Adults Quotes

Text Quotes
Al Gore announced Tuesday that he plans to launch a 24-hour cable news network for young adults. Gore claims he’s been wanting to do this since he invented cable TV in the 1990s. (Adults Quotes)
Cohabitation seems a greater leap in cities because it’s all the harder to extract oneself if things turn sour. It’s what keeps otherwise functional adults living with their mothers. (Adults Quotes)
Our relationships, relationships between adults, how all those pieces fit together - that’s the most complicated thing we all face. (Adults Quotes)
It’s something like 70% of American adults are obese, and the rest of them are women on Ally McBeal. (Adults Quotes)
My family was very unorthodox. My mother was very eccentric and amazing. She always treated us like adults. (Adults Quotes)
When you’re an only child, you get very used to pleasing the adults around you (Adults Quotes)
Giraffes are completely tranquil - they have no predators as adults because there’s not an animal in the jungle stupid enough to go for them. (Adults Quotes)
Time spent in nature decreases stress and anxiety and improves focus for adults as well as children. (Adults Quotes)
The people who are getting 3-D printers at home are pioneers, kind of like the people who bought Apple IIs in 1981. Adults are usually the last people to get it. The kids are like, ‘Get out of my way, I want at this thing.’ They immediately start getting creative. (Adults Quotes)
It’s important that the adults appreciate that young people are capable of doing really astounding work. (Adults Quotes)
Sixty-six percent is the literacy rate in the Arab world. We have 58 million illiterate among adults in our part of the world. (Adults Quotes)
You have, unfortunately, a K-12 educational system where the requirements to graduate are not the requirements to be college and career-ready. So if you want young adults who are college and career-ready, our K-12 system right now does not have that as its standard. (Adults Quotes)
One of these days we’re gonna have to grow up, have to get real jobs and be adults, someday, just not today. (Adults Quotes)
What was there before the Big Bang?’ That’s a question that both kids and adults love to pose to anyone who seems sympathetic. After all, if the universe has only been around for roughly 14 billion years, isn’t it legitimate to ask what was in existence before the mother-of-all-events cranked up the cosmos? (Adults Quotes)
Normal adults can doodle, amble, and drift with no need to assess risk, since there is normally no risk at all. Jazz improvisation seems less subject to standards of risk than surgery, and less than much formal athletic performance, as in a tennis match. (Adults Quotes)
Young adults enrolled in universities and colleges or other postsecondary training should avail themselves of the opportunity to take institute of religion courses or, if attending a Church school, should take at least one religion course every term. (Adults Quotes)
By including children with different learning abilities in mainstream and specialized schools, we can change attitudes and promote respect. By creating suitable jobs for adults with autism, we integrate them into society. (Adults Quotes)
I’ve always wanted to be a part of that experience of writing to an audience that is just starting to fall in love with books. When I felt that my writing for adults had become cemented, I decided to write a YA series. (Adults Quotes)
I don’t think too much about the audience when I’m writing... I’m aware that ‘Holes’ was read by kids as young as 8, up to adults. (Adults Quotes)
I know I’m writing better now than I ever did for adults because I’m writing for an audience who know that they don’t know everything. (Adults Quotes)
I love writing for young adults because they are such a wonderful audience, they are good readers, and they care about the books they read. (Adults Quotes)
When I turned 11, my dad decorated a room at the Standard hotel in Los Angeles in a 60s, Austin Powers style. There was human bowling: You run inside a giant inflatable ball and try to knock down pins. To this day, adults say it was one of the craziest parties they’ve ever been to. (Adults Quotes)
Young adults living with a stutter is hard work. How do they handle job interviews? What do they do when the phone rings? How do they ‘chat someone up’? All these things the average person takes for granted prove to be a stammerer’s biggest challenge. (Adults Quotes)
My parents called me their wise little baby. I was mature when I was 4 or 5. My brother and sister were older, so I was raised by four adults. (Adults Quotes)
Our eyes and brains pretty consistently like some human forms better than others. Shown photos of strangers, even babies look longer at the faces adults rank the best-looking. (Adults Quotes)
Children, as I have said, use back ways and hidden paths, while adults take roads and official paths. (Adults Quotes)
I think young adults get a bad rap for being self-absorbed and self-centered. My experience going around the United States and speaking in schools is that teenagers here are very interested in the fate of their peers around the world. (Adults Quotes)
Despite this lamentable lack of balance in our education I do not believe that either children or adults in my country are permeated by a widespread hostility to Germany. (Adults Quotes)
Children and even adults, when they like certain athletes, they can tell you about their batting average, about where they came from. (Adults Quotes)
Generally I find that kids ask better questions than you get with adults. Something that kids will do a lot is, they’re so nervous, and they’re not really paying attention, so they’ll ask the same question someone just asked. And you’re trying to be nice and not embarrass them any more than they are already. (Adults Quotes)