Advance Quotes

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Your point of view sets you up well in advance for how you view the events as they unfold (Advance Quotes)
Nature will not let us stay in any one place for too long. She will let us stay just long enough to gather the experience necessary to the unfolding and advancement of the soul. This is a wise provision, for should we stay there too long, we would become too set, too rigid, too inflexible. Nature demands change in order that we may advance (Advance Quotes)
I always had an existential crisis, trying to figure out ‘what does it all mean?’ I came to the conclusion that if we can advance the knowledge of the world, if we can expand the scope and scale of consciousness, then, we’re better able to ask the right questions and become more enlightened. That’s the only way to move forward (Advance Quotes)
I don’t know in advance what I am going to put on canvas any more than I decide beforehand what colours I am going to use (Advance Quotes)
The sign is determined at the moment I use it and for the object of which it must form a part. For this reason I cannot determine in advance signs which never change, and which would be like writing: that would paralyze the freedom of my invention (Advance Quotes)
All the students have shown more advance in two months of summer study than they have in a year of ordinary instruction, largely due to their free and wholesome life in the open air (Advance Quotes)
When we are working at a difficult task and strive after a good thing, we are fighting a righteous battle, the direct reward of which is that we are kept from much evil. As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed. Indeed life is a have to defend and protect ourselves, and with a cheerful and brace spirit we must battle; we plan and calculate in order to make progress (Advance Quotes)
I know well enough in advance that you’ll find my paintings perfect. I know that if they are exhibited they’ll be a great success, but I couldn’t be more indifferent to it since I know they are bad, I’m certain of it (Advance Quotes)
It may indeed prove to be far the most difficult and not the least important task for human reason rationally to comprehend its own limitations. It is essential for the growth of reason that as individuals we should bow to forces and obey principles which we cannot hope fully to understand, yet on which the advance and even the preservation of civilization depend (Advance Quotes)
Humiliating to human pride as it may be, we must recognize that the advance and even the preservation of civilization are dependent upon a maximum of opportunity for accidents to happen (Advance Quotes)
I have few illusions: the cause is lost in advance. As for me, I do my part, which is to drag a fairly drab existence to its conclusion (Advance Quotes)
When schemes are laid in advance, it is surprising how often the circumstances will fit in with them (Advance Quotes)
The country which is in advance of the rest of the world in chemistry will also be foremost in wealth and in general prosperity (Advance Quotes)
Seek to advance your fortunes in this world. Set up a strong base so that you can practice your spirituality and be of service to others. This is purity to (Advance Quotes)
Use your mind to discriminate. Choose to advance yourself, to bring more purity into your being (Advance Quotes)
There’s no battered woman alive who didn’t know in advance that the man was bad (Advance Quotes)
My job is to keep my eye on the ball and to stay focused on what can we get done every single day to advance the vision and values that brought me here (Advance Quotes)
Wild as man was, and disgusting as the more degraded tribes and communities were, the best of them, and all those from which further advance came, were marked by good qualities, or they could never have risen to a higher stage (Advance Quotes)
Writing is a process of discovery of what you really do know. You can’t limit yourself in advance to what you know, because you don’t know everything you know (Advance Quotes)
Who aspires to remain leader must keep in advance of his column. His fear must not play traitor to his occasions. The instant he falls into line with his followers, a bolder spirit may throw himself at the head of the movement initiated, and in that moment his leadership is gone (Advance Quotes)
With the advance of refrigeration, I hope that along with the frozen foods someday we will have frozen conversation. A person will be able to keep a frozen promise indefinitely (Advance Quotes)
I just want to apologize in advance that I don’t have enough subpoenas for all of you (Advance Quotes)
The reveries of the dreamer advance his hopes, but not their realization. One good hour of earnest work is worth them all (Advance Quotes)
There is a fulness of time when men should go, and not occupy too long the ground to which others have a right to advance (Advance Quotes)
I think for me, what I’m doing on set is I’m watching things happen as an audience member and trying to just look at, what’s the image we’re photographing, how will that advance the story and what will the next image be (Advance Quotes)
Beginning to reason is like stepping onto an escalator that leads upward and out of sight. Once we take the first step, the distance to be traveled is independent of our will and we cannot know in advance where we shall end (Advance Quotes)
Poets are always the advance guard of literature; the advance guard of life. It is for this reason that their recognition comes so slowly (Advance Quotes)
Writers don’t seem to benefit much by the advance of science, although they thrive on superstitions of all kinds (Advance Quotes)
Science differs from politics or religion, in precisely this one discipline: we agree in advance to simply reject our own findings when they have been shown to be in error (Advance Quotes)
Don’t put anything into a story that does not reveal character or advance the action (Advance Quotes)