Adults Quotes

Text Quotes
Adults often assume that most learning is the result of teaching and that exploratory, spontaneous learning is unusual. But actually, spontaneous learning is more fundamental (Adults Quotes)
My book group has one rule: no books for adults. We read young adult fiction only (Adults Quotes)
A lot of adults don’t think it’s their place to interfere with kids. I interfere all the time (Adults Quotes)
I think that inside every adult is the heart of a child. We just gradually convince ourselves that we have to act more like adults (Adults Quotes)
It’s important that adults get along with each other for the child’s sake, and that is our situation (Adults Quotes)
To be honest, I think kids have got a lot more going on than adults. They’ve got their heads screwed on a lot better (Adults Quotes)
I think that children that are acting are always pretty savvy anyway because you’re conducting yourself around adults a lot of the time, aren’t you? But there is this worry now that children just want to be famous (Adults Quotes)
I was aware too how strange adults were, how theirs lives were vaster than they wanted anyone to realize, that they actually stretched on and on like deserts, dry and desolate, with an unpredictable, shifting sea of dunes (Adults Quotes)
Adults always wonder what to say and how to say it when they’re talking to a child. You want to be wise, but all you are is a child yourself in a larger body. Nothing is ever what it seems. The things that you think you know are never certain. I know that now. I wish that I didn’t, but I do (Adults Quotes)
Time can play all sorts of tricks on you. In the blink of an eye, babies appear in carriages, coffins disappear into the ground, wars are won and lost, and children transform, like butterflies, into adults (Adults Quotes)
We take pictures because we can’t accept that everything passes, we can’t accept that the repetition of a moment is an impossibility. We wage a monotonous war against our own impending deaths, against time that turns children into that other, lesser species: adults. We take pictures because we know we will forget. We will forget the week, the day, the hour. We will forget when we were happiest. We take pictures out of pride, a desire to have the best of ourselve preserved. We fear that we will die and others will not know we lived (Adults Quotes)
Maybe there are moments between any two adults in love when the age of one of them dissolves before the other’s eyes, when the first refuge of the soul at its creation is laid bare and skinless as a sunbeam through a window. Innocence and vulnerability, two unmeasurable quantities... Perhaps that is the essence of the protection’s intimacy, that it dwells in camouflage and justifies itself in stillness (Adults Quotes)
And for adults, the world of fantasy books returns to us the great words of power which, in order to be tamed, we have excised from our adult vocabularies. These words are the pornography of innocence, words which adults no longer use with other adults, and so we laugh at them and consign them to the nursery, fear masking as cynicism. These are the words that were forged in the earth, air, fire, and water of human existence, and the words are: Love. Hate. Good. Evil. Courage. Honor. Truth (Adults Quotes)
He’s convinced most human adults do not know how to play anymore and that playing is one of the best ways to think. Franky finds children, by far, much more pleasant and intelligent than most adults, but they are easily ruined by their families, schools, and society. He says one of the ways they are ruined is by being forced to think of all the tasks that need to be done as work, not as play. It takes the joy out of living (Adults Quotes)
The mind, placed before any kind of difficulty, can find an ideal outlet in the absurd. Accommodation to the absurd readmits adults to the mysterious realm inhabited by children (Adults Quotes)
I had trouble listening to adults who didn’t really mean anything that they said; it was as if their language poured into my ears only to drain right out a little spigot in the back of my head (Adults Quotes)
... You don’t always get what you expect. I wish someone, sometime when I was growing up, would have told me what expectations would get me... Our parents, schools, everyone tells us things will be a certain way when we’re adults and if they’re not that way, we should make them be; or at least pretend. But after a certain point that just doesn’t work (Adults Quotes)
No one can survive childhood without being wounded. Everyone remembers at least one time when their parents rejected them, pushed them away, even though they may have still been in the womb, blind, and unable to speak. That’s why, as adults, we all look for someone to become our parents again, and for someone to look after us in times of need. And we search for a person to live with who can provide the companionship we so desperately want (Adults Quotes)
There are fairy stories to be written for adults. Stories that are still in a green state (Adults Quotes)
Adults are constantly telling teenagers that it’s what’s on the inside that matters. It’s always painful to find out that adults have lied to you (Adults Quotes)
I was frightened by the optimism of adults, their stupid trust in science to treat a troubled heart. Afraid of their obsession with believing they have to treat troubled kids. I just wanted them to leave me alone, so how come they didn’t get it? But that’s the way it always is (Adults Quotes)
Children are often envied for their supposed imaginations, but the truth is that adults imagine things far more than children do. Most adults wander the world deliberately blind, living only inside their heads, in their fantasies, in their memories and worries, oblivious to the present, only aware of the past or future (Adults Quotes)
This ability to exist in pieces is what some adults call resilience. And I suppose in some way it is a kind of resilience, a horrible resilience that makes adults believe children forget trauma (Adults Quotes)
My head grew muddled with it all; the silly ways adults acted with one another, never saying what they meant, trusting in sighs and glances and distance to speak for them instead. How dangerous that was! How easy it must be to misinterpret a sigh or a look (Adults Quotes)
He hated it when adults told him he only felt the way he did because he was young. As if being young was like being insane or drunk, like the convictions he held were hallucinations caused by a mental illness that could only be cured by waiting five years (Adults Quotes)
Adults always acted like they could fix everything. But they can’t. And they know it (Adults Quotes)
I don’t think anyone ever remembers what they were really like as kids. Adults think they do, but they don’t. Photos and videos don’t capture the real you, or bring back to life the person you used to be. You have to return to the past to do that (Adults Quotes)
It is, I suppose, the common grief of children at having to protect their parents from reality. It is bitter for the young to see what awful innocence adults grow into, that terrible vulnerability that must be sheltered from the rodent mire of childhood (Adults Quotes)
O, to be sure, we laugh less and play less and wear uncomfortable disguises like adults, but beneath the costume is the child we always are, whose needs are simple, whose daily life is still best described by fairy tales (Adults Quotes)
The wish to be understood may be our most vengeful demand, may be the way we hang on, as asults, to our grudge against our mothers; the way we never let our mothers off the hook for their not meeting our every need. Wanting to be understood, as adults, can be our most violent form of nostalgia (Adults Quotes)