Adolf Eichmann Quotes

Text Quotes
We shall meet again. I have believed in God. I obeyed the laws of war and was loyal to my flag (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
Long live Germany. Long live Austria. Long live Argentina. These are the countries with which I have been most closely associated and I shall not forget them. I had to obey the rules of war and my flag. I am ready (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient and taking orders is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one’s need to think. (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one’s own need to think. (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
To sum it all up, I must say that I regret nothing (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
Repentance is for little children (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
I was one of the many horses pulling the wagon and couldn’t escape left or right because of the will of the driver (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one’s own need to think (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
I will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have five million human beings on my conscience is for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
My political sentiments inclined toward the left and emphasized the socialist aspects every bit as much as nationalist ones (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient and taking orders is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one’s own need to think (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
Whether they were bank directors or mental cases, the people who were loaded on those trains meant nothing to me. It was really none of my business (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)
I witnessed the gruesome workings of the machinery of death; gear meshed with gear, like clockwork. It was the biggest and most enormous dance of death of all times (Adolf Eichmann Quotes)