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I feel like I’ve been blessed with some athletic ability and I’d like to take advantage of it  (Advantage Quotes) Producers and studios want to make movies that are more appealing internationally and I think that you have to use your different cultures as an advantage to be able to make those movies  (Advantage Quotes) Increasing your repertoire has the advantage that you don’t have to give up enjoying what you already like: it is always easier to add new behaviors than to deny your deepest desires  (Advantage Quotes) My career has sort of been characterized by taking advantage of the changes in the marketplace, sometimes by design, sometimes by accident  (Advantage Quotes) In this new digital landscape, this sort of international marketplace, it’s come full circle, and I wanted to take advantage of my talent relations on both sides of the Atlantic  (Advantage Quotes) I just want to be in the moment and enjoy the outdoors and nature. Be able to take advantage of all the things God provided for us. That would be really nice  (Advantage Quotes) Great opportunity is only as good as your preparation to take advantage of it  (Advantage Quotes) I hope to take advantage of the Netflix organism and see if there are ways to get in new material and see if there are ways to do deleted scenes  (Advantage Quotes) The government needs a role in carrying out exploration. They will be leading the development of the engines that are needed, and the private sector will take advantage of those  (Advantage Quotes) I had the great advantage of a mother who used to tell me the most beautiful years of a woman’s life are ages 35 to 45  (Advantage Quotes) I don’t think there is any advantage to digital unless it’s in a case like Slumdog Millionaire, where you have to get a shot and a big bulky film camera is out of the question  (Advantage Quotes) The simplest strategy for bouts of noxious flatus is to not care. Or perhaps to take advantage of a gastroenterologist I know: get a dog. (To blame.)  (Advantage Quotes) I was a magnet for people who want to take advantage of people like me, who think they’re part of this life but they’re not  (Advantage Quotes) For some reason when I decide to pursue something, I never have any fear that it won’t happen. I think it’s just ingrained in my brain. Which I guess is a great advantage  (Advantage Quotes) We don’t have to have suffered brain damage to take advantage of the plastic nature of our brains  (Advantage Quotes) It [is of] some advantage to live a primitive and frontier life, though in the midst of an outward civilization, if only to learn what are the gross necessities of life  (Advantage Quotes) Mandates are rarely won on election night. They are earned after Inauguration Day by leaders who spend their political capital wisely, taking advantage of events without overreaching  (Advantage Quotes) One advantage of a monarchy is that a monarchy does not suffer the effects of having great clots of white Christians moping around simply because they aren’t the king or queen  (Advantage Quotes) I assess the power of a will by how much resistance, pain, torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage  (Advantage Quotes) People take your kindness for weakness and then act like you switched up on them when you finally stop being taken advantage of  (Advantage Quotes) Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood  (Advantage Quotes) The advantage of a bad memory is that one can enjoy the same good things for the first time several times  (Advantage Quotes) The value of time, that is of being a little ahead of your opponent, often provides greater advantage than superior numbers or greater resources  (Advantage Quotes) People make mistakes and I’m certainly not saying you [Bernie Sanders] did it for any kind of financial advantage  (Advantage Quotes) In the midst of difficulties we are always ready to seize an advantage, we may extricate ourselves from misfortune  (Advantage Quotes) To all my haters, I realize you only have one advantage over me. You can kiss my ass and I can’t!  (Advantage Quotes) Winners understand that there’s a time and a place for not being nice. It’s when you’re being taken advantage of  (Advantage Quotes) Even though you’re now highly educated, don’t dismiss the advantage of dressing a little slutty for job interviews  (Advantage Quotes) The willingness to trust others even when you know you may be taken advantage of is the cornerstone of becoming civilized  (Advantage Quotes) To this hour, the great science and duty of politics is lowered by the petty leaven of small and personal advantage  (Advantage Quotes)
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