the means to compete or cope without structured assistance and compassionate help  (Address Quotes) A constructive approach to diplomacy doesn’t mean relinquishing one’s rights. It means engaging with one’s counterparts, on the basis of equal footing and mutual respect, to address shared concerns and achieve shared objectives  (Address Quotes) Men love watches with multiple functions. My husband has one that is a combination address book, telescope and piano.  (Address Quotes) I have a beautiful address book a friend gave me in 1966. I literally cannot open it again. Ever. It sits on the shelf with over a hundred names crossed out. What is there to say? There are no words. I’ll never understand why it happened to us.  (Address Quotes) All good children’s books, I think, address metaphysical issues in some kind of way  (Address Quotes) Size matters in fiction, but so does lack of size. Everything else being equal, fat novels tend to be perceived as serious, very thin ones as more honest, more real. Writers address these age-old expectations by filling their big books with philosophy and cramming their little ones with feeling.  (Address Quotes) Banning books is just another form of bullying. It’s all about fear and an assumption of power. The key is to address the fear and deny the power.  (Address Quotes) Science is one of the comparative advantages of our knowledge-based economy, and focusing on our prowess in providing better tools to address diseases of poverty is one of the best forms of foreign aid.  (Address Quotes) Consumer sales depend on the habits and behaviors of consumers, and those who manipulate consumer markets cannot but address behavior and attitude. That is presumably the object of the multibillion-dollar global advertising industry. Tea drinkers are improbable prospects for Coke sales.  (Address Quotes) So, we’re saying, if we can give developers and builders incentives to cut down on the regulatory barriers that are faced in this country, then we might be able to address the needs of affordable housing.  (Address Quotes) Sadly, if President Obama is willing to ignore the pain of race-based discrimination and injustice so as to make whites comfortable - and this, after he has already been elected and the campaign is long over - then the likelihood he will ever speak the truth about these matters, let alone address them, shrinks to nearly zero.  (Address Quotes) I am going to ensure that LGBTQ Americans have full equality under the law and address the urgent crisis of violence against transgender women of color.  (Address Quotes) On one level, bombing ISIS is easy. The U.S. knows where the group operates. There’s no need for a ten-year hunt like the one for Osama bin Laden. The terror group has two capital cities: Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria. Al-Qaeda never had such an obvious home address.  (Address Quotes) There are amazing teachers, but the system doesn’t always allow them to address the individual needs of a child.  (Address Quotes) We cannot negotiate with people who say what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.[ The Berlin Crisis: Radio and Television Address to the American People (The White House, July 25, 1961)]  (Address Quotes) Any art worthy of its name should address ‘life’, ‘man’, ‘nature’, ‘death’ and ‘tragedy’.  (Address Quotes)
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