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The habit of analysis, the ability to get under the surface of things and at the vital essentials, gives a man a tremendous advantage  (Advantage Quotes) Being too nice, people take advantage. Being a jerk, people hate you. So hard to please everyone. Best is just keep quiet  (Advantage Quotes) I’ve seen good people in life, who give give give only to have their kindness be taken advantage of  (Advantage Quotes) When you have an advantage, you are obliged to attack; otherwise you are endangered to lose the advantage  (Advantage Quotes) Nice guys finish last because they make sure they put their woman first which would be fine if women didn’t always take advantage of it and mistake being a gentleman for weakness  (Advantage Quotes) There are only two ways to establish competitive advantage: do things better than others or do them differently  (Advantage Quotes) I literally think it’s impossible to be nice without being taken advantage of  (Advantage Quotes) It’s perfectly legal to be stupid at times but some people just completely take advantage  (Advantage Quotes) Time doesn’t wait on anyone. Take advantage of every opportunity you get  (Advantage Quotes) I was always in the right place at the right time, always willing to take advantage of an opportunity  (Advantage Quotes) In the battle for survival the ignorant man has a considerable advantage  (Advantage Quotes) Control your expenses better than your competition. This is where you can always find the competitive advantage  (Advantage Quotes) Never throw yourself at someone, it makes you look desperate, and it can lead to you being taken advantage of  (Advantage Quotes) Let the sexes mutually forgive each other their follies; or, what is much better, let them combine their talents for their general advantage  (Advantage Quotes) Cancer’s can find that being over committed to others can lead to a feeling of being taken advantage of  (Advantage Quotes) The advantage that hospitals have over other institutions is that hospitals are community-based. You can’t outsource your work; you can’t move your emergency department to Pakistan  (Advantage Quotes) I had an opportunity to be in Frank’s [Sinatra] circle, but I couldn’t take advantage of it because I couldn’t get over how awed I was by him. It was so uncomfortable for me because he meant so much to me, but I just couldn’t be myself, so I fled rather than having those great nights hanging out  (Advantage Quotes) I never stay with people and I never look people up when I travel. I depend more on just chance meetings. The advantage is that people don’t know who I am. I meet people casually and they’re not doing me a big favor because I’m going to write something  (Advantage Quotes) It is often asserted that woman owes all the advantages of the position she occupies to-day to Christianity, but the facts of history show that the Christian Church has done nothing specifically for woman’s elevation. In the general march of civilization, she has necessarily reaped the advantage of man’s higher development, but we must not claim for Christianity all that has been achieved by science, discovery and invention  (Advantage Quotes) I think it’s helpful for kids to know that their parents weren’t perfect, that they messed up and learned from their mistakes. So be open about some of your own struggles or express gratitude that your kids are taking advantage of the opportunities they have instead of squandering many of them, the way you did  (Advantage Quotes) The only reason anyone would sell salt more cheaply than usual would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect for the sweat and struggle of the man who laboured to produce it  (Advantage Quotes) I wonder whether I should gain anything by the attempt to assume a character which is not mine. My wavering manner, born of doubt and scruple, has at least the advantage of rendering all the different shades of my thought, and of being sincere. If it were to become terse, affirmative, resolute, would it not be a mere imitation?  (Advantage Quotes) One way of opening ourselves up to new opportunities is to make conscious efforts to look differently at our ordinary situations. Doing so allows a person to see the world as one rife with possibility and to take advantage of some of those possibilities if they seem worth pursuing  (Advantage Quotes) This is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration. There are a million people a year who legally immigrate to the United States, and people feel like we’re being taken advantage of  (Advantage Quotes) She [Hillary Clinton] is the epitome of the progressive - the secular progressive movement. And she counts on the fact that people are uninformed, the Alinsky Model, taking advantage of useful idiots  (Advantage Quotes) You have an advantage if you win. I always think it’s best to be remembered as a winner rather than as the runner-up. It’s definitely more fun getting the gold than it is the silver  (Advantage Quotes) Science, as illustrated by the printing press, the telegraph, the railway, is a double-edged sword. At the same moment that it puts an enormous power in the hands of the good man, it also offers an equal advantage to the evil disposed  (Advantage Quotes) I always loved strange stories like the Dr. Seuss stuff. ‘Go, Dog. Go!’ was one of my favorite stories - it still is. It’s just such a bizarre yet true book. And I did well reading and writing as a kid throughout school. I think early on that’s what made me realize what an advantage that is  (Advantage Quotes) I realized that it’s my own fault that people take advantage of me. I should be around people who cherish my talents, my health, my time. I’m not a pawn for anyone’s future business. I’m an artist. I deserve better than to be loyal to people who only believe in me because I make money  (Advantage Quotes) I’ve been deadline-driven for my whole grown-up life, and that hasn’t gone away. It is nice to be able to reflect about the big picture, about what kind of stories you want to tell, and how to take advantage of success  (Advantage Quotes)
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