Adults Quotes

Text Quotes
As far as I’m concerned, you either read books for children, or you read books for adults (Adults Quotes)
Children will often write, ‘We love your books because there are no adults in them.’ (Adults Quotes)
I think there are probably just as many adults who would miss the humor of my books, if not more, as there are children. (Adults Quotes)
Good Times’ is a story about the loss of innocence, how adults are responsible for their actions but children aren’t. (Adults Quotes)
We learn differently as children than as adults. For grown-ups, learning a new skill is painful, attention-demanding, and slow. Children learn unconsciously and effortlessly. (Adults Quotes)
I always listen, I ask children, I even ask adults in tennis, What are your children playing? And most of the time it’s not tennis. It’s pathetic. (Adults Quotes)
Children smile 400 times a day on average ... adults 15 times. Children laugh 150 times a day ... adults 6 times per day. Children play between 4-6 hours a day ... adults only 20 minutes a day. What’s happened? (Adults Quotes)
Reading with children is an enormous gift to them. It’s a great honor to invite children to read with adults. (Adults Quotes)
Schools connect children to their communities. Jobs connect adults to their societies. Persons with autism deserve to walk the same path. (Adults Quotes)
There’s only one test of a great children’s book, or a great children’s film, and that is this: If it can be read or viewed with pleasure by adults, then it has the chance to be a great children’s film, or a great children’s book. (Adults Quotes)
Many adults feel that every children’s book has to teach them something.... My theory is a children’s book... can be just for fun. (Adults Quotes)
I labored for eight years thinking I was writing a book for adults that was a nostalgic look back on childhood. Then my publisher informed me I’d written a children’s book. (Adults Quotes)
I labored for eight years thinking that I was writing a book for adults that was a nostalgic look back on childhood. Then my publisher informed me I’d written a children’s book. (Adults Quotes)
Life isn’t so complicated for children. They have more time to think about the really important things. That’s why I occasionally moralise in my children’s books in a way I wouldn’t dare when writing for adults. (Adults Quotes)
A huge part of what a kid learns when they’re growing up is social and emotional development. As adults, we take it for granted that other people have emotions that are different from ours, and we can identify what they are, but those are skills that children have to learn. (Adults Quotes)
With teenagers, the emotions are higher and things are more dramatic. That doesn’t mean adults don’t also act like children in their own way. (Adults Quotes)
Of the primary emotions, fear is the one that bears most directly on survival. Children show fear. Adults try not to, maybe because it’s shameful, or, in some circumstances, dangerous. The fear response is automatic, though, and your body runs through its reflexes whether you want it to or not. (Adults Quotes)
I think any good literature, whether it’s for children or for adults, will appeal to everybody. As far as children’s literature goes, adults should be able to read it and enjoy it as much as a child would. (Adults Quotes)
No one spoke in terms of children’s literature, as opposed to adult literature, until around the 1940s. It wasn’t categorised much before then. Even Grimm’s tales were written for adults. But it is true that ever since ‘Harry Potter’ there has been a renaissance in fantasy literature. J. K. Rowling opened the door again. (Adults Quotes)
You’ll notice that my books offer great variety. Some are for adults, some for children and some for teens. There are mysteries, historical novels, picture books, love stories and stories of crisis and courage. (Adults Quotes)
Even the very youngest children already are perfectly able to discriminate between the imaginary and the real, whether in books or movies or in their own pretend play. Children with the most elaborate and beloved imaginary friends will gently remind overenthusiastic adults that these companions are, after all, just pretend. (Adults Quotes)
Children are gentle and heed. Adults are tough and seize. Wise men and women have the strength and flexibility to do what’s right. (Adults Quotes)
I find writing for children much easier. I don’t mean it’s less demanding - you’ve got to have a talent for it and you’ve got to work very hard - but you don’t have to pull your guts out and lay them on the line in quite the same way as when you’re writing for adults. (Adults Quotes)
Adults sometimes think children don’t think. That’s what propels them to order children around. But children do integrate thoughts and make sense of them. When I was a child, I thought about everything in the universe. (Adults Quotes)
Robots already perform many functions, from making cars to defusing bombs - or, more menacingly, firing missiles. Children and adults play with toy robots, while vacuum-cleaning robots are sucking up dirt in a growing number of homes and - as evidenced by YouTube videos - entertaining cats. (Adults Quotes)
The greatest service that can be offered to children who show personality traits or inclinations that might not be understood by the adults around them is to allow them to express their own unique humanity. (Adults Quotes)
Libertarians believe consenting adults have the right to do whatever they choose, except band together. (Adults Quotes)
I think it just helps to be very aware that fundamentally, there are no adults. Everyone is making it up as they go along. You have to find your own path, picking, choosing, taking and discarding as you see fit. (Adults Quotes)
Adults are tempted to produce and perform Christmas for their kids and their families, and they arrive at Christmas Day weary and disillusioned. (Adults Quotes)
God knows it’s a sign of a really sick mind to see grown people, adults with responsibilities, wearing class rings. (Adults Quotes)